God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1471: Message returned

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-one chapters passed back

The egg was changed this time, not the rebirth of the Red Lake.

At that time, the eggs, or fish, were swallowed by the crows, and finally they were reborn as eggs by a Nirvana like the phoenix.

Therefore, today's egg is a young boy, Peng Peng, has initially possessed the power of the Kunpeng family, the strength of the battle, it is hard to imagine!

As for the others, Zhang Lang and Zhao Cai did not know who to dig the graves of their ancestors, and the interest was extremely high.

This wretched guy came back once in ten years, then ate two yellow springs and lost the ghosts.

The next time I saw it, I would definitely beat it.

And the monkey brother, after taking two Huangquan fruit, the strength grows again, and finally can pick up the iron rod.

After that, he left and went to the East China Sea. There is no news until now.

The war gods and gods are originally from the East China Sea. He went back this time and wanted to have a huge harvest.

Qin Qi, a personal look, saw that friends and brothers are generally fast-moving, and they are relieved.

"Hey, God's temporary generation, gods and fires, these things, is it a chess game for you?" Qin Qi snorted.

God's temporary generation, the gods are no longer a luxury, except for the open face, I am afraid that many strong people have become gods.

At least the ancient ancestors of Tianyuan, who have never been born, are now afraid to grow into a state of extreme horror.

But this is no better, Qin Qi is screaming that no **** can kill it!

He is the emperor's road, but he can rely on the growth of the enemy to help!

"Tianyuan Dabi, it is actually the four forces to hold together, a little meaning!"

"God is a generation? Seven Stars? Is it a genius far beyond our time?"

"Hey, this, I don't believe it." Qin Qi whispered.

The geniuses he has seen, talents, ancient people, green radish, Ye Yuexin, Wang Qianyu, Liao Tianyi, etc., will these people be easily overtaken?

The shrine of the shrine, but the marionette who was sheltered by the gods, what counted!

"Hey, Yuner went to Tianyuan Dabi, Xiaosheng, did they follow?" Qin Qi saw the latest information.

Seeing Xiaosheng and Lili's growth, they couldn't help but feel gratified.

And seeing the pure land in the sky, Xiaosheng they have a conflict with the Xuantian authentic, Qin Qi's look, but not so good.

I didn’t shoot you ten years ago. Ten years later, I wanted to take the old road of the Huangdao Dragon Palace.

Hey, I will come to fulfill you!

Qin Qi was originally prepared to return to the Chaos Era Alliance, but now it seems that it is necessary to go to the sky and see.

He can't allow his apprentice, and children, to be bullied by anyone!

A piece of information was passed to Gaochun through the big array, and Qin Qi took the Su dialect and went to the heavens.

With the strength of Qin Qi, it is easy to erase all the breath, no one can recognize him.

Qin Qi is going to have a look, in addition to Xuantian Authentic, who is still dead.

When they are, they will let them die.


The city of Chaos is now full of people and incomparably prosperous.

There is a linden tree growing here, which is too much for the auxiliary of the monasticism. In addition, there is a steady production of madness in the Leige. The entire chaotic era alliance has far exceeded the other forces.

At this moment, in the city of Chaos, in the elegant courtyard, there are two beautiful people sitting opposite each other.

These two people are considered to be the most powerful women in the entire league.

One is the lord.

The other is to grasp the existence of the entire intelligence agency of the alliance.

It is because of the cooperation between the two of them that the alliance can reach this step today.

"If you find me something, if you don't say it, I will go back." Gao Wei was impatient.

After a long time, Situ Jing has been chatting, and has no focus at all.

Today's sorghum is more beautiful than before, and the unconsciously young woman's flavor between the eyebrows adds a little bit to her.

Situ Jing smiled and said: "You are busy all day, not tired, I am letting you take a break."

Situ Jing is also more mature and beautiful than before. In addition to making her more attractive, the years will not leave any trace.

"Of course, I can take a break myself." Situ Jing spit out his tongue.

Her relationship with Gao Song is much closer than before. It can be said that it is the entire league, the only person who can chat with Gao Song.

After all, sorghum can be extremely difficult to get along with.

"I am leaving first." Gao Wei faintly said, got up and ready to leave.

"As for the things of Fuer, are you still angry?" Situ quietly smiled.

"If she wants to go, then let her go, since then, she has nothing to do with me." Gao Yan cold and cold.

Situ Jing pouted, it really has nothing to do with ghosts.

"She just wants to go and see, it's not a bad thing, why are you like this?" Situ Jing frowned.

"Oh, if it weren't for you, she wouldn't know who her father is!"

"I always know." Situ Jing coughed.

"She doesn't need to know!" The voice of Gao Gao was still cold.

Situ Jing’s face sank and coldly said: “She is just a child. What she did wrong, no father or brother can recognize it!”

“Do you still want to nurture her like a shadow in the dark, let her become a machine? Tell you, don’t even think about it!”

"She is my daughter!" Gao said.

"It's also ours!" Situ Jing contends.

Gao Hao went too far and didn't want to talk anymore.

However, at this time, she had a heartbeat and took out a piece of jade, which showed a message.

Gao Hao suddenly widened his eyes and his body trembled slightly.

"He is back!" Situ Jing also saw it, and suddenly called it, very happy.

After ten years of waiting, he will return!

"He went to the heavens!" Situ Jing changed his face, and then smiled and looked at Gaochun: "It is not connected with blood, Fuer is much more powerful than us. Hey, father and daughter recognize each other, it seems to be God, haha! ”


"Win brother, come on, come on!"

Small is not to cheer for a small win, and the surrounding is also a cheer of the film.

On the largest performing field in this pure land, Tianyuan Dawei finally started, and the powerful forces of all major forces came to the scene to watch the test of this shaking world.

Countless geniuses will be divided into one victory and defeat, one of the best in the world!

And Xiaosheng, since the fight against Luo Kai, naturally wants to participate.

"Kid, I heard that you are the apprentice of that... Oh, let's call Li Dog Egg, you see my brain, almost forgot the big celebrity Li dog egg, it is a sin!" Xiaosheng opposite, A young man laughed.

Such a sloppy attitude, deliberately speaking of the pseudonym used before Qin Qi, is obviously a shame.

Under the stage, there is a man of Xuantian authentic laughter.

Unexpectedly, the first game was that Duan Qian faced a small victory.

Duan Qian is also a disciple of Xuantian Orthodox, but he is much stronger than Gong Sunyu and is one of the thirty-six kings.

The realm of the nine-star emperor!

Duan Qian was the winner of Brahma. When he came up, he was such a heavyweight duel. He suddenly detonated this place and countless people paid attention to it.

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