God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1533: Counterattack

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-three chapters counterattack the opposite world

"Counterattacks outside the world?" Qin Qi was shocked.

How arrogant this is!

The strong outside world, Qin Qi is not yet really touched, but has a concept, beyond the heavenly world too much.

The advance troops of the group against the outside world have done their best to counterattack the outside world, that is to kill the way, it is tantamount to moths!

When Qin Qi suddenly awe, it is the evil curse that has always been disgusted, can't help but admire.

They, these great meanings, are admirable.

"Later?" Qin Qi took a deep breath and sighed. He knew very well that the result was not good.

"We have entered the outside world, and we are all looking for an enemy. There is no retreat. Only the last drop of blood is exhausted, and the last component is squeezed out."

"We, no one has shrunk."

"I saw Alice's crystal clear ice and snow gradually disappeared. I saw the gloom of the Nether, and I crossed the knife and died."

"I saw that the curse of the heavens was cut off by the strongmen of the outer world, and the tears of blood and tears saw that Dante was roaring, and the body of the dragon was crushed under his feet."

"I saw the light of the last holy light to illuminate the night sky, seeing the blood of Cronus in the sky, mourning all over the field."

"I saw the robes of the blush burning, burning the body and the heart, seeing the king of the people, the battle to the end, the footprints in the outer world, the four fields are cold!"

"I saw that the end of each of them, I also saw, the door that collapsed."

"I saw it and saw the vibration in the eyes of the strong-minded and saw the anger of their broken halo!"

Qin Qi listened, there was not much expression on his face, but his heart, his blood, could not help but start to boil.

Determined to fight and fight against the outside world.

It was indeed the most stupid thing, but no regrets, they buried the lower gates and completely shredded plans to invade Tianyuan.

"I did not expect that my Wuhun is actually such a hero!" Qin Qi exclaimed.

Alice is also listening, she has the ingenuity, but there is no memory in the past, but it is faintly infected, and the power in the body is difficult to calm down.

The system seems to be recalling that at the beginning, although he did not make any sound, he could feel the fluctuation of emotions between the lines.

Perhaps he was annoyed that he should not make such a decision.

But perhaps, he is reminiscing about the years, they are still alive, laughing in the history of rolling wheels, burning the blood of the sky!

"Ultimately, my creator defeated the supreme stalwart of the gates of the time - the colorless diamond, the gates disappeared, and then the creator attached the last strength of his comrades to me and threw me out. Enter the world of heaven."

"And he himself disappeared, but at the time he was already a broken body, and the power of the colorless diamond did not give him hope of living."

"So he is still alive now, I don't know."

The system interface jumped out of a paragraph, Qin Qi can feel the hopes and nostalgia of hope.

Qin Qi wants to know who the creator of the system is, how can it be strong, but the system will not disclose it now, and there is no question.

Now that the matter is probably Qin Qi has been clear, and the incomprehensible, it is only a matter of later.

"The gods at dusk, what is going on, is the alien world once again opened the gate?" Qin Qi asked, the dominance of that time, is not the creator of the system, but the taboo female emperor!

"The dusk of the gods is not so simple, and only the only taboo female emperor of the ancients, that talents can complete the dusk of the gods."

"Maybe even if my creator is coming, it is impossible to finish."

The system answered the question of Qin Qi, but it almost equals that there is no answer, but obviously, the meaning of the dusk of the gods is not only to prevent the invasion of the outside world.

And what happened at the same time as the dusk of the gods was the great destruction that never happened. Obviously what happened at that time was unimaginable.

After a while, Qin Qi took a breath and broke away from the secrets of these past.

"So, I am coming back to this Tianyuan continent, is your creator choosing me?" Qin Qi smiled.

"It is true." The system answered directly.

"What is the reason?"

Qin Qi did not believe that it was an accident. The system swam between the heavens and the world, but found him on the weak planet of the earth. How could it be accidental?

"Because you are the body of the dragon." The system answered very decisively.

"The body of the dragon vein... Is there anything special?"

"You will know later."


Ok, now that things are up, Qin Qi doesn't want to ask those secrets any more. Now what he knows has given him enough pressure.

"For me, it is too early to know." Qin Qi could not help but smile.

These things, when he is at the top of the world, know no later.

"No, just right." The system replied.

"If you choose Emperor Zun Road, you have chosen unlimited possibilities. This is the only known road without vertices!"

"Now you step into the threshold of the emperor, the system of the opposite world, just to become your upward step, and you can continue to go up, even breaking through the shackles of the outside world."

"The strongest king, that is the shackles of the opposite world, just like the king of the world, has already done its way, and you, with this emperor, can continue!"

The concept of genius, unlimited possibilities, this is the emperor's road created by the taboo female emperor, and also the proof of her first talent.

Qin Qi nodded, but this is really clever. He just stepped into the threshold of Emperor Zun Road, and this new system paved the way for him.

"I feel, are you in the pit?" Qin Qi could not help but be suspicious.

"How come", the system's answer is very decisive.

However, I always give Qin Qi a feeling of guilty conscience.

I have to wait for Laozi to be stronger and naturally know everything.

Qin Qimo smashed the bronze crystal, which was introduced into the body and merged with its own source.

This bronze crystal seems to be spiritual, suddenly turned into a thin stream of bronze, drilled into the source, and then, a Yingying bronze color, will be wrapped in the source of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi’s flash of light flashed a bronze color, and now he has two power systems: Tianyuan World and Alien.

Feeling, it is indeed magical, raising hands and raising the foot, the power of bronze is constantly surging, with Qin Qi's own combat power, the real world, almost can not be trapped Qin Qi.

Almost equivalent to the level of one star bronze IV.

“Hey, congratulations to the player to open the alien system, the colorless diamond begins to recover.”

The system prompts.

Qin Qi mastered the cultivation system of the outer world, and the heavens became a big external plug of Qin Qi. This diamond segment, which was smashed by the creators of the system, has become the power of Qin Qi.

Indeed, some feelings like the passing of the world are full of irony.

"Diji, can you think of something?" Qin Qi asked.

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