God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1565: God's left hand

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-five chapters of the left hand of God

"No!" Qing Li Tian cold channel.

"Really not?" Qin Qi was suspicious.

"This incident answered you ten years ago. Now I ask you what to do. If there is, depending on your strength, blood connections, you will not notice?" Qing Li Tian coldly said.

Qin Qi's current combat power, as long as the king of God does not come out, it is invincible.

If the blood of the self is circulated, it is impossible to have no induction.

"Also, no one can make such a point without any reason." Qin Qi snorted, and did not sense anything.

Qing Litian, there should be no lying.

"Okay, no." Qin Qi spit out a sigh of relief.

"You come to me to do anything, just because I killed more of your people?" Qin Qi asked, no longer entangled in other things.

Qing Litian shook her head and said: "Since the adults have done this, my attitude obviously does not make any sense. I am looking for you, I want to get the quasi-supreme artifact of my family."

Dominique was killed by Qin Qi, and the sword and the shield were naturally in his hands. So treasure, Qin Qi is also considering whether to swallow it.

Once swallowed, it would definitely help him to enter the bronze I.

"In addition to this, there is the core secret treasure in the Athena treasure house, the bone of God, I also need." Qing Litian did not wait for Qin Qi to answer, continue.


"And?" Qin Qi couldn't help it.

This is too much to be an outsider, and when are they related to this relationship, do you give it?

Qin Qi has not yet had such trust in Qing Litian.

After all, if Qing Litian really grows up, she can definitely surpass Dominic. Even the anti-super-Ancestral Athena is not impossible.

Qing Litian just looked at Qin Qi, without any concession.

Her attitude was very clear before, and since then she has been doing things for Qin Qi, and she has completely surrendered. So with her qualifications, she is absolutely qualified to get these.

Qin Qi hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "What more do you want?"

"If the dawn of the gods really comes, I hope that adults can kill Athena." Qing Li Tian Shen Sheng.

Qin Qi looked awkward, "That is your first ancestor."

"Because of this, adults must do this." Qing Li Tian cold channel.

Qin Qiyi, I know about Qing Litian’s thoughts.

Athena is the ancestor of the entire clan, she is the peak of this clan, Qing Litian blood is how pure, but only close to her, can never surpass her.

The only way to go beyond the ancestor is to master everything about her, and then on this basis the ultimate sublimation!

Qing Litian obviously will not be satisfied with any stage, and it is impossible to allow himself to have a ceiling that can be seen.

If there is, then you must smash it!

"I can indeed promise you this thing." Qin Qidao, and with the wisdom of Qing Litian, she made such a request, and it has been concluded that Qin Qi will agree.

Therefore, she did not have much excitement in her performance. She even said: "The only thing I said was to ask the grown-up to give me."

However, Qin Qi shook his head.

"Does adults not believe me, or do not believe in yourself?" Qing Li Tian blinked.

Qin Qi refused, which was beyond her expectations.

With her understanding of Qin Qi, Qin Qi will definitely give her things and even give more.

This is Qin Qi's conceit, this is the world's first.

"Is it difficult, because I told him that I am not pregnant?" Qing Litian bite his teeth, the look is slightly complicated.

"This Athena's sword and the aegis are Athena personally forged warmth, and the connection with Athena is too close, if you use it, I am afraid to resist it." Qin Qidao.

"What should I do?" Qing Litian frowned, this is indeed true.

"Athena is very strong. Although this sword shield is only a quasi-supreme artifact, it is a two-in-one. After all, it is very difficult to achieve the supreme artifact. It is very difficult to reach this level."

"However, just because there is such a foundation, I can try to make it a true supreme artifact." Qin Qizheng Jinguang flashed.

This time, he had to go to Long Island to capture the Dragon God Shard. At that time, he would start to refine the Dragon God tears.

Once successful, his forging will reach a new level, enough to refine the supreme artifact.

At that time, not only the sword shield of Athena, but also the hammer of Thor, Qin Qi wants to refine it.

That is the treasure of the Thunder, the entire Tianyuan world may not find the same Thunder treasure can surpass the Quake.

If you can make it into a glove, it will be very suitable for Mo Ziqi.

This goes to the extraterrestrial starry sky, not only to find the remains of the void, Qin Qi also wants to enter the Chaos Xinghai, looking for Mo Ziqi and Xunzi.

They have been in Chaos Xinghai for a long time, and Qin Qi is not worried about it.

However, Qin Qi also believes that with their strength, there will be nothing!

"You want to refine them into supreme artifacts?" Qing Litian could not help but exclaim, Qin Qi, has already had the power to sacrifice the supreme artifact?

This is the means that God King has!

Moreover, Qin Qi wants to hand over the supreme artifact to her?

"After refining, I will eliminate all the marks on Athena. When you are in charge, you can only leave your mark on it." Qin Qidao.

"Adult, you want to hand over the refining Supreme artifact to me?" Qing Litian was a little sluggish, highlighting that it was the supreme artifact.

"Why, are you hesitating?" Qin Qi smiled lightly.

Qing Litian’s look changed slightly and he snorted. “If you can achieve the supreme artifact, it’s better.”

Qin Qi nodded, took out a thing and handed it to Qing Litian. "This is the bone of God in the treasure house of Athena. Do you want it because it is part of the left hand of God?"

In the hands of Qin Qi, the bones of the gods are crystal clear, but the gods are introverted, and there is no exudation. They are somewhat different from the bones obtained before Athena.

"Indeed, this is the big arm of God's left hand." Athena's eyes were bright and she whispered.

With this arm bone, the left hand of Athena's **** is almost complete, leaving only a few phalanx.

Qing Litian took the arm bones, and her left hand began to shine. The silky gods grew like hair, and finally wrapped around the arm bones.

Then, the arm bones reacted, and the same radiance emerged, and the light shone all the space under the holy tree.

The glory turned into a halo, such as the light behind the head of the Buddha, filled with heaven!

In the eyes of Qin Qi, the dawn of the light, naturally not affected by these light, can be seen carefully.

The gods are like a line, the arm bones are entangled, and then the arm bones begin to merge with the arm of Qing Litian, and they are completely integrated.

The integration is very smooth, Qin Qi is to give Qing Litian the law, so it does not have to spend more time.

However, with the fusion of the arm bones, Qing Litian's breath has also changed, becoming more and more strong. Even Qin Qi has a vision behind Qing Litian. It is a white bone arm holding the sky. Scene!

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