God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1395: Su Qingqing

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-five chapters Su Qingqing

The mysterious space is completely isolated from the outside world. It can be said that it is very safe. Even if the Holy Palace is destroyed, this place will not be affected.

If it is not Qin Qi, change to others, I am afraid I really can't find this area.

But this is also true, no one would have thought that there would be a two-star emperor to the Holy Palace.

Even if it is an old man, you can't make more arrangements in advance. After all, it is safe enough.

When Qin Qi came to this place, the powerful prohibition could not stop him, and he stepped in and stepped into this mysterious space.

The mark that followed the small map made Qin Qi shocked.

Su Qingqing, she is actually here.

Su Qingqing has disappeared for a while, and Situ Jing, who has everything in control, has not found her whereabouts.

And Qin Qi's current state, Situ Jing did not tell Qin Qi about this.

Unexpectedly, Su Qingqing was in the Holy Palace.

Qin Qi squinted and his eyes were surging.

There is still one person in this space with Su Qingqing.

Heavenly old man!

Finally found him.

Qin Qi looked cold and indifferent to the extreme, step by step.

This space is incomparably different. There are countless lines in the air, which are dense and dense, like spider webs.

These lines are not essential, and each one represents a secret and unmeasurable degree.

Qin Qi can't understand these, but no matter what is in front of him, as long as the power reaches a certain level, it can be broken.

Qin Qi forward, the color of the body constantly vibrating, these wires representing the heavens, fluttering slightly, and finally, retired autonomously, leaving the road for Qin Qi.

Stepping forward, Qin Qi soon came to the core of this mysterious space.

This is an ancient stone chamber, extremely large, with strange murals carved on the walls.

Although these murals have no special strength, when they are seen, there is a feeling of being cold and cold, as if the soul is to be separated from the body.

Qin Qi's pupil shrinks and his eyes fall to the center of the stone chamber.

Here, there are two statues, one black and one white, like ghosts and gods. In their hands, there are dark chains, and the soul power shakes, as if you can detain the soul!

Black and white impermanence?

Qin Qi thought of a certain legend, and the look suddenly changed.

When Qin Qi did not dare to neglect, this black and white impermanence is very strange, it should be just a statue, but it seems to contain some kind of divinity.

When it comes to the local government, it can be regarded as a half-buddha. Many things that are different from each other are almost impossible to think about. It is possible to do anything, and it must be cautious.

In the black and white impermanence, there is a spring water, which is braving the water, but this water is yellow, with a sigh of anger.

Just looking at it, it seems to be ingested into it, into the bliss of life!

The power that affects the soul.

This is, Huang Quan?

Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, and this is how much dangerous research in the Holy Palace, there is such a place.

Or is this the entrance to Huangquan?

Qin Qi raised his eyes, but before that, he still solved the old man of Tianji.

The old man of Tianji apparently did not expect someone to bother him.

I am afraid that even if it is a daytime performer, it is difficult to calculate the situation to today. After all, no one can deduct that Qin Qi can progress to such a degree.

You can directly destroy the Holy Palace and finally find it here.

Of course, if the old man is still deducting a few days ago, he may be able to see a trace of the future.

Unfortunately, he wants to get Su Qingqing's strength as soon as possible and does not continue to wait.

After all, he looked at the Shengxian Palace and looked at Qin Qi.

The old man of Tianji has been waiting for the growth of Su Qingqing, and now, the opportunity has finally arrived.

Su Qingqing's talent is indeed extremely high. After getting the complete inheritance of the Tianyin old man, it is almost a thousand miles away. He has mastered the core essence of the disillusionment.

And what the old man wants is this.

The old man of Tianji and the old man of Tianyin came out one by one, and each got a different inheritance.

The old man of the heavenly machine is arrogant.

The sky of the old man is disillusioned.

These two secrets are not strong or weak. In the future, whoever has more achievements and no one can say it is bad, so the old man of Tianji naturally has a jealous mind about the old people.

However, the old man of Tianji followed the bright king, grew up a thousand miles, became the chief alchemist of the human race, and did not care about the old man.

Until later, his performances came to the top and found it difficult to get in, only to know that there are only two secrets to be able to go to a higher position.

But at that time, the old man of Tianyin had already died, and the old man who had cultivated the Wanyan Heavenly Machine could not simultaneously practice the magical disillusionment.

Want to combine the two, only steal.

Therefore, he is waiting for Su Qingqing to grow up and truly grasp the core essence of the disillusionment of the universe.

At that time, he can steal and take away everything from Su Qingqing!

By then, the two secrets will be combined, and he will become another peak of the Terran Day Performer, which is comparable to the great prophet of Tianyuan and the high priest of Nanban.

For this day, he has been waiting for too long, and, indeed, he has done everything.

If there is no Qin Qi, it will be very smooth to think of everything.

After all, this is already one of the safest places in Zhongzhou. How can someone bother?

Qin Qi looked at the old man in the air indifferently. Although he did not understand the telescope, he could see the situation at the moment.

Su Qingqing could not resist the old man of the sky, and all his strength was being stripped.

When everything is done, Su Qingqing will come to the end of his life.

Su Qingqing said that she had a robbery, and Qin Qi would help her through this robbery.

It seems that this prophet was fulfilled.

Qin Qi does not understand any celestial techniques, and does not know how to stop it, but he has artificial eggs in his body, which can reverse the creation!

Is the old man of Tianji not taking the power of Su Qingqing?

Then Qin Qi reversed all this and let Su Qingqing win everything from the old man!

The power of creation, reverse the secret!

Qin Qi’s power shocked directly into the node of power transmission between the two, and then reversed everything.

The strength of the old man of the sky is constantly pouring into the body of Su Qingqing.

At this moment, it is a critical moment. The old man of Tianji must also go all out, so he does not perceive the outside world.

But now how can he not be aware of this?

"Who is so bold, dare to stop this seat!" The old man of the heavenly anger shouted, and the power of the entire mysterious space began to change.

Those days of silk thread, quickly gathered together, to suppress Qin Qi.

This space is the realm of the old man of heaven. When he comes here, he can only be suppressed by him.

But unfortunately, he is facing Qin Qi.

The king is stepping out, the king of the field!

The old man of Tianji was shocked and fell down directly on the ground. The power of this space could not hold Qin Qi one or two. Only surrender!

"Qin Qi!" The old man was shocked.

Even if you are proficient in the existence of the performance, you can strategize, as if you know everything in the world, but at the moment, you can't help but be shocked.

Qin Qi, how come here?

This is the most central part of the Shengxian Palace. There is the law of the Holy King. Qin Qi is even more powerful and cannot come here silently.

"You are really looking for death!" The old man roared.

He also does not know how Qin Qi sneaked into this place. At the moment, he touched a silk thread and transmitted the information to the law of the Holy King.

The next moment, the French phase will come to this place, killing Qin Qi directly.

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