God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1531: World truth

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-one chapters of the world

Qin Qi spit out a breath, took Emperor Ji, and returned to the Dark Dragon Nest.

Ding Qiubai and the sinners left, I am afraid that I have my own thoughts and still hesitate.

However, the Duke of Crimson simply stayed in the Dark Dragon Nest and said that he was waiting to serve Qin Qi, but I wanted to come. She was curious about what was going on.

After all, they were far away, and they could not perceive anything.

And she has already returned to Qin Qi, and this is nothing.

Too many Qin Qi did not tell her, just revealed that the black **** is not dead, and at the same time heard these, there are moons and frogs.

They are all big shocks in their hearts.

To know the present day, the twelve clan is robbed from the hands of the Titans. Now the black **** is not dead. For the twelve clan, it is not a good thing.

Revealing this information, Qin Qi will no longer care about them, but only left the emperor.

"What do you want, believe it or not, I will go back and tell your wife!" Yan Kun looked at Qin Qi with a look.

"To the old man!" Qin Qi did not have a good voice.

夯 Kun ha ha smiled, then a little positive color, said: "Before you said, you pay attention."

Qin Qi flashed a light and smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, one day I will go to the Temple of the Devil, and at that time, solve it together!"

Yan Kun nodded and left, looking at the face of sensuality, it is estimated to go to find a beautiful little dragon.

Give the chicken a vacation?


Everyone left, Qin Qi waved his hand, and the changes in the earth's veins formed a formation that separated him from the outside world.

Emperor Ji looked blank and didn't seem to notice.

Qin Qi also ignored her, but began to ask the system.

"System, should I be able to give me an explanation now?" Qin Qi asked.

"You can now view the real chapter." The system replied.

Qin Qi frowned and took out the real chapter. Now, he can already view the first chapter and the first chapter.

Click to view the real chapter (initial).

The first chapter: the heavens and the world.

Qin Qi glimmered and looked at it seriously.

The content of the first chapter is very small, just a rough description, but the shock brought to Qin Qi is still huge.

According to the first chapter, Qin Qi’s time and space not only has the Tianyuan world, the alien world and the earth he knows.

In addition to this, there are also the heavens and the world. In this endless universe, there are civilizations everywhere, powerful or weak, and countless.

These civilizations have been colliding all the time since ancient times. There are extinctions, new life, strong, and declining, so reciprocating until the end of the year.

But the heavens and the world seem to hate the mighty, so since ancient times, there has never been an invincible civilization, and any powerful has a day to come to an end.

Throughout the ages, like a reincarnation, repeating again and again, there was civilization, strong to the extreme, with the power of the world, the emergence of feathers, and finally, only destruction.

This is the case in the heavens and the world, rising from the end of the micro, ending in the prosperity, and it has never been easier.

The first chapter.

It is just an overview of the heavens and the world. It is a concept of cognition of the world. There is no substantive content, but it is tantamount to opening the door to a new world.

The heavens and the world are just one of them, too small.

"Like this starry sky, the stars shine, the heavens rise together, I am now, nothing really." Qin Qi shook his head and couldn't help but smile.

But his eyes couldn't help but raise an unprecedented light.

Since the truth of the world is like this, then, one day, can he return to the earth?

Return to that, in his case, the initial world!

Think about it, it really makes him excited, and he can't calm down.

However, the essence of the heavens and the world is that the heavens are fighting for hegemony, constantly depriving them of power, and strengthening their own bodies. This heavenly world is obviously being shackled by the outside world. The earth is weaker than the heavenly world. I don’t know if it will be destroy?

Qin Qi is eyebrows, but it is difficult to get an answer.

After reviewing the first chapter, I determined that there was not much specific content. Qin Qi put it away and opened the first chapter.

The first chapter: the battle of the world.

The nature of civilization is war!

As long as there are still strong and weak points, then there will be disputes, and the weak meat will be strong. This is the case, whether it is placed in the same ethnic group, or in the Wan family, or in Wanfang.

This is the only law of Van Gogh, I am afraid it will never change.

The strong, the reason why you can become a strong, in addition to being born strong, is that it is attributed to deprivation, depriving others of the power they should have, and strengthening their own body.

This is the true meaning of war.

The party that initiated the war is to strengthen itself. For this goal that never ends, the war can never stop.

All the worlds, every moment, there is a war, perhaps like the battle between the Terran and the Devil, perhaps, is the collision between civilization and civilization.

Peaceful coexistence?

It does exist, but it is under the premise of equal strength or more powerful constraints. Otherwise, there must be a battle that cannot be avoided.

Just like the alien world and the Tianyuan world, the Dark God Demon guided the first contact, and after that contact, the Alien opened the aggression plan to enslave the Tianyuan world.

There is no reason to talk about this, and no one is right or wrong, because war, plunder, is the nature of civilization!

According to the records in the first chapter, the heavens and the kingdoms have been fighting since the birth of the world. Until now, the battle has not ended.

However, it seems that in this endless war, some special organizations have emerged, uniting some of the world's forces and wanting to control the order of the world.

However, whether it is successful or not, there is no record of the real chapter.

The real chapter, can't understand everything?

The heavens and the world are also amazing.

The first chapter tells the existence of Qin Qi Wanjie.

The first chapter tells Qin Qi that the war is inevitable.

One day, the world's barriers will be broken, and by then, the Tianyuan world will only be enslaved.

The contents recorded in the first chapter are limited, and the world is not graded. Qin Qi is now known, and it is also a three-level world.

The bottom layer, such as the earth.

Middle level, such as Tianyuan World.

The upper layer, such as the outer boundary.

As for the existence of the outside world, Qin Qi judged that there is, but how strong, but no way to know.

After reading the two chapters of the real chapter, Qin Qi was difficult to calm for a long time. He suddenly had a kind of conjecture. The dusk of the gods, the disappearance of those who have always been strong, are they all related to countering the opposite world?

Perhaps there is no such big event in history, the outside world has already enslaved the world of heaven.

"System, what else should I add?" Qin Qi asked.

"I can tell you the practice system of the outside world. After all, collisions are inevitable." The system interface jumped out of a line.

Qin Qi saw this, and the dawn was bright.

"In the outer world, and even in a large part of the world, the cultivation system is shared. It is divided into six layers, from bottom to top, namely bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamonds and..."

"The strongest king?" Qin Qi's eyes are shaking. Isn't Nima the ranking of the arena in the game?

"Well, yes." The system is calm.

Qin Qi’s mouth twitched and couldn’t help but say: “You are too sloppy?”

"These are not important. What is important is that you know what to do now?" System Road.

Qin Qi smiled and said with a blank expression: "Of course I know, wretched development, don't waste."



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