God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1432: Sansheng Shiqian

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-two chapters

"Little brother, how do you know the name of the person?" Meng Hao put away the field of death, with a charming smile on his face, and the lotus step moved lightly. He came to Qin Qi in a flash, and the whole person posted on Qin Qi. .

Qin Qi felt a sigh of anger, and the pressure on his chest was amazing.

Both Qin Ye and Catherine were grinning, but they knew Meng Meng’s horror and did not dare to take her away from Qin Qi.

"Unexpected income." Qin Qidao, there is still cold sweat.

"It's a man who is not honest." Meng Xiaojiao snorted, and the slender fingers clicked on the tip of Qin Qi's nose, like a delicate and soft finger.

And Meng Po, who just released the power of death, is judged as two.

"Now you got the name, can you let us go?" Qin Qi asked, this is the key.

"Let's let you go... it's okay." Meng Hao's fingers lightened his red lips and ate a smile. "But you have to stay with you, and you are now starting to care for you."

Qin Qi’s mouth twitched and laughed: “It’s still a bright and holy king.”

"You can't just look at the outside, I know that you are much more than him." Meng Hao raised his eyebrows, his fingers circled on the chest of Qin Qi, giggling.

Qin Qi is speechless, and I don’t know those nonsense before I knew it.

"Are you not free, why should you stay here?"

"Hey, Huang Quan is going to change the sky. I want to see the end and see if she will have an ending." Meng Hao smiled low, and there was not much temperature in his smile.

she was?

Is it not dead?

"After the day of death, who is it?" Qin Qi screamed, could not help but ask.

"A post-mortem who has broken everything." Meng Hao did not hide.

Regaining the name, she will not be restricted.

In fact, it is not subject to the constraints of undead.

"And I, is the twins that she was cut off!" Meng Hao sneered.

Qin Qi was shocked. I didn't expect Meng Qi's origin to be like this.

In the past, I entered this place after the death, and killed the Emperor of the capital in the period of weakness, Dingding Huangquan.

And in order to avoid the causal restrictions of the body, she was born in front of Sansheng Stone.

Broke the past life and smashed the afterlife.

Only the present!

Since then, she has completely jumped out, without any causal constraints!

Unbelievable anti-day means, Qin Qi really can't believe that even this kind of thing can be done.

Can you really get rid of this past life?

"The original Sansheng Stone, there are still many gods, can really help her to survive the past life, the existence of the whole body is the best proof!"

"Of course, what she is guilty of is causality. After all, the reincarnation does not know whether there is any, how come from the past life?" Meng Hao faint.

"What is she worried about causing cause and effect?" Qin Qi asked.

"She is a post-mortem, the reconciliation of the spirit from the body, and these relationships, and the owner of the corpse before the cause and effect, the relationship is too big."

"If it's just a mortal, it's nothing, but since she is going to pursue the true meaning of immortality, then in the future, I am afraid there will be variables, and people will take this cause and effect."

"So she is completely cut off, without any restrictions!"

"If there is a reincarnation, she is not going to live in the past, and death is the end, but she is not dead, it is self-confidence, life is not dead, so-called afterlife, don't worry!"

What kind of domineering, don't come to life, because self-confidence is not dead in this life!

The ancient king of God, I am afraid that there is no such discouragement.

Who can not die in the world, the end of the ages, endless arrogance, can not escape the glory of the years.

Even if you sleep, there will be a day when life ends.

After the death, I dare to die without a death, and I really have the pride of exhausting the ancient arrogance.

Only, can you do it, it is a hero, now, no one can say.

"It is indeed admirable." Qin Qidao.

"Oh, she is unconstrained, but she squats and deprives her of her name. She will be trapped here." Meng Hao snorted.

"In this case, it is better for you to follow us, take the opportunity to avenge her, how?" Qin Qi laughed.

"It's a bad man. I have to push my body into the fire pit. You don't think that you can move her with her?"

