God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1465: Old people ten years ago

The old man of the first thousand four hundred and sixty-five chapters ten years ago

It was heard that the whole room was suddenly quiet.

After all, the name Qin Qi, for Tianyuan, is no more relaxed than some of the Terran forces, but rather heavier.

"Hey, disciple, what can you care about, can you still do it in the same year?" The Hera clan's strongman screamed.

"It is true that it is only a disciple, no matter whether it is true or not."

"If Qin Qi's disciples are also going to participate in the Tianyuan Dabi, then they will be abolished in the ring, and the results of the mentoring and the mentoring together will be good." The strongman of the Zeus clan smiled faintly.

It is no longer the time of Qin Qi, a disciple, really do not care about anything.

"This matter is handed over to you." The strong men of the Zeus clan looked at the younger generation.

And McLean, one of the Seven Stars, is also in the list.

Today, his status has surpassed Qing Litian, and among the young Mozu, it is second only to the Holy Virgin.

"That depends on whether he can touch us." There is a thunder in the eyes of McLean. It is completely different from ten years ago. It is too powerful!

"Not to mention, Qin Qi's apprentice I am not interested, or that the guys of this era, I can not see."

"If you can, I hope that Qin Qi can appear again, and this time, I will completely defeat him, a shame before the snow!" McLean indifferent, incomparably strong, all!

Around him, those who belong to the gods of the generation, the face is shy and angry, but no one dares to speak!

McLean was able to be at the top of the last era and this era, but they were not able to compare and the strength was too strong.

They even think that McLean is the head of the Seven Stars!

"I'm afraid, only you want him to come back?" Qing Litian said lightly.

She is naturally also listed.

Qing Litian and the decade ago did not change much. Beauty does not have to say much, and the power is becoming more and more unfathomable.

However, she did not get the **** of fire, so McLean did not need to endure to her ten years ago.

"Qing Litian, I am afraid that the most hoped that Qin Qi will come back, is that you?" McLean snorted. In the past, Qing Litian’s "Lord" was no longer known.

"McLean, what do you mean?"

"Hey, the relationship between you, want me to pick it up, really want to say it, the face of the Athena clan, can't look good?" McLean sneered, revealing sarcasm.

Qing Litian’s eyes shook a few times, and his left hand shone slightly.

And McLean is a good one, with a disdainful smile on his face, and the Thunder is beating and screaming, giving off the scent of destruction.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter. As long as it is not Qin Qi, other things are not important." The month is open and mediates.

"So, will Qin Qi appear again in the end?" Zeus's strongman knocked on the table, and his words turned sharply, and his eyes were sharp and he looked at the moon.

"Nature will not." The moon is blunt, as if he did not see the sharpness in the other's eyes.

Zeus's strongman glanced at Apollo's strongman, who was also a prophet. After seeing the other nod, he snorted and said slowly: "In short, this time Tianyuan is bigger than no matter what person appears. What happened, my Tianyuan saints must win the first!"

"This is the decision of the arbitral tribunal of the gods and the expectation of His Royal Highness. I hope that you will not let the saints down!"

"There is me there, don't worry about this." McLean stood up and walked out.

He is very self-sufficient.

He is now qualified to be so conceited.


The Yaozu also has a huge courtyard. At the moment, in a simple and quaint room, several young Yaozus are gathering.

Although young, in fact, compared to the generation of the gods, or older, it must belong to the previous era.

One of them, who is extremely handsome, is even more prosperous. Although he is a demon, he has a taste of elegance.

His eyes are very special. There are four pupils, but they are heavy people!

Moreover, each pupil is different. It seems to contain some kind of divine power, which is mixed with each other. The more you want to see through, the more you are shocked, the more you will be sucked in, and you will not be able to extricate yourself.

Of course, if someone sees him, the first thing I see is probably not that heavy, but a little blood mark on his forehead!

He is, the demon **** blood!

"I heard that Qin Qi’s disciple appeared. I didn’t expect to hear him in the past ten years. Today, ten years later, it’s really reappearing in such a form. It’s really awesome.” Tianzhu whispered, slightly smiling Road.

He is calm and does not have much special fluctuations.

Behind him, standing two people, of course, not the human race, but the demon who turned into a human form.

One man and one woman.

The whole number of men is hidden in the shadows, and the breath is not transparent. I am afraid that no one can perceive his existence. This power to control the shadows is not enough for Erui Boss.

He is the demon night, a member of the Wan Clan parliament. He did not know how much he grew up in ten years. Now, he is doing things under the blood of the demon.

The other person, with a black hair and a tall figure, is full of explosive power everywhere, but still has no loss of women.

Of course, the most influential one should be the wildness in her nephew.

It's like a female tiger!

Ink and ink.

A bully that can be named as a white tiger!

"You two, seems to have had contact with Qin Qi?" Tianzhu turned and smiled gently.

Both the demon night and the ink ink are a jump in the heart, and it is a little nervous. After all, under the double gaze, it is difficult to have anything to kneel down.

"Responding to His Royal Highness, there have been several contacts."

"Ink, your contact with Qin Qi, should be closer?" Tianzhu looked at ink.

There was already cold sweat on the ink and ink, and I dare not be slow. I replied with respect and respectfulness: "It is true, we have cooperated."

"You can grow up so fast, you should not be helped by Qin Qi. Of course, this is not a big deal, you don't have to bear a burden." Tian Haohe laughed.

Ink and ink are naturally not comparable to a decade ago.

Hu Xiaoting Wang Ting has already been taken by her. This is not a big deal. She has even laid dozens of powerful demon tribes nearby, and her own combat power has been leaps and bounds. It has become a powerful new party of the Yaozu!

But now, it has become a subordinate of Scorpio, and this matter, like ink and ink, there is no room for resistance.

Just because the other party is the demon **** blood!

"If he is still there, the world must be more colorful!" Tianzhu shook his head.

"Let me talk about it in detail, I am very interested in that Qin Qi, but Tian Hao laughed, and the heavy screaming of the smashing, no one knows what he is thinking."


At the same time, under a **** sky.

A woman sits on a stone arch bridge with her legs bent and a man's head resting on it.

Suddenly, the man moved.

The woman felt it for the first time, and suddenly the color of surprise rose in her eyes, and then it became a gentle one.

"You wake up, sleep well?" The woman softly said.

Waiting for ten years seems to be nothing but yesterday.

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