God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1427: Huangquan Road, Wangxiangtai

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-seven chapters of Huangquan Road, Wangxiangtai

The Qin Qi look suddenly changed, and the moment came to the broken sword.

The broken sword is inserted on the white bone, surrounded by the other side of the flower swaying, beautiful and charming.

Qin Qi quickly shakes the body's breath, and then a circle of sputum spreads out, and the other side of the flower smashes open, revealing a piece of white bone.

There are clear traces of battle here, but because there has been a period of time, there is not much left in the breath, but barely can perceive two breaths.

One of them is the owner of the broken sword.

Qin Qi is also familiar with this breath.

The 18th day of the election, the void of the sword - the virtual sword empty!

How did he come to Huangquan!

On the same day, Qin Qi rebelled against the Great Light Hall and rebelled against the Terran. Afterwards, he did not see it. He did not know that the Jianjian and Yu Shi Ying appeared and protected the talent.

Yushi Sakura is the same as the ghost, and it has become the sixth of the day. The soul of the soul is very huge.

For many years, she has been looking for Huang Quan, and as a post-mortem, she has the convenience that the King of Light does not have, and has been close to the goal.

However, Huang Quan’s border barrier is not something she can cross, and the emergence of the virtual sword air, his deep knowledge of the empty avenue, just helped the rainer cherry.

After the appearance of the Guangming Hall from Zhengda, the two disappeared again and began to break through the Huangquan enchantment.

Today, it has already entered Huang Quan.

Qin Qi didn't know this. He didn't know the existence of Yu Shi Ying, but he couldn't make a mistake when he was empty.

His sword is broken!

The virtual sword of the empty sword is very ordinary, just a sword, but he has a void, and is extremely deep.

He is the kind of accumulation of thin hair, many years of silence, obscurity, but once the day of the election, but can no longer sleep, flying directly to the sky.

It’s not easy to beat him, but at the moment the sword is broken, how about people?

"Come here!" Qin Qi sighed coldly.

The tens of thousands of ghost towns and prisoners were angered, but they were firmly suppressed by Qin Qi. Once they were disobedient, they would be annihilated and obeyed.

"Adult, what do you have to order?" Wan Guizhen Prison Emperor bite his teeth.

"Who is the hand?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

The ghost king of the town knows the meaning of Qin Qi, and when God reads it, there will be a ghost of the prisoner.

After the ghosts of the ghost town were directly suppressed by Qin Qi, the rest of the prisoners did not dare to continue to work, and they were deadlocked with Qin night.

"What about people?" Qin Qi looked at him coldly.

And the prisoner of the ghost, where can withstand the pressure of Qin Qi, even the ghosts of the ghosts of the town must surrender, not to mention him, at this moment directly on the ground, trembling.

"The two people are not too strong, not my opponent, but when they are about to suppress, they are found by them, and they are gone." The prisoner of the town replied in a row.

He is a five-star ghost emperor, and the virtual sword is a peerless talent, but it also takes time to accumulate. At this moment, it is not his opponent. It is miraculous to escape.

"Who is another person?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

"It is a post-mortem who can continue to absorb the power of Huang Quan. For a long time, fear is a threat and must be removed, but her ability is special. After leaving, we can't find them."

After death!

Qin Qi was shocked and did not expect to meet another dead person here.

However, for the time being, the virtual sword air should be only a heavy injury and there is no danger to life.

Knowing this, Qin Qi will press one hand and directly annihilate it in the horrified eyes of the ghost ghost.

He injured the virtual sword air, and with this, Qin Qi will never be able to stay with him!

For the virtual sword air, Qin Qi is respectful.

In his mind, Xu Jiankong is the second generation only after the Warrior's Highness. Now, Qin Qi will never stand by and naturally help him.

Wan Guizhen Prison Emperor saw Qin Qi's hot and spicy heart, a sigh of relief, straightforward.

Like a ghost, he only feels that death is waving to him.

"Big, adults, I can use it for you!" Wan Guizheng prisoner screamed.

"What use is there for you?" Qin Qi said lightly.

The ghost town of the prisoner squeezed a smile and said: "I may find a friend of an adult."

"At the time, I didn't need to shoot at all, so I didn't pay attention to it, but I am not the waste. I can find them!"

"Find." Qin Qi did not hesitate.

He is indeed prepared to kill the ghosts of the Wan Gui, which is of great significance to him and can be directly promoted to the Nine Stars.

In such a realm, Qin Qi does not believe that the Guangming Holy King can still beat him.

Even if the Holy King gets the realm of the earth, the foundation is infinite, but it should not be in the realm of the virtual god, and the power of Qin Qi today, if it reaches the realm of the nine-star Emperor, should be enough for a battle!

However, when it comes to the safety of the Jianjian, Qin Qi will not hesitate and directly give up the realm of the Nine Stars.

"Then I will go now." Wan Guizheng prisoner sighed, and quickly said.

"No hurry." Qin Qi snorted, the dark wizard, the soul chain rushed out, directly into the soul of the ghost town of the ghost.

After the power of the Dark Wizard was provoked by the Emperor, the power was multiplied, and the control of the soul was enough to stand alone.

This chain is enough for the ghosts to be imprisoned, not to play any tricks!

The ghost of the ghost town has changed, and the strength of the body is completely unable to compete with the chain. It is a natural suppression, just like the courtiers facing the emperor!

It’s hard to be true. Is it true that the owner of Huang Quan is back?

"Adult, are you going to the township station?" The ghost town of the ghosts bite their teeth and simply went out.

"Not bad."

At the end of Huangquan Road, it is Wangxiangtai.

"Be careful with Meng Po, she may be more dangerous than the queen."

It is not stronger than the undead, but more dangerous.

Qin Qi’s brows are slightly stunned, but the heart is more curious. I want to see if this Meng Po is sacred.

Of course, since Meng Po has a relationship with the Guangming Holy King, Qin Qi can't wait for it, and it must be extremely important.

"Go." Qin Qi waved his hand.

The ghost town of the prisoner obeyed and went looking for a virtual sword to empty them.

With his ability and familiarity with Huang Quan, finding a virtual sword should not be a problem. After all, they fled and did not cross the Huangquan Road.

Only, hidden in this piece of flowers and sea.

Wan Ghost Town Prison Emperor surrendered to Qin Qi, the remaining ghosts and ghosts, who dare to make a second, all surrender, waiting for Qin Qi to fall.

Qin Qi also did not intend to continue killing, and gave the core of the dead air to the ghosts. I believe that with this, the fifth life and death seal is no longer a problem.

Cheng Huang, only at this moment.

"Moon, you and Qingqing together, Meng Po, will be very tricky." Qin Qidao, the voice is very light, but it is not tolerated.

The month nodded and did not refuse.

There is no qualification to refuse.

"Qing Qing, if he has any change, remind me." Qin Qi confessed.

There is no threatening tone, but after a reminder, the fear of waiting for the moon is death.

Qin Qi is not afraid of hearing the moon, and after that, he will continue to move forward and head to Wangxiangtai.

There is no shortcut to Huangquan Road. It can only be walked like this. The time has passed by a little. As you can see, there is only the ever-extending Huangquan Road and the bright red shore.

I don't know how long I have gone. Finally, there has been change in the front.

An ancient monument, standing there, with mottled writing on it.

How about the bridge?

The right and wrong do not cross the river.

There is no right or wrong before Sansheng Stone.

Wangxiang Taibian will be Meng Po.

Qin Qi read a word, saying nothing, the fog in front of the fog slowly dispersed, revealing a pavilion.

There, it is Wangxiangtai!

Looking to the stage, Meng Po, waiting for a long time.

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