"Is there a chance to be a god, there is, maybe there is a chance."

"A chance to become a god?" Meng Meng took a moment, then smiled: "Haha, indeed, there is such a thing, the man before, is directed at the opportunity to become a god."

"However, do you really understand what the opportunity is, I am afraid, it will be very different from what you think!" Meng Xiao smiled.

"You, you will find a big hole!"

Qin Qi was shocked. He didn't understand what Meng Meng meant. He wanted to ask, but Meng Hao once again said, "But you will not leave you alone. In the past, go for the ‘the opportunity to become a god!’”

Qin Qi and others face each other.

From this point of view, the road ahead is not only as dangerous as it is dangerous, but there may also be accidents. The opportunity to become a **** may be very different from what they expected.

Just come here, you can't just stop it.

"Oh, yes, I can't go back to the bridge, so the little brother wants to be clear, staying with him, maybe it's the best choice!" Meng Xiaojiao laughed and swallowed The fog has gone.

Before leaving, she glanced at the ghost with the corner of her eye. She had a hunch that this event might have an accident.

Qin Qi Emei, naturally did not go to the bridge.

The Bright King dared to pass, obviously it is sure to avoid the undead days.

Qin Qi can't believe that the bright king can compete with the undead, and does not think that this kind of existence of the past life will be handled by the bright king.

So in time, there should still be a corresponding buffer.

First find the empty sword air to say it, otherwise, it is difficult to ensure his safety.

"You are waiting here first." Qin Qidao, when he thought of a move, he perceives the place where the ghosts of the ghosts are located through the connection of the soul chain.

At the moment, Qin Qi returned to Huangquan Road, and a few breaths only crossed the endless sea of ​​flowers and came to the front of the ghost town of Wan Gui.

The ghost town of Prison is floating in the air and looking at a hole in the bottom.

This hole is very deep and dark, like a thick ink flowing, and if you look closely, you can see one of the gods in the middle of the plate.

It is a pity that if you use perception, you will have nothing to gain.

Perception can't penetrate this hole at all.

"Adult, you are here." Wan Guizhen Prison Emperor saw Qin Qi, suddenly shocked, and quickly expressed surrender.

Also shocked.

Qin Qi faces Meng Po, but she can be innocent!

Qin Qi did not pay attention to him, just looking at the dark hole in front of him, and frowning: "Are you here, is it that they have arrived here?"

Wan Guizheng Prison Emperor nodded and said: "Adult, this movement of the other side of the sea can not stand me, they did escape to here, I am afraid, have already entered."

"What's in this hole?" Qin Qi said, he could feel the unusualness of this cave.

"This..." The ghost town of the prisoner has some support.

Qin Qi looked at him indifferently, and the ghosts of the ghosts suddenly became cold and sweaty. Even the voice: "I am forgiving of sins, I don't want to answer, but I don't know the origin of this cave!"

"You don't know?" Qin Qi snorted. "Isn't that any movement in the other side of the sea?"

The ghost town of the imperial prisoner almost cried out. He did understand everything about the other side of the sea, but he was the first time he saw such a cave.

The ghost knows where this stuff comes from!

In order not to attract his attention, all the breath in this place has been erased, there is no leftover, there is no way to start.

"This is an uncertain hole, and it belongs to the power of the indefinite Pluto." But it was Meng Hao, who actually followed.

"Meng...Meng Po adults!" Wan Guizheng prisoner's face was white, and quickly fell to the ground, shivering.

He surrendered to Qin Qi, let them go to the township station, it is a big sin, Meng Po can raise his hand to destroy him.

However, Meng Xi did not pay attention to him, but continued: "This is not a hole in the sky, but the law of the local government, and it is extremely deep, I really did not expect outsiders to use."

"So, they may have gone to the bridge." Meng Xiao smiled.

The law of the local government?

Where is the bridge?

Is it that the crow did, he took away the virtual sword and another post-mortem!

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