God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1567: Force liberation

The first 565th chapter of the liberation of power

The poetry has been sleeping for a long time. After Qin Qi was lost in Huangquan, she fell into a deep sleep.

This time, sleeping, for her as a smallpox, is of great significance. It is an awakening and transformation. Once completed, her future path will be completely smooth.

At the moment, she finally woke up.

Both Qin Qi and Catherine are excited in their hearts. Although their moods are different, they are all looking forward to the awakening of poetry.

Qin Qi has already set a fortune, now, only the smallpox is coming, naturally, it’s all right, and it’s all right!

"The ceiling blooms!" Prometheus came down from the peak of Zeus and appeared on the side of Qin Qi.

He was detained there for endless years, and now he is free, but he has not left and still lives where he lives.

Qin Qi originally intended to send Zeus directly to Prometheus for the reconstruction of the Titans.

However, Prometheus refused, he only needs the peak.

According to him, whoever enters Zeus can be in the future, but hopes that this peak will become his personal territory.

Qin Qi, naturally agreed.

Smallpox, inheriting the blood of the ancestors of all the Mozu, the Titan Protoss also respect the smallpox, how can Prometheus not be excited?

"Where the sacred woman wakes up, she will be the queen of the heavens!" Adolf Zeus also appeared. He was the former presiding judge, and now, it is the only blood circulation of Zeus.

However, he seems to be not concerned about the destruction of the Zeus clan, but only to protect the saint as his responsibility.

In this way, Qin Qi also left him, and did not kill.

"The Holy Lady will lead the heavens and move toward the next glory!" Ankuya and so on also rushed over, extremely excited.

For the most supportive of the small family, Ares naturally wants to see the situation of smallpox.

And if you can choose a month, if you can choose, you are more willing to surrender to the smallpox than to surrender to Qin Qi. After all, this is the orthodoxy of the Mozu.

Shadow repair, Cui Lisi, Lina, etc., these new clan owners have also come, and these, but Qin Qi's old department, has long been a ship, no two hearts.

The Tianyuan high-level is all here, and the brilliance above the holy tree has reached its peak.

Finally, on the huge sacred tree crown, a flower scorpion drilled out, white color, which has numerous lines, although natural, but it implies the heavens and the earth, incomparable mysterious.

The flowers grow bigger and then begin to bloom slowly.

With the bloom of this flower, the whole Tianyuan, and even the Tianyuan world, have inexplicable feelings.

"Is it completely liberated? It seems that I don't have to continue to suppress it."

Far away from Nanban, Tianzhu stood in front of the Tianyao Temple and looked at the north.

The blood mark of his forehead is flowing through the gods, as if the blood of the gods is flowing.

As a demon **** blood, he had a sense of the complete liberation of smallpox in the first time, and took a deep breath, twilight, and more crystal clear.

Since you can't be a poet who indulges in the landscape, then write your own demon to write a legendary poem.

The Heavenly Demon Hall began to radiate innumerable light. At this moment, the Nanban Wanzu, wherever the demon blood flows, there will be a sense of supreme coming.

That is the demon of the demon, appearing in the world.

Under the Temple of the Heavenly Demon, a blood pool reflects the radiance of God, and Scorpio has already gone in. It is the endless power for his complete liberation!

This is the taboo artifact, the blood pool.


"Small memory, are you okay?"

In the Yuezongzong, Su’s words looked at Qin Yi in front of him, and he couldn’t help but feel inexplicable, and even the blood would boil.

Qin Yi, the real people's fire, at this moment, her forehead's salary mark actually ignited, and it is unprecedented blazing.

As a human race, the Su dialect is hard to be the majesty of the fire. The resonance of the blood is a spiritual inheritance and a fanaticism from the heart!

Without the upper hand, the human race inherits the supreme power of reproduction, and in this world, it truly reproduces the world.

"Sue Sister, in my body, it seems that there is strength to drill outside." Qin Yi has some trouble, she does not understand very well.

But she knows that there is power in her body that is constantly surging, and that power is indescribably powerful!

"Is the power of the fire liberated? How could it be so sudden?" Su said that his breathing was a little short, and his heart was shaking.

If you don't worry about being fake, but today's Su dialect is also unusual. It can be seen that this is not a bad thing for Qin Yi, it should not be dangerous.

As for the exposure of the fire or not.

What are the fears to this day?

Qin Qi is here, everything is worry-free!

"You can accept this power with peace of mind, and turn it into your own use." Su said warmly, appease some fearful Qin Yi.

"You just need to remember that you are a human race, this power will lead the people to glory!" Su can't help but feel a little excited.

After all, she is not Qin Qi, she comes from the earth world. Here, the fire is the belief of all Terran, and Su is no exception.

Seeing that the fire began to liberate, how can Su’s words suppress the excitement in the heart?

Qin Yi is close to the Su dialect. Naturally, if he listens to the Su dialect, he will no longer resist it. He will receive the power, and her body is also wrapped up in an invisible flame.

It is not a flame, but the ultimate humanity inheritance!

Infected by this fire, the blood in the Su dialect was also stained with a layer of halo, and these halos, as the blood rushed, slowly gathered toward her belly.

"This is..." Su said, he only felt warm and covered with a supreme power.

"The liberation of the fire, you are by her side, naturally it is contaminated with the original strength of a few fires, and your child is overbearing, has not formed a fetus, has actually begun to actively absorb this power!" Very surprised.

Surprised by the liberation of the fire, but also horrified in the unformed fetus in the Su dialect.

At this moment, it is already such an imposing manner. I am afraid that it will be absolutely impossible to be born in the future!

"Children?" Su said was shocked.

She doesn't know she is pregnant.

The moon was a little speechless, and then said: "After all, the time is still short, it is normal to be unable to perceive, but it is amazing. After all, a small life that cannot be perceived has already begun to take the initiative to absorb strength. It is incredible!"

"Is it?" Su’s face showed a delightful look, and he couldn’t help but touch his abdomen, his face was tender.

She can also feel that a small life is taking shape.

"You can get closer and you can receive more."

"This..." Su said hesitant.

She is worried that it will affect Qin Yi's awakening.

"Small memory is now a fire, arbitrarily exudes temperature, and the people who roast the fire will not affect the burning of the fire." Yue Ludao, it is clear what Su is worried about.

In this way, Su dialect no longer hesitates, after all, she also hopes that her children can be better.

Close to Qin Yi, Su dialect felt a whirlpool in the lower abdomen, and was constantly learning the ultimate power of the humanity.

This speed can be absorbed faster than Su Shi himself.

"You, this child, is really enchanting." The moon can't help it.

Su dialects drums drums, and people who are not happy say that her children are enchanting, and now they are dissatisfied: "Don't forget, it is your child."


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