God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1302: opponent

The first thousand three hundred and two chapters of the opponent

"Mother!" The ancients faintly frowned, apparently feel that the emperor said this is not appropriate.

The emperor did not leave a trace of pouting, and immediately said: "You don't have to worry, no one will find you trouble."

"The human race has been weak for a long time, but the internal struggle has intensified. Now the arrival of the great world is the only opportunity for the Terran."

"Since you can be equal to my son, then at least one quarter of the future of the Terran is on your shoulders, and the palace will protect you." The emperor smiled.

Qin Qi and Green Luo looked at each other and they were very happy.

And with the words of the emperor, then they are safe.

Whether it is the Holy Palace or the Huang Daolong Palace, it is inevitable that it will not move.

As for other forces, let alone be said.

Not only that, but the empress also had a reward, and the ancients handed the two boxes to Qin Qi and Green Luo.

Green Luo quickly opened, and then the eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is Jianmu!" Green Luo exclaimed.

Jianmu is a kind of **** tree. The rumors can communicate with the heavens and the earth. It is a bridge between the heavens and the earth, but it has been broken.

Now, I am afraid that even a piece of wood is hard to find.

I did not expect the Emperor City to have such a collection!

Among the trees, there is a strong woody deity. Although it is only a small branch, it is not comparable to the Bodhi tree, but it is still a treasure for the green radish!

"Thank you for the goddess!" Green Luo quickly thanked.

"This building is not very effective for others. It can only be a violent thing, and only you, you can use it perfectly." The emperor smiled.

Immediately, she added a sentence, "Of course, if you are grateful, you can marry Jay. For you, this palace is especially like."

What the hell, what do you like to do?

The ancients have a bitter face, obviously this is not the first time.

It seems that Qin Qi's imagination of the emperor, and the real emperor, the access is really great.

"Thank you for the goddess, but I am with my Royal Highness, I am afraid that I can't get along very well." Green Luo said bluntly.

The emperor nodded and said that he had the same feeling. "Yes, my child does not have any woman's fate. I don't want girls to like it. It is hard to be afraid of being a wife and a child."


Qin Qi and Green Luo are speechless, and the ancients are still afraid of not getting a wife?

Get together and get together!

Qin Qi did not dare to go to Tucao emperor, but opened the nephew belonging to him.

Inside the scorpion, it is a one-sided seal.

As soon as it appeared, it was like the power of Wang Yang, the emperor's gas enveloped the audience, and even the emperor's ship, there was a sense, and there was a vision of heaven and earth!

Emperor seal?

Qin Qi’s eyes widened. This thing is the possession of the emperor’s lord. He possesses innumerable power and at the same time represents the supreme imperial power.

What does the empress mean?

Want to make him a new king?

"Oh..." After seeing this, the emperor couldn’t help but feel awkward. He said: "Sorry, I got it wrong. It should be this."

The emperor rushed to take back the Emperor seal, and then took out a jade seal again.

This time, it was a lot weaker. Qin Qi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the momentum was just too much.

However, although this is a lot weaker, it is relatively speaking, and it still has extremely powerful power.

"This is the rest of the materials that were originally refining the Emperor's seal. It also contains the emperor's hegemony, and your martial arts seem to be in harmony with this. This print will be given to you." The emperor smiled and looked at himself. There seems to be no embarrassment.

Qin Qi and Green Luo, naturally dare not say more.

Just thank you again and again.

After all, such a heavy treasure is not a leisurely thing, whether it is Qin Qi and Green Luo, it is a lot of benefits.

After receiving Qin Qi and Green Luo, the emperor said that he would go back to rest, and the ancients Jie sent Qin Qi to go out.

Until the time of leaving the emperor ship, Qin Qi could not help but speak.

"His Royal Highness, the emperor is in charge of the Emperor's seal, is it really okay?" Qin Qi whispered, this emperor's seal is very important, and there are even people around it.

If you accidentally lost it, how is it good?

The ancients also had some embarrassment, and they coughed and said: "The mother has always been careless. It is said that when I was young, I didn't eat milk. She took me to the Yaozu, forcing a white-born tiger to give me tiger milk."

"After the results went back, she discovered that she had brought the little white tiger back to the Imperial City and left me in the Yaozu." The ancients said.

Qin Qi and Green Luo don't know what to say.

The nerves of the empress can be thick!

"But the father is deeply loved by the mother, so she has always been her. After the emperor's seal, she likes to control it, and she gives it to her mother."

"But you don't have to worry, the emperor seal will not be lost."

Qin Qi nodded.

There is the emperor's city owner, this seal, it is impossible to really lose.

"So, then we will leave." Qin Qidao, do not intend to stay in the emperor ship for a long time.

"Then don't send it, look forward to the next encounter!" In the eyes of the ancients, there was a beating of the gods.

He regarded Qin Qi as an opponent because they have similar strength.

Even now, Qin Qi seems to be more powerful.

But Gu Renjie believes that he will never be weaker than people!

This is the pride of being the only son of the emperor and the emperor!

Can have such an opponent, Qin Qi also feels lucky, because the ancients will never do anything behind the back, what he wants is a win-win situation.

However, Saint Jade may be different.

And if he is looking for death, Qin Qi will be willing to fulfill him.

After leaving the emperor ship, the attitude of the emperor did not go away, apparently the news of the imperial city people deliberately released.

Knowing the attitude of the emperor, many forces also put away some thoughts that should not have been, and began to leave the valley of the sky.

Qin Qi also left with the treasure ship of the Tianzi Academy.

As for the safety of the green radish, he is not worried now. The only thing he needs to do now is to become his executioner!

In the chaos of the ancient world, Qin Qi has fully demonstrated the power, even the ancients and the holy jade, are not his opponents.

No one can compete with him for the execution of the entire Terran.

After returning to the Tianzi Academy, Qin Qi proposed this intention to Mr. Ten.

And Mr. Ten also obviously has this meaning.

Become a executioner, that is a great honor!

Qin Qi is a man of the Tianzi Academy. He represents the emperor's academy. He is going to execution, so the emperor's academy is the focus of the whole Zhongzhou!

At that time, the gas transportation of the great world will be tilted to the Tianzi Academy.

Therefore, the school will do its best for Qin Qi.

"With your current ability, there are not many people who can compete for qualifications with you. Your chances are great!" Mr. Shi smiled.

"In addition to the ancient people and the holy jade, who else?" Qin Qi asked.

"There is still one person, but also a rising star. He is in the Zhengda Guangming Hall. He is very surprised. What is rare is that he seems to be born with awe-inspiring temperament and has become a new banner of the right path!"

"Speaking of this person, you should know, it is the talent that comes from Chaotianmen like you!" said Mr. Ten.

He admired his talents, although the other party is only a junior, but let him admire from the bottom of my heart!

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