God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1535: Fighting

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-five chapters

Qin Qi’s words made many guests shake their heads and smiled. When they came in, it was also the idea, but the reality was helpless and they all lost.

"Since the son is so confident, it seems to be a gambling sorcerer. Listening to this heart is afraid to plant it." Hearing and laughing.

The rest of the guests heard the words, they all looked down on them. The same was true before listening to the heart, but the result was a big kill.

However, when I saw someone eating it, they naturally listened to it. After all, we must lose face to everyone, and we must not be unlucky.

Qin Qi went forward and he made a disguise. The world is afraid that no one can detect who he is.

"Than the size?" Qin Qi smashed, there are four scorpions inside.

"Yes, it's better than the size, all by luck!" Hearing a smile.

It's all by luck. It looks very simple. You don't have to think about it. You can shake it directly. What will happen, it is entirely determined by luck.

Just look at the luck of the two people who are better.

But in fact it is not so simple. If a person's air transport is strong enough, it can affect others. The so-called who is lucky, in fact, whose qi is defeating the other side's air!

Simple gambling is the confrontation of air transport.

This woman can defeat these talented young and old strong, and it is obvious that the air transport is extraordinary and unimaginable.

Qin Qi has always had a good luck. Not to mention the lucky point of the system, half of the people's qi is in his hands, which is unmatched by ordinary people.

And this is only on the bright side. In fact, Qin Qi is the body of the dragon vein. It is even selected by the system. There are even more causal entanglements. It is born with endless air transport. Even if it is better than others, he is really Not for anyone.

This woman's air transport is deeper, can he surpass him?

"Zongzi, are you ready?" Hearing and laughing.

"Please." Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Both of them are shaking and not using any skills. In fact, the air transport confrontation is the use of skills and useless, and the result may be unexpected.

After shaking three shakes, Qin Qi put down the shackles.

Listening to the light flashed, I did not expect Qin Qi to end this way, no longer shake.

So confident?

Or do you not value it?

However, I can't lose heart naturally. When Qin Qi put down the shackles, he also stopped, obviously wanting to win beautiful!


Qin Qi and the heart will open together.

Four six to four six.


"Who is this guy, it’s amazing, it’s quite equal!"

"Dao brother, you are the first to enter this Bihai Pavilion, has this draw ever appeared?"

"That listens to the girl who has been winning streak, there is no defeat, and there is no tie. This guy can even make a draw, it is really powerful, and the gas is afraid of heaven!"

Those guests, from all ethnic groups, although there are young and old, but they are unusual roles, naturally can see a lot of doorways.

Obviously, there was some surprise in listening to the heart. The eyebrows were slightly raised and the light flashed.

Although she has not lost yet, she is only determined according to the rhythm of Qin Qi. It can be said that Qin Qi is weak.

"It seems that the gambling of the son is indeed first-class!" Hearing with a smile, he looked deeply at Qin Qi.

"Good luck." Qin Qi shrugged.

When a woman stagnate, gambling is indeed second. The gap in luck is really irreparable.

"Come back." Hearing his heart, this time, she will not give Qin Qi a chance.

"Okay." Qin Qi smiled slightly, but only shook it, and he stopped moving.

I can’t help but shake my eyes, this guy is crazy enough!

At the moment, I didn’t show any sense of weakness, but I only shook it. But this time, she was no longer free to take the shot, but actually turned her own air and suppressed it.

She does not believe in the competition of air transport, she will easily lose to others.


Qin Qi four four.

"Four four, I am going, is this still not dead?"

"Oh, it really is still lost. It seems that the last set is just a fluke. It is entirely due to the underrepresentation of the girl."

"Four four, I will not do it on my behalf."

Many guests are shaking their heads and think that Qin Qi has lost.

"The son, it seems that you are still too big." Listening to the heart, a smile, the heart is also relieved, it seems that Qin Qi is not as powerful as imagined.

"Please." Qin Qi just smiled.

"Hey, if I lose, how about taking off two layers of clothes?" Hearing the attitude of Qin Qi, he suddenly snorted.

There is no air transport, and she can't shake four or four.

Everyone focused their attention on listening to the heart, and smiled and smiled, and slammed it to the side, his chin was slightly high, and some smugly looked at Qin Qi.


"No, this is too..."

"What luck this!"

The guests looked at the voice of the heart, and the look suddenly changed. They couldn’t help but be shocked.

Listen, how can you shake such a result?

Four four four three!

Qin Qi smiled and laughed, listening to the heart without hearing. I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, and I couldn’t help but see the reaction of the guests.

When I looked down, I almost cried out.

"This is impossible, you are out of a thousand!" Hearing his heart, he yelled at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi just shrugged innocently and did not answer.

Hearing his heart and biting his teeth, I also know that Qin Qi did not do anything at all. So many people watched it. The key is that she always pays attention to Qin Qi, and Qin Qi cannot make thousands.

However, how could she shake such a result, and only lost a bit of Qin Qi!

Air transport crushing?

Impossible, it must be just a coincidence!

After all, no matter how strong the people are, it is impossible to be fortunate enough to be lucky.

"Girl, still not off, or else, I will help you?" Qin Qi smiled.

Hearing his eyes and shaking his eyes, he snorted and said: "I am willing to gamble and lose!"

At the moment, I took off two layers of dresses directly, and I was more looming in my eyes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see anything clearly, but it was just a temptation.

"Girl, I am not talking about you, how many clothes do you wear?" Qin Qi is a little depressed, how do you feel there are several layers?

Hearing his words, he smiled twice and said: "Why should the son be the root of the question, the more rare it is, the more precious it is, isn't it?"

"That's the case, but it is an acute one, and I really don't want to go back and forth." Qin Qidao.

This is to say, it seems that it can always win, listening to the heart of a hundred unhappy.

She can tolerate the strength of the casino, but she must not allow herself to lose in the gambling.

"That is what I saw, what should I do?" asked the heart.

"Not as good as a game?" Qin Qidao.

"If you lose?"

"What do you want, though."

"Well, bold enough, if you lose, you have to be a servant!" Listening to the heart, she has been playing the casino for so long, no one dares to say such a big talk.

Really thought that she will always lose?

Listening to the heart and taking a deep breath, the momentum of the body has changed, obviously there will be no reservation, faint, you can see behind her, there is a long river of gas transport!

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