The first thousand four hundred and eleventh chapter

"Ghost ghost, the fourth life and death imprint?" Qin Qi asked.

"Yes." The ghost nodded, although his face was still cold, but his eyes were a little more excited.

"That's good, this Huangquan is for you, it must be more than this dead air, you feel with your heart, see what good things, tell me, I will give you a grab." Qin Qi domineering.

This time, he came to be a bandit. Anything that he saw, no matter what, grabbed it all.

"It's a bandit." Su Qingqing was speechless, but it was a little excited to think about it.

As for Qin Ye and Catherine, it is a look of worship, Qin Qi, and instantly become a young girl.

At the moment, I plan to pick up my sleeves. Qin Qi said that the gun will grab what, and whoever dares to block it and kill it directly!

The leader of God's Nejos and Pandora's Box.

It’s just that unreasonable!

"Go, go in." Qin Qidao, first go forward.

Qidu, Huangquan’s first stop is a ghost town.

The gate to the inside of Huangquan is inside the capital.

At this moment, Tianyuan’s people have been in the city for a long time, and perhaps they have already passed the ghost gate and entered the interior of Huangquan.

Qin Qi, must catch up as soon as possible.

Of course, although their combination is unmatched, it does not dare to be too arrogant, and must remain awe in the power of the unknown.

When you enter Huangquan, no one knows what to face in the end, and there is no reason to care.

All the way to the paper, the feeling is still not good, only the ghosts on the face of a very light smile, this is already rare for her, obviously she likes the world very much.

Walking through a rugged mountain road, passing through a long rift, finally, a huge city appeared in front of you.

It’s all in front of you.

Ghostly fire, if there are countless solitary ghosts wandering, the distant buildings are stacked, but they are gloomy.

Plus no sound, it is a tremor.

The line of sight slowly gathered. In the fog, the word "酆都" was carved on the wall of the city. Every pen seemed to have a ghost to rush out, and the incomparable evil.

Under the word "酆都" is the city gate. At this moment, the gates are wide open, as if a fierce ghost opened a huge mouth and swallowed them.

On both sides, it is full of blood, blood is flowing, but I don't know where the blood comes from.

Like, the wall penetrates out.

"It's a bit cold." Su Qingqing hugged his arms.

Not the temperature is low, but the heart is cold.

"I really created a yin-cao government." Qin Qi snorted, kept vigilant, and entered the capital.

Su Qingqing and others also followed.

They also know in their hearts that there are no ghosts. At most, they encounter some ghosts and dead objects. If you master the power, you can break them!

Inside the capital.

A desolate, still full of paper.

At the foot, the only one road was straight through the depths, but it was screaming and bloody.

"Jingle Bell."

The sound of the bell sounded.

Qin Qi and others suddenly followed the sound, could not help but shrink.

There are ghosts, and a group of souls are being detained.

That is, black and white impermanence?

"How is it possible!" Su Qingqing couldn't help but whisper.

Is the legend true? After a person dies, he will enter this yellow spring?

"Hey, pretend to be a ghost, and the death lamp is extinguished. Why do you have to come to the home to return to the living?" Qin Qi was cold, and he did not believe the legend.

At the moment, Qin Qi shot, the light of the light as the net opened, the black and white impermanence together with the team of souls, all enveloped.

The burning of the holy fire is the greatest threat to these dead objects.

"Who, dare to stop people from living, not afraid of karma, smash into the 18th floor of hell!"

The holy fire burned, and the dead air was dispelled in an instant. For the dead, it was undoubtedly like a poison, and could not help but drink it loudly.

Black and white impermanence, the chain of hands whistling, constantly rushing, want to break through the shroud of the network of holy inflammation.

However, Qin Qi will give them a chance, and the light will be even more stunned. It seems that the heavenly kingdom is under pressure, and the yellow spring will tremble.

The power of the four-star emperor is not at all a contemptible by this ghost, and all the screams of sorrow are turned into ashes.

"Not too strong." Qin Qi Emei.

It is still the same level as the smugglers in the graveyard outside, which is somewhat worthy of the name of Huang Quan.

Qin Qi thought in his heart, but he did not dare to care about it. After all, he still did not figure out how this black and white impermanence would come.

Huang Quan is closed, from where is it?

The world is full of spirits, and in a flash, it’s not a matter of death. It’s too rare for this dead soul team.

In other words, when Devadado only conceived such a model, but in the end it failed to make it, so this place is just a reciprocal idea, not a reality?

This is a plausible explanation, but what exactly is it, Qin Qi does not know.

Qin Qi was thinking, but he saw the ghost ghost staring at him, the dark scorpion, and he was a little worried.

However, I think that Qin Qi will understand.

"The next time you must not use the Holy Light, after you die, all of them will be swallowed and absorbed, how?" Qin Qi laughed.

It is said that ghosts are no longer staring at Qin Qi.

"Brother, come again." Qin night show eyebrows, pointing to the distance.

Sure enough, it was a team of black and white impermanence.

"Turn it out again." Qin Qi snorted and decisively shot.

Even if you don't use the light, it is not difficult to kill the ghosts with his current strength, and the black and white impermanence is equivalent to the realm of the quasi-emperor, and he can also raise energy points for him.

What are your sinister evils?

A few people went all the way, constantly encountering black and white impermanence, without exception, all gone, and the ghosts absorbed a cool, the fourth life and death is rapidly condensing.

This road is very smooth.

However, Qin Qi’s heart is more and more uneasy.

He does not believe this because he is progressing fast, so Huang Quan can't threaten him.

"There is a problem, can't kill any more." Su Qingqing has been deducting, and can not help but shout at this moment.

She doesn't need any instruments, etc., her fingers keep moving, and she has a myriad of celestial threads extending out of her way to deduct this ghost town.

“What did you push?” Qin Qi asked.

"There is no trace of the Tianyuan Mozu at this place." Su Qingqing Road.

Even if the breath is clean, it is impossible to completely shield the sky.

Even if Tianyuan has a powerful prophet, it can interfere with Su Qingqing.

But this is not a taboo, why is it so expensive to do this?

So there is only one possibility, and the Tianyuan Mozu did not come in at all.

"Impossible, they definitely entered the capital!" Qin Qidao, he searched for the soul, not a false memory.

"It is difficult, this Huangquan has two squats?" Su Qingqing frowned.

You are the first stop of this Huangquan. The demon of Tianyuan wants to go deep into the interior of Huangquan, and it is impossible to avoid the capital.

So, are there really two flaws?

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