God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1513: Qin You

The first thousand five hundred and thirteen chapters Qin Qin

However, isn't this the style of the Black Dragon Emperor?

The dragon claws were photographed, and the two demon gods burst into madness and wanted to resist, but they could not do it at all.

The black dragon shook the road.

"Peng Peng" two sounds.

The two groups of blood fog burst open and were directly killed.

This is the power of the Black Dragon Emperor!

Strong and unmatched, even if it is a Wan Clan parliament, it is not in the eye.

Of course, this does not mean that he can compete with the Wan Clan parliament, but at least, not afraid!

The dark scorpion has been scared, and the Black Dragon Emperor, his father, actually killed the demon of the Wan Clan parliament, and is in front of him!

What does this mean, representing the attitude of the Black Dragon Emperor?

He chose Xiaoyou?

"Father, do you want to help this hybrid dragon?" The secret could not help but shout.

"Shut up, useless waste, it is not worthy of being the son of the emperor!" The voice of the Black Dragon Emperor was indifferent, and he did not care that the secret was his son.

The dark bite bites his teeth, but he does not dare to resist the authority of the Black Dragon Emperor.

Moreover, the Black Dragon Emperor is so strong, even if he is abdicated, this dark Dragon Nest, will really change with the change of the throne?

For this, the darkness is also ugly.

The people onlookers are all talking about it. In fact, after the news of the Emperor of the Black Dragon, the news of the throne came out, the outside world was divided into different opinions. They all thought that there was a problem with the Emperor of the Black Dragon, and they had to give up the throne.

It seems that now, what is wrong with the Black Dragon Emperor is simply at its peak and even stronger than before.

The Emperor of the Black Dragon appeared, and a robes were indeed majestic and unparalleled. It was the master of Wanlong.

I am afraid that among the dragons, who can slightly suppress him, there is only the Qinglong Emperor above the Dragon Island!

"Talk about it, what's going on, just that power, it doesn't belong to you alone." The Black Dragon Emperor walked up to Xiaoyou and asked indifferently.

His majesty is terrible. Even if you look at the lively people, they are all screaming and afraid to say more.

Xiao You is fearless, looking directly at the Black Dragon Emperor, faintly said: "This power does not belong to me alone."

"So, who helped you, you should be clear, life and death, no one can intervene." Black Dragon Emperor.

"What will happen when you intervene?" Xiaoyou looked calm.

"Dead!" The Black Dragon Emperor spit out a word and wrote the taste of killing, and it was indeed majestic.


"Because this is the rule I set!"

"So, today's rules, it will change." Xiao Wei smiled.

The words are awkward.

"He is crazy, know what he is talking about!" Vanessa is not convinced that Xiaoyou is absolutely crazy.

"He, isn't he looking for death?" Jin Chixiao could not understand, although Xiaoyou relied on the power of others, but the Black Dragon Emperor would not necessarily kill him.

But now, dare to hit the Black Dragon Emperor, then there is only one dead end.

It is death, and at this moment, his eyes are wide open, and his heart is extremely shocked.

"Is it crazy, but it is so good, I lost two competitors in one breath. This throne is already mine!" sneered in the dark.

Xiaoyou’s words, that is, the Duke of Crimson, the Emperor of the Underworld, and the sinners of the city could not help but be surprised, and did not understand how dare he could say such crazy words.

"Why?" The Black Dragon Emperor laughed and he was already angry.

But he really wants to know how Xiao You dare to say this.

"By my name." Xiao You whispered.

"Your name?" Black Dragon Emperor had some surprises.

In fact, no one knows the name of Xiao You, just because he is a ghost bone dragon, so people who know him call him "secret", and Xiao You has never objected to this.

Today, how did you suddenly mention your name?

Moreover, a name only, can shock one of the Black Forest giants, known as the black dragon emperor?

"So, what is your name?" The Black Dragon Emperor gave Xiao You the last tolerance.

When Xiao You answered, he would kill the hand and tear the Xiao You into pieces!

No one else can be so arrogant in front of him!

Xiao You spit out a sigh of relief, a smile on his lips.

"Qin family, Qin You!"

The voice of Xiao You is not loud, but it is spread throughout the audience, and everyone can hear it clearly.

And their look is changing in an instant, becoming horrified and even showing fear!

Qin family, Qin You?

A similar picture seems to have appeared not long ago.

That is still the pure land in the West Desert.

Qin Xiaopeng appeared and said his life.

Qin Jia, Qin Xiaopeng!

Then, the forces of the giants such as Xuantian Orthodox, Yangon Gods, and Shengxian Palace were destroyed within one day.

The word Qin has been taboo. When today, who dares to ignore it?

And now, there is another Qin family.

Qin family, Qin You?

The look of the Black Dragon Emperor also became difficult to look.

"You are the dragon that was next to Qin Qi in that year?"

"It is indeed me." Xiao You has no intention of concealing anything, but he quickly smiled and said: "I don't know if I deserve this name."

He is an ordinary dragon, and his blood is not strong. He is the lowest dragon.

Later, he was shackled by the bloodthirsty door and refined into a blood-bone dragon. He thought that Longsheng would end and would become a blood-stained blood slave until death.

However, Qin Qi saved him and helped him to complete the transformation and turned into a ghost bone dragon.

In this way, the Dark Dragons are broken, but with a bright heart!

He is Qin Qi's mount, also called Qin Qi as the "master", but he knows that Qin Qi regards him as a brother.

Therefore, he feels that he is also a Qin family.

However, he is too incompetent, fighting alone in the Black Forest for so many years, still not much tree building, and now, even Qin Qi to help him.

He is not worthy of this surname.

"Qin, you said your name is Qin, hahaha, don't make me laugh, you are just a Qin Qi mount, you really dare to put gold on your face!"

"Do you think that you have to give yourself a 'Qin' surname, Qin Qi will be like his parents, for you?"

"Poor, really pitiful, what qualification do you have to surname Qin? You are a hybrid dragon. If Qin Qi is not stupid, he will not offend the father for you!" The screaming, full of ridicule!

Xiao Youmei, he also felt that he did not match.

"Long time no see, my brother." But it was a voice, which sounded from behind the Black Dragon Emperor.

Xiao You heard the words, his face suddenly excited, and his body was shaking.

The Black Dragon Emperor, the pupil suddenly collapsed.

Qin Qi, appeared behind him, in the hands, is a dragon of blood!

Tianlong blood essence that has been taken down by the dark!

The dragon's blood sprinkled, Qin Qi slightly loosened his hand, and the dark body fell from the sky.

"Hold, Big Brother will give you a meeting." Qin Qi smiled and threw the Dragon Blood to Xiao You.

It seems that only a fly has been killed.

Even the father of the fly is on the side.

But still, it is a fly!

This is the hegemony of Qin Qi, even if it is the Black Dragon Emperor, it is hard to compare!


It is already taboo, the world is respectful!

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