God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1345: Catherine Pandora

Chapter 1,345, Catherine Pandora

Qin Qi pinched the jade, and for a moment, some could not speak.

This dragon is lightly dancing, and life is too bitter.

How was it stopped by the Mozu?

It was even sent back to Tianyuan and is about to be auctioned!

Qing Litian always observes Qin Qi, and at this moment, the light flashes slightly, saying: "According to intelligence, since you defected to the Terran, she went to the background battlefield. Not long ago, she was attacked by our family and faced several times the military strength. Repression, the human race is defeated."

"And the dragon light dance in order to cover the comrades, leaving the broken, and finally captured."

Qing Litian saw that Qin Qi did not change, and he continued: "But you don't have to worry too much. Since she became an auction at the auction, she should have not suffered much."

Women become a lottery, and it is not a rare thing in Tianyuan. There will be one after three, five, or the blood is high, or the looks are unparalleled.

In addition, they have one thing in common, that is the virgin body.

The madness of the Mozu to the virgin is completely incomparable to the other two groups. If the woman who auctioned is not a virgin, then there is no auction at all.

In order to ensure that the price is high enough, the seller will not even injure the lot.

After all, the Mozu is extremely harsh on the aesthetics. If it is a bit ruinous, the auction price will drop dramatically.

Therefore, the dragon light dance is now safe except for the freedom to be restricted and the inability to use power.

Qin Qi heard that there was not much change in his look.

This Qing Litian sent this, obviously it is expected that Qin Qi will not sit idly by.

"What good is this for you?" Qin Qi said lightly.

"Nature is good. If you can really help the Virgin to set the heavens, then my Athena clan is the hero." Qing Litian laughed.

"that's it?"

Qing Litian smiled slightly. "Does the lord still not see it? In Tianyuan, personal hatred is not important at all, and the interests of the clan are the first!"

Qin Qi was silent for a moment, and he certainly would not believe in Qing Litian.

But I have to admit that Qing Litian counted his choice.

Although he rebelled against the Terran, it was indeed impossible to watch the Dragon Light Dance being auctioned as an item, and finally ended in a terrible ending.

“When is the auction?” Qin Qi asked.

"Tomorrow at noon!" Qing Li Tiandao.

Qin Qi nodded, and he had already thought about it in his heart. Then he said: "Before you said, is there a way to go deep inside Sen Luoyuan?"

In order to fight against Tianyuan, Sen Luoyuan is completely closed, and there is also Beikouguan as a barrier to resist, unless it is broken, it is difficult to enter.

"Sen Luo Yuan was completely closed after Catherine Pandora became a Maharaja, and it was difficult to enter, but..." Qing Litian smiled.

"But there are flaws!"

"Talk about it." Qin Qidao.

“Do you know the Pandora clan?” Qing Litian asked.

Qin Qi did not speak, he did not have time to watch Qing Litian sell off.

Qing Litian was not annoyed. He smiled and continued: "The Pandora clan, in ancient times, was also very powerful."

"This family is very special. It has some of the strengths of the gods and is the most comprehensive. It is the family that may eventually become the thirteenth clan."

"And it must be said that this clan has something to do with the Terran."

"Oh?" Qin Qi flashed.

"That was a very special time in ancient times."

"Tianyuan experienced a big battle. The battle between the twelve clan and the Titan Protoss has just come to an end. The twelve clan became the new hegemony!"

"And Nanban, the life of the demon **** demon **** has also come to an end, the demon family has declined a lot because of its power."

"The two families are weak, but they are always weak. The people who are oppressed by my family and the demon are revitalized!"

"The first generation of fire, the supreme king was born, he seized the time of the two families weak, leading the rise of the human race!"

"After that, it was a battle that lasted for nearly 10,000 years, and the final result was that the Terran was separated from the enslavement of the Yao and the Sacred, and it was set in Zhongzhou!"

"In order to curb the emperor, the gods of the heavens created Pandora together. She is the goddess who gathered the power of the gods, almost perfect."

"At the same time, Tianyuan also created the supreme artifact - Pandora's Box, gave it to Pandora, let her go to seduce the Emperor, and open the Pandora's Box."

"Ah?" Qin Qi thought he had got it wrong.

The first generation of the Terran, the Emperor, will be so tempted?

Who is it?

Qing Litian knew that Qin Qi did not believe and continued: "At that time, the power of the twelve clan has recovered a lot. Apollo and Artemis joined forces to intervene in the telescope, affecting the mind of the emperor invisibly."

"Later, the Emperor was indeed tempted by Pandora, but there was a twist in the middle. Pandora's Box opened halfway and was closed again. After that, Pandora disappeared and disappeared."

"After then, the ancient end, into the ancient times, the emperor disappeared, the gods are silent, there is no news of Pandora."

"If it was not more than 10,000 years ago, Sen Luoyuan appeared in Catherine Pandora, and even Tianyuan did not know, Pandora would have descendants!" Qing Litian slowly said, this is the secret of few talents to know.

That is, the Mozu, and other races, it is impossible to know such a long record.

"It will not, Catherine's hand, is the Pandora's Box?" Qin Qi eyes picked up.

"Yes, the magic box filled with horrible evil spirits, that is, the gods will be worried. At the beginning, Catherine opened the magic box and killed two monarchs, shaking the heavens!"

"Because of this, the twelve clans made her rebelliously successful, and she was the only leader of the Luo Luoyuan!"

Qin Qi took a deep breath, this Pandora's Box is too strong.

"In this case, what do we enter into Sen Luoyuan and do not think about it?" Qin Qidao.

Qing Litian shook her head and said: "Catherine naturally can't compare with her first ancestor Pandora, she can't completely open the Pandora's Box."

"And, when the gods created Pandora, but there was one family, they did not participate."

"Not going to be Athena?"

"Yes, the gods gave Pandora their own power characteristics, such as the charm of Venus, such as Hera's insights, and the wisdom that should have been given by Athena, but ultimately failed."

"So, Pandora is an idiot?"

Qing Litian’s mouth twitched and coughed and coughed: “It’s not an idiot, but part of the wisdom that should have been complemented by Athena is missing, so there is a flaw in her subconscious mind.”

"This is why I can enter Sen Luoyuan."

"At the same time, because of this flaw, my family has also launched the current state of Catherine, should be in a half-awake, can try."

"What to try?"

"Stealing Pandora's Box!"

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