God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1555: God of Titan

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-five chapters of the **** of Titan

Prometheus, his name is the meaning of the prophet, but the most powerful prophet in the history of the heavens, and the moon is not comparable.

If not, Zeus could not care so much about his prophecy, nor could he kill the Titan Protoss, leaving him alone.

"The prophecy will not change, but today is only a prelude to prophecy." Prometheus whispered, and his body shone with light.

"What are you going to do!" The steel giant eagle drank, could not help but be shocked.

Since this endless years, Prometheus has been unable to use his power and can only be tortured by him. But now, Prometheus has shaken this level of power?

Is it that he has been accumulating strength?

"You don't want to know, can my language come true? Look at it?" Prometheus laughed, letting the steel giant claws cut his chest and abdomen.

"I don't need to know, because the king of God will make your prophecy a joke!"

Prometheus was cold and his face became extremely cold.

For such a long period of time, this is the first time that the Iron Giant has seen Prometheus revealing such a look.

"You have no choice, whether you like it or not, you must watch it, because you can't stop me!" Prometheus chilled.

There is a mark on his forehead, which is the mark of the Titan Protoss.

"Summon the **** of Titan?" The steel giant eagle was shocked and immediately laughed. "Prometheus, are you confused? The Titan Protoss have all died except you, who you can summon!"

The Titan Protoss, only Prometheus, if it is general, perhaps Qin Qi can count.

But Qin Qi is facing Zeus, then, which Prometheus can summon the Titans?

Prometheus did not care for him. This infinitely powerful power has been accumulated in the endless years. At this moment, it can finally burst out without reservation.

The imprint, turned into a gods, rushed into the infinite Thunder.

Qin Qi, the roaring dragon in his body, who has ice and snow enchantment, the king's field, the state of imperfections, and Huang Quan, even if faced with the hammer of Quake, will not be suppressed by one side.

Moreover, the body of the dragon veins is matched with the dark dragon ride, and the body is strong, and Zeus is incomparable.

At the moment, Qin Qi is looking for a counterattack!

The countless veins of Mount Olympus were motivated by Qin Qi with a pulse, and each vein was turned into a pattern, and the entire Mount Olympus became a god!

Quake's hammer is indeed too horrible. Qin Qi can only do everything he can to fight.

The gods are lit, and the power of Zeus is suppressed in an instant. This level of greatness, Zeus is also scared, it feels a little tricky.

"It seems that you are stronger than the body of the previous generation of dragons, at least this road, beyond is not a star and a half!" Zeus cold channel.

The body of the dragon vein can call the power of the earth's veins, but no one has used the veins of the earth as a big array. This kind of array method is really unimaginable.

However, the hammer of Thor is under attack, even if it is such a big battle, it will be destroyed!

"The Hammer of Judgment!"

Zeus growled, even if he is, he does not want to fight with Qin Qi. The Qin Qi power with the support of the earth can be said to be endless, he can't afford it.

Fortunately, he has the power to hammer at this moment.

On the top of Quake's hammer, a line of runes illuminates, surrounded by the hammer body, and a circle of radiation radiates out like an endless general!

These are the trial runes, which Zeus left when he sacrificed the hammer, and only he could use it.

With the illumination of these runes, the whole piece of void collapsed completely, and even the chaotic gas was hard to emerge, completely filled with the Thunder.

There is nothing left in the world, only the Thunder.

Trial of the heavens, Quake!


As the hammer of Thor is degraded by Zeus, a loud and loud sound is transmitted thousands of miles, not to mention the heavens, the entire Tianyuan continent, and even the East China Sea and the extraterrestrial.

The Supreme Artifact, Quake, at this moment, truly shows its infinite power!

Qin Qi only felt that the breath was stagnant, and all of them were stiff and pressed by this force.

Whether it is the martial arts, the flesh, or even the law of the outside world, at this moment, they are all somewhat stretched and difficult to resist.

Heavenly Shield, invincible state!

Qin Qi used the remaining invincible time, and the power gathered by the Earth's dynasty was also infinitely concise, all pouring into the tears of the Dragon God.

Qin Qi, I also want to use the last sword to set the stage!

Fallen, destroy, judge the world of all beings!

Sword up, killing, cleaning this way!


The unspeakable power collided, and the earth's sacred squad broke directly. Huang Quan was also damaged.

On the other hand, the world of Thunder is gradually fading away, and it is no longer supported. The body of "William" is constantly cracking and cannot withstand such power.

A sword, blocking the hammer.

All means, all abilities, Qin complete department used, integrated into this sword, even if he is, it is also the end of the strong.

"Do you still have a second sword? If you don't have one, you can die!" Zeus, the magic power is constantly rising, that is, the last demonization!

In the past, the demon strong, the demonization is the power to ignite the blood, summoning part of the power of the ancestor and carrying out the enemy.

Zeus, who is one of the first ancestors, his demonization is the true ancestor of the summoning demon, which is the source of the smallpox!

That power is enough for the original Zeus to master the power above the King of God!

But even Zeus, the ordinary can not enter the demonization, let alone the moment is just a will.

In essence, it still relies on William's body to carry power.

I am afraid that the time of demonization will not exceed one second.

Moreover, it is impossible to complete completely, at most, it is only to complete a prototype.

However, it is already enough.

In today's world, no one can resist such power, even if it is only one second.

Because of this, this blow is already close to the king of God!

"Unfortunately, this way, this body will also collapse, this will of this seat, can not stay in this world." Zeus whispered.

He wanted to explore Qin Qi's past experiences and master some secrets that he did not know.

But now it seems that it can only be done, first kill Qin Qi and then say!

After that, I will not be able to stay, otherwise the gods will be a big problem at dawn!

Moreover, perhaps this way, the **** woman can no longer appear. Compared to this, it seems that nothing is important.

"Death!" Zeus drank, and the hammer of Thor was completely down.

Just before him, a mark, but first step into the mind of Qin Qi.

"Well?" Zeus looked changed and he noticed something.

Immediately, he stared unbelievably behind Qin Qi, where there was a figure that had suddenly appeared there.

Such a huge, more stalwart than the Shenfeng, as if, can lift the entire piece of the sky!

The **** of Titan.

"Cronus?" Zeus exclaimed.

The second generation of the king of the gods, the child of the first king of the gods, Uranus, Cronus!

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