God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1367: Good man card

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-seven chapters of the good man card

The strongmen in these realms cannot detect the eyes of others, even if she is still asleep.

If she came in with the Qing Litian to steal the Pandora's Box, Qin Qi could not see Qing Litian, and even she would not exist.

Because with a little attention, Catherine will have a sense.

Now, Qin Qi looks directly at Catherine, the mighty Maharaja, and wakes up.


Qin Qi directly gave a good man card and used it for Catherine.

Qin Qi feels that this is more powerful than the supreme artifact.

Winning Catherine's favor is more beneficial than mastering Pandora's Box. After all, this is both good and bad!

Although Qin Qi does not listen to poetry and poetry, he has other ideas for Catherine, but the friends of the Maharaja level, how much is still less, will never be disgusted.

Good man card used, Catherine's goodwill to Qin Qi naturally soared, coupled with the power of super wretched heart, Catherine estimated that in a blink of an eye, Qin Qi recognized the writer.

Catherine, blinked.

She has been sleeping for too long, it is such a realm, her eyes are slightly confused, but soon, the Qingming is restored.

The strength of her body suddenly became terrible. The pressure was just a slap in the face. At this moment, she really awakened, and the majesty that followed was like a tens of thousands of volcanic eruptions.


Qin Qi couldn't help but step back.

If this pressure is not directed at him, I am afraid it is not as simple as one or two steps.

"Who are you, why wake me up?" Catherine said, the body is more intense.

She looked at Qin Qi, her eyes full of doubts.

She determined that she did not know Qin Qi. As a Maharaja, even if she slept for a long time, she could not forget the people she had seen.

But it was a stranger, and it disturbed her to sleep.

But she was not angry at all. She only felt that Qin Qi was very close, just like a family.

This is a feeling that has never been seen before.

Moreover, it should not be right.

Where did she come from, she didn't even know who her parents were.

But even if he is confused, but this kind of good feeling is from the heart, deceiving people, she just feels Qin Qi close.

"Who are you?" Catherine asked again.

Although Qin Qi said that there are good people cards, although there is a super wretched heart, in fact, the heart is still worried.

After all, the other party is a Maharaja. It seems that there is already some power beyond the system at the moment. If it is not successful, the situation may be embarrassing.

However, it seems that the other party did not get angry, just wondering again.

"Cough!" Qin Qi coughed.

He knew that Catherine was flawed in wisdom, that is, she did not know how many defects there were. When she thought about it, she replied: "I am your brother."

Looking for death is definitely looking for death.

If there are outsiders here, I must feel that Qin Qi is dead.

This is simply a model of a big death!

The other party is Maharaja.

Moreover, the blood of the other two Maharajas is still in the hands.

This existence, you come up and say that you are her brother?

It is not the case to find death.

The next second is the ash annihilation!

In Qin Qi’s heart, it’s actually playing drums, but the chance is rare. If the good guy card is super wretched, it’s really amazing!

Don't say it now, there will be no chance in the future.

Qin Qi did not say that the other husband is already converging. After all, even if Catherine has no defects in wisdom, she will not believe that a husband is coming out.

Qin Qi looked at Catherine nervously, and she did not know that the monarch would react like this.

Catherine thought for a moment, her brows wrinkled slightly, and then she smiled as if the heavens and the earth were lit up, it was the most beautiful scenery in the world.

"Brother!" Catherine screamed cheerfully.

Hey, I am going...

Qin Qi exhaled a heavy breath, and the back was soaked by cold sweat.

Immediately, it was a ecstasy.

It turned out to be really!

Catherine's small head melon, really not good!


Qin Qi Yang Tian laughed.

Catherine stunned her head and only thought that Qin Qi was reunited with her. When she was too happy, she would smile, and naturally she did not like it.

It is very happy.

She thought she was alone in this world, but she did not expect that there was another brother.

As for how there is such a brother.

Catherine has no doubt at all.

Anyway, this kind of family feeling is not fake, as for others, how can she consider so much?

Her head was not enough.

"Brother, do you know where our parents are? I haven't seen them since I remembered them." Catherine said.

Qin Qi scratched his head and he would know this.

However, since Catherine has never seen it, it is an orphan, so it is easy to handle.

"I have never seen them, I am an orphan." Qin Qidao.

"This way," Catherine was somewhat lost, but she immediately became happy. "Now we are not orphans, I have a brother, my brother has me!"

Qin Qi couldn't help but feel a bit shameful, and couldn't help but feel a little comfortable.

This Catherine is really different from the average Maharaja. There is no old-fashioned atmosphere on the body. It is not like an old witch who has lived for many years. Instead, it is a girl, and her heart is crystal clear.

Was this the price that Athena did not give to Pandora's wisdom?

It is also very good, it is much better than Qing Litian.

However, Catherine is also fortunate. This is not a big brain with a small brain capacity. It is too dangerous. Fortunately, I got the Pandora's Box and made Dajun all the way.

Fortune favors fools?

Qin Qi is laughing, and the heart is really happy.

There is such a sister, who is not happy?

If Qin night is just fine, the two may be good friends.

"Oh, yes, my brother, I will give you a face-to-face ceremony." Catherine smiled, and with a hand, the horrible Pandora's Box fell.

"This is Pandora's Box, a very powerful artifact, and gave it to my brother!" Catherine smiled and looked up at her head, seemingly praising Qin Qi's praise.

Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, which will pick up, this is Pandora's Box, the supreme artifact!

Before Qin Qi naturally wanted, but now, Catherine is her sister, what do you want this Pandora Box to do?

Moreover, even if you have the Pandora's Box, it is not known whether you can play a tenth of the power.

This is obviously the existence of Pandora's blood to be fully controlled.

"My brother, don't, my sister keeps it." Qin Qidao.

"Well, thank you brother!" Catherine smiled happily.

Damn, how can you feel guilty?

Is it really okay to deceive such a girl?

However, after thinking about it, Qin Qi will not hurt her, and being cheated by him is better than being cheated!

In fact, others really can't deceive Catherine. Only Qin Qi, who likes to burst the watch, will win the trust of Catherine.

"Brother, there is an Athena there, is she coming in with you?" Catherine blinked.

"Well, yes." Qin Qi nodded.

Since Catherine has woken up, then the entire Senluo Palace, naturally no one can escape her perception.

"Let her come over." Catherine smiled, not waiting for what Qin Qi said, and a hand, Qing Litian instantly appeared in front of the two.

God is skill!

Qing Litian was shocked. She didn't understand what happened. She saw Catherine and felt the pressure on her body. She couldn't support it and fell to the ground.

She hates her heart.

Qin Qi, woke up Catherine, now, even her is also bad luck!

This time, it’s really dead.

"Brother, how did she kneel down, I didn't let her go?" Catherine looked at Qin Qi.

"He likes to squat." Qin Qi shrugged.

Qing Litian is stiff and his face is incredible.


Which brother is the door!

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