God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1443: Evil ghost

The first thousand four hundred and forty-three chapters of evil spirits

Qin Qi couldn't help but spit out a breath.

I was shocked.

Just looking at this trace, it is very old, not new, and I want to come, no one can shake the disc.

Not to mention the cracks that caused this aspect of the spider web.

Now Qin Qi can't do it at all.

Is it the riot of Huangquan in ancient times?

There is indeed this possibility.

Qin Qi looked at the cracks more carefully now, and the corner of his eye, actually saw a part of the crack extension, half of the dark feathers mixed!

Crow feather!

The crow's feathers?

Qin Qi's look suddenly changed.

The crow came directly to the Naihe Bridge from Huangquan Road through the uncertain sky. Did it come to the lower layer of this bridge?

He can actually come alive here.

Qin Qi's look couldn't help but change. The crow feather was not attached to the disc, but was caught by the crack. That is to say, the crack was opened before!

At least, it was opened.

It’s hard to be done, he has already entered Hell Road!

Qin Qi’s surprise was a different one. The look couldn’t help but look hard. The crow didn’t care much about Qin Qi, but he missed a chance to kill him.

But the crow went in, the virtual sword and the man who walked with him?

Did you also go in together?

Qin Qi bite his teeth, behind the dark wizards, the power of the ghosts of the ghosts to return further, stronger than before.

Oh la la!

The soul chain dances like a snake, breaking through the chaos on the portal and nailing it on the disc.

Under the cloak of the Dark Wizard, the scarlet scorpion lights up like blood flowing.

The six reincarnations are indeed the way of Devadado, but they are built together with the Ghost Emperor. Since the crow has the power to influence the Hell Road, then Qin Qi can also!

The power of the Nether Ghost Emperor did make the disc change, and the cracks in the road had a tendency to completely crack, and there was light and shadow, which emerged from the crack.

However, after all, it was not fully opened. After opening a few points, it was closed up. After that, let Qin Qi exert his strength and use it.

It is a whispering rule that prevents it from starting again!

"Don't you open it once, you can't open it for the second time?" Qin Qi whispered, but no matter what, he really has no way.

I can only hope that the virtual sword can be safe.

Perhaps this is a big change for him.

I tried it again a few times and found that there was no possibility of incitement. Instead, the hooligans in the **** road made Qin Qi jealous of power, so that he did not dare to continue.

After a few steps back, the disc resumed its rotation and gradually left, and another disc began to approach the bridge, like a world, coming.

When the disc was completely stopped in the bridge, Qin Qi saw that there was a totem of the beast.

It is said to be a beast, but in fact, it is a fierce beast. It is fierce and seems to be more than a wild animal.

The disc was relatively complete, although there were cracks, but it was not as bad as the **** road, and it was almost broken.

"This door can always be opened?" Qin Qi thought in his heart, once again using the power of the Nether Ghost Emperor, to open the animal road.

Just, can't open!

Qin Qi couldn't help but shake her eyes.

What kind of ghosts do you have, and who can’t go in?

Doesn't Huang Quan have only these people? Is there anyone who doesn't know who comes in?

Moreover, like the crows, they have mastered the laws of some local governments, and they can cross the Wangxiangtai and directly reach the Naihe Bridge.

This world, really can not be underestimated, there are mountains outside the mountains, some mysterious, now Qin Qi can not be touched, anything can not be perfect.

"The last one, I hope that there will be no more moths." Qin Qi slammed and stepped back, letting the disc continue to rotate.

The last three of the next three, hungry ghosts!

The complete disc, the goblin totem above, is so clear.

This time, no one has taken the lead!

The power of the Nether Ghost Emperor, this time, injects into this hungry ghost road, and this hungry ghost road has also changed, slowly opening.


In the heart of Qin Qi, a sudden warning sounded, and he did not want to, and he retired in an instant, and there was a ghost knife in the open disc, and he came out.

Void, broken!

Visible power!

This hungry ghost road, there are actually guardians!

"There was another bug coming in, disturbing my sleep." A long, ancient voice sounded, and the chaos of the hungry ghost road trembled, and all of them spread out.

Everything is clear and clearly seen, just like a evil spirit reappears in the world.

A figure, suspended in front of the hungry ghost road, covered in darkness, with a mask of evil spirits on his face, stunned!

The guardian of the hungry ghost, the evil spirit Galo.

"Little bug, you are really stupid, I feel the power of my own, and even dare to continue to open this hungry ghost." The evil spirit Galo slowly, very indifferent, seems to be in front of his eyes, Qin Qi is really just a insect.

"The previous worms, who perceive my existence, dare not bother, even the worms who have been acquainted with hunger and plague, knowing that this hungry ghost has the greatest help to him, but still chose give up!"

"The clever worm, I will spare him a life, after all, it is really boring to trample the bug."

"Unfortunately, you are not smart, even stupid!"

"Stupid bugs, disgusting, the only end, is that I am trampled!"

The evil spirit Galo is condescending, and he looks at Qin Qi indifferently.

In his view, Qin Qi’s life and death is only between his thoughts.

"You are in the door, but you know what happened outside?" Qin Qi eyes lit up.

"Let's go, the worms in the area, and dare to question this seat!" The evil spirits of Galois sounded fiercely, and the horrible power of the body spread out. Even if they were far apart, those people who were in the middle of the month could hardly bear it.

"Bug, you have not questioned the qualifications of the gods, but you are going to die, I can answer you once in an exception!" The evil spirits Galo cold and cold.

Qin Qi shook his head, his fingers bounced, and then he grabbed the hilt.

"Ghost ghost, you don't seem to be clear about the situation, you have not refused to answer the qualifications, and there is no option to answer once or twice!"

"Rather, I asked, you have to answer, even if you don't answer this option, there is no such thing!" Qin Qi cold and cold.

The evil spirit Galo did not expect Qin Qi to dare to say such words.

How can a worm, in front of him, say this in front of the guardian of the hungry ghost, the evil spirit Galo?

"You really have seen me, the stupidest worm." The evil spirit Galo was angry. In an instant, this void began to collapse and could not withstand his anger!

"Think about how to answer my question, because it is not too long to open your mouth!" Qin Qi sneered.

"Death!" The evil spirit Galo drank low, and the ghost knife flashed over an awning and fell directly.

However, a dragon stunned, and the power of the nine colors swept out, directly smashing the power of the evil spirits!

The body of the dragon's veins, this moment, really reveals the fangs!

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