God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1543: Different weather

The first thousand five hundred and forty-three chapters are different.

The sea can only listen to Qin Qi’s smile that is more ugly than crying.

"Don't laugh, show it well in the future, and won't treat you badly." Qin Qi laughed.

Hai Tingtao’s behavior, Qin Qi, is also quite an accident, but he can understand that he must eliminate the influence of this war as soon as possible. Otherwise, this life will probably stop.

For others, this is already an unimaginable height, but for Hai Tingtao, it is still far from the end.

Moreover, he also warned Qin Qi that the ordinary Qin Qi also did not dare to come.

The most important thing is that Hai Tingtao seems to understand the identity of Qin Qi and does not want to commit evil.

The sea listened with a heart to the mouth, the whole person was squatting, his head shrugged, it seems to be a fate.

"What do you want me to do, do you really want to be naked but a maid?" The sea listened with a sigh of relief, this is her own bet, and she can't regret it.

"Singing is fine, of course, if you are willing, you can also be naked." Qin Qidao.

"Ah?" The sea listened with some surprises. He glanced at the emperor Ji of Qin Qi. Before she used the song of the mermaid, she also noticed the change of Emperor Ji. There are some judgments in the mind.

Hai Tingtao himself has left. The group of sea-strongers in the deep sea seem to have no intention of intervening here and have fallen into the ocean.

At the end of this war, the impact will continue to expand and even change the situation, but those are all words.

Qin Qi also intends to leave and go to Tianyuan.

However, before leaving, Qin Qi was stunned. It was quite unexpected to see a person who was coming to him, oh no, a demon.


As a demon god, Tianzhu is naturally not simple. He and Qin Qi are people of the same era, and in the important ten years lost in Qin Qi, he has been growing and never stopped.

What is the realm of today, no one knows, or the system can't judge.

God's blood and heavy sorrow are all unparalleled powers. This child must never be underestimated.

At this moment, the scorpio is coming, and there is a divine power in the circle. It seems that he is giving him the power to separate him from the world.

Other people, I couldn’t detect the Scorpio and walked to Qin Qi.

"His blood, but what should I order?" Qin Qi blinked and faint.

The demon **** blood has a heavy burden, and there is no accident in knowing the identity of Qin Qi.

However, the relationship between the Yaozu and him is not good at all. Since the advent of Qin Xiaopeng, it has aroused the hostility of the Yaozu. The former Black Forest line was a collision between Qin Qi and the Yaozu.

For the demon people who support the gods with great blood, the existence of Qin Xiaopeng is a threat in itself. Of course, if you want to remove it, it will inevitably be opposed to Qin Qi.

Scorpio smiled and said: "Why should Qin brother be like this, I have only curiosity and admiration for you, and there is no hostility."

"Is it?" Qin Qi is not allowed.

And whether it is true or not, he is already in that position, and many things are involuntarily.

Just like poetry, it is expensive for smallpox, but many things can't be done, even, it will be led by people.

Of course, although this is the case, Qin Qi did not intend to start with the Scorpio now, and he may be able to bear the cost, but the Alliance can not afford it.

"I really just like to swim in the mountains, I really don't want to do what God Supreme." Scorpio shook his head and immediately looked at the sea to listen to the heart, hehe smiled: "I almost forgot to congratulate Qin Xiong, this is a good couple, it is really amazing. envy."

Scorpio is so calm, and the mood is warm, as if it is a friend, Qin Qi is really not good at ignoring him, and can only laugh and laugh: "His Royal Highness is misunderstood."

"How can it be misunderstood? The princess of the mermaid family, with the Qin brothers, is also the door to the right, and it is also of great significance for the Qin brother to expand the sea power." Tianzhuhehe laughed.

He thinks so, it's not wrong, and most people know it if they know it.

"Hey, the water can be drunk, you can't talk nonsense, which one of your eyes sees us!" The sea listened to it.

My sister is just a maid who sings. Even if she really wants to be naked, it is not a marriage!

"Hey, people are demon gods, you converge a little." Qin Qi could not help but pay.

"The blood of the gods is great, gamble with me, I can't lose you!" The sea heard the truth.

"This girl is so fierce, it is not like the princess of the mermaid." Scorpio is also somewhat unstoppable.

Qin Qi coughed and immediately said: "How does His Royal Highness also intend to use the marriage to expand the forces?"

Scorpio heard it, but he shook his head again and again, sighing: "The brother of Qin can not bury me. In my opinion, no matter who you marry, it is more important than not being strong!"

Qin Qi does not think that there is anything wrong with Tianzhu, but what does this goods want to do?

When Qin Qi looked at it, Tianzhu coughed twice, and some embarrassed said: "I don't know Qin Qin, the parliament is preparing for marriage. The object is the mermaid. Soon, I am afraid that you and me. People are even smashed."

"You are not reluctant to marry?" Qin Qi is speechless.

"Hey, the speaker said that if you are not married to the mermaid, let me marry the octopus." Tianzhu sighed.

Qin Qi coughed and almost laughed.

The octopus, he also has some understanding, the family, the illusion is not complete, even if it is transformed into a human form, the lower body is the tentacles.

"Hey, the taste of His Royal Blood, not ordinary, I know a lot of octopus princesses, change to introduce you to a few?" Hai listened happily and laughed.

"So his Highness is going to..." Qin Qi raised his eyebrows.

"As a man, why should Qin Qin be so clear?" Tianzhu smiled.

The two are also tacit, everyone is male, and the mermaid princess is not elected, to choose the octopus?

It is not an idiot or a brain.

"So I came here specifically, I want to ask this mermaid girl." Scorpio was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, this way, let's talk, who is going to send someone to marry you?" Haixin didn't hear about it, but now he wants to know which sister is so unlucky.

Today's World War I have already explained that Tianyuan's mainland water is very deep, and it is not impossible for the family to choose to marry the Yaozu.

And this level of marriage, the object is even more demon **** blood, even if the mermaid is strong enough, the selected princess, but there is no possibility of rejection.

"The speaker said that it has not been finalized, but it is said to be the most gentle and beautiful princess of the mermaid family. It is the youngest daughter of the mermaid." Tianzhu said that although he does not like marriage, he still has some expectations.

Qin Qi's eyebrows pick one, can't help but sigh that the blood is a good life, want to come to the little princess, it must be the man's dream lover.

It will never be like this side, it is simply a rogue shrew and a gambler!

Both Qin Qi and Tian Hao are inevitably looking at the sea and listening to their hearts. They are shaking their heads slightly. They are all mermaid princesses. How is the gap so big?

The sea heard it and heard a few coughs. Then there was some difficult road: "What, then, Your Highness, what you said is true?"

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