God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1415: Hell ghost

The first thousand four hundred and fifteen chapters of **** ghost language

However, Qin Qi did not have time to pay attention to this. Such an opportunity, he can not miss, the body shape is a move, it is a sword.

Jinlong surrounds, 36,000% attack bonus.

Must be in the state.

Kill a sword!

Sword out, black impermanence was directly battled into two paragraphs, the ancient sword is raging, it is impossible to reorganize, the body instantly broken.

Losing black impermanence, white impermanence is naturally difficult to support.

The power of three people can easily destroy it.

Of course, the knife was handed over to Qin Qi.

Five-star emperor!

The breath of Qin Qi has once again gained skyrocketing. This kind of realm, even if it is the ancient ancestor of Tianyuan, only a small part can surpass him!

Qin Qi clenched his fists.

He has to be stronger!

Powerful, you can get all four taboo artifacts in your hands.

So, it is not enough, we must continue to kill!

Killing black and white impermanence, the rich dead air and the law of death, etc., naturally can not be wasted, all absorbed by ghosts.

The fourth life and death seal in her body, this has already completed most of the time, at this moment to get such a supplement, and finally broke through the boundaries.


The four deaths and deaths are hovering in the ghosts and ghosts. It is the ultimate embodiment of the meaning of life and death, and the ghosts and ghosts naturally benefit a lot, and the realm of the realm rises.

The quasi-emperor is not a difficult thing at all, and arrives in an instant!

"Is it possible to be an emperor?" Qin Qi licked his mouth and thought he could become a emperor.

Su Qingqing heard the words, silent for a while.

If this is heard by someone else, I am afraid I will vomit blood three liters.

Especially the older generation, who was not born in the Great World, cultivated for thousands of years, sanctification is not bad, can become a quasi-emperor, it is a figure of heavenly pride.

This is good, and it has become a quasi-emperor.

Su Qingqing felt that his realm was not enough.

Originally, I got all the strength of the old man of the heavenly machine. I didn’t say that the realm of the realm reached the emperor. It was all right to rush into the nine-step emperor.

As a result, I am around this one.

One is better than one, and one game is unreasonable.

Just now, she is still weaker than her, and she is almost like her. In a single battle, I am afraid that the ghosts will be stronger!

Sure enough, this fascinating world is really enchanting, and the invisible Tianjiao, I am afraid that it will be concentrated.

Hundreds of crickets contend, Tianjiao fights for the front, Su Qingqing feels that he still cuddles Qin Qi thighs, so as not to be destroyed.

At this year, the quasi-emperor was too insecure, and he was embarrassed to say that he was a genius.

"I can absorb more, I can be stronger!" Ghosts are obviously satisfied, and she can continue to condense life and death.

The fourth is not true.

Then the fifth way, you can always rush into the emperor!

"Yes, that's the emperor, it's your next big meal!" Qin Qi smiled.

A ghost is a similar existence to him. There is no need to practice. As long as you continue to condense life and death, you can continue to grow stronger.

So this Huangquan is the biggest treasure of ghosts.

Qin Qi really wants to see what kind of power can really be born after the dead people who really grow up!

Of course, to say that you can defeat the Emperor of the capital, Qin Qi is still not sure.

After a rest, Qin Qin and Catherine have all recovered, and the talents continue to move forward.

In front, there was a archway, full of nine floors, quite spectacular, but also very gloomy.

In the building, there is no trace of light, and the fog is floating, if the hometown of ghosts.

When I came here, I have already come to the power field of Emperor Yaodu. It really makes people sink and the pressure is not small.

And those forces of death continue to ruin the vitality, standing here for a long time, I am afraid that will become the soul of the dead.

There are only ghosts, all of them are relaxed and even enjoyable.

"Be careful." Qin Qi Shen Sheng, still the first to go forward.

He is now a five-star emperor, even if Qin night is not his opponent, the deserved of the strongest, should be ahead.

Moreover, he still has an invincible state, and no danger can kill him in an instant.

Step by step into this archway, there is only one pillar standing straight in the empty hall, with a portrait of evil spirits on it, it is awesome.

Going forward, Qin Qi couldn't help but dare to be different.

They apparently did not climb the stairs, but they have already reached the second floor.


Qin Qi sighed with relief and was extremely cautious, but there was no danger and he could only continue to move forward.

In front, with a few swaying lights, the light is blazing, it seems that the next moment will be extinguished.

This is the brazier, placed on both sides.

Only the shadow of the fire swayed, and it turned into a ghostly shape, and the face was terrible. The little girl like Qin Ye was suddenly shocked.

"There is something!"

Qin Qi gave a low drink.

Just at this moment, the two sides of the brazier burst open, the ghosts on the ground, the moments of chaos, the light and shadow overlap, actually formed a huge ghost face!

Qin Qi, they are on the face of ghosts!

Qin Qi was shocked, but suddenly, the mind was shocked, even if he was actually black, the soul was disturbed.


The ghost of the haze laughed in his ear, Qin Qi trembled and his head was dim.

I only feel that the woman with a stunning color is whispering in the ear.

It is also like a god-like existence that gives the purpose.

It’s fascinating, want to listen to the language of this ghost!

Hell ghost language!

From the depths of the soul, drag a person into the power of hell.

The ghost face on the ground picked up a gloomy smile, and the body of Qin Qi and others began to sink into the ghost face step by step.

To be, dragged into hell!


It was a cold sigh, and the scarlet killing of Qin Qi suddenly broke out.

His eyes instantly turned into blood, and the killings broke through everything. Such a strong will to kill, even if it could evoke the **** of the soul, it could not be controlled.

Qin Qi used this to kill the evil spirits of the gods and ghosts, and broke through the control of the ghost language. Immediately, the dark wizards appeared behind them, and the soul chain directly rushed into the minds of Qin night.

With the power of the soul, fight against this **** ghost language.

"This power... impossible!"

The **** ghost that can resonate with the soul, as soft as the beauty of the low, at this moment, turned into a roaring roar.

It seems that I saw something that should not have appeared.

The ghost face on the ground suddenly twisted and snarled unwillingly, but in the end, it turned into countless pieces and disappeared into the corner.

The flames are shaking, the light and shadow overlap, but there is no shadow of the ghosts before.

"Call, what was it just now, it feels very good, but it is faint, but it hides terror!" Su Qingqing woke up, suddenly exhaled a long breath, his face was pale.

Even Qin Qin and Catherine, who looked bad, were obviously affected.

However, fortunately, everyone is innocent.

When Qin Qi breathed a sigh of relief, he succumbed to the killing of the ghost god, and at the same time he was puzzled.

How does it seem that the Dark Wizard is not related to this Huangquan?

Black and white impermanence was a bit strange at the time, but now, this **** ghost seems to be a bit strange.

It won't...

Qin Qi associates with the **** of Titan and suddenly has some speculation.

"System, ask you a question." Qin Qi's mind sinks into the system interface.

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