God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1576: Dragon God Tears

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-six chapters

The flames were raging, countless gods jumped into the flames, and the process lasted for a whole day, at the cost of all the water inside the Dragon Island, all evaporated, and everywhere was dry and incomparable.

If there are not many strong dragons in Long Island, this whole island may be turned into a desert.

And to achieve this step, Qin Qi also succeeded for a small half, the initial refining and forging has ended, and the next is the highlight.

The dragon **** shards were all put into the fire, and the real fusion began!

"Come on!" The dragon forgemasters are all bright-eyed and staring.

This level of fusion, the repulsive force between the two artifacts will be extremely horrible, ordinary people may be torn apart in an instant, how to control, is a supreme study, the requirements for forging is too high.


A dragon screamed through the heavens and the earth, and that was the power of the Dragon Sword.

All the dragons have felt the horrible Longwei, which is even more terrifying than the Qinglong Emperor. I am afraid that only the Qinglong God and the Dragon Vessel can win.

Longwei was shocked by the flames, and the fire dragons were shocked. Once touched, there was a danger of death under the gods.

"Speed ​​retreat!" Qinglong Emperor sighed, and at the same time with other elders to shake the power, set up a ban to block the power of the explosion in the furnace.

"Awful, this is where the forged weapons are more like a powerful god-level master!" the forgemaster exclaimed.

"This is of course. He wants to integrate two kinds of artifacts, and he must press them at the same time. It used to be said that now it is necessary to enter the rank of supreme, the power of the explosion is unimaginable, and it is easy to control it." Chief Forge Drink low.

Numerous fire dragons are shocked and crazy, and Qin Qi is directly engulfed.

However, who is Qin Qi, the body of the dragon vein is already above the peak, and at this moment, a cold scream, the body of the nine colorful dragons roared out, directly biting the fire dragon.

Forcible suppression!

How about the Dragon Sword, in front of the Dragon Pulse, only the bow!

"Stabilized, fast, so simple!" Qinglong Huang exclaimed, Qin Qi's strength, simply incredible, after all, if you change him, it can never be so easy.

Qin Qi body, clothing and heat waves hunting, everything around it has to be burned out, but his look, but still focused, no change.

Under his control, a cross-printing method is in harmony with the artifacts, and the dragon **** fragments are also beginning to blend into the tears of the dragon god.

"Dragon is coming!"

At some point, Qin Qi Qin Qi shouted, has come to the best opportunity!

He will take a hand, and the dragon vein in Long Island will be summoned by him, letting the dragon pulse grow, and constantly struggle, and has no effect.

After Qin Qi, Huang Quan emerged, and the gods of several great martial arts could rise to the sky and suppress everything.

Not to mention his body, the bronze color is very rich, soaking the perimeter, turning into a big net, and locking the dragon veins.

The pulse path is all over the world, and countless veins are called to suppress the dragon's veins.

"I don't want to enter, I have to enter, give me integration!" Qin Qi whispered, and Shen Wei smashed the sky, grabbed the dragon vein and directly pressed it into the stove.

The dragon veins are more auxiliary to the dragon veins, and even if this half-cut dragon is strong, it cannot stop Qin Qi.

However, the suppression of it, but does not mean that it can be refined into the tears of the Dragon God.

Next, it is a hard battle!

Time slowly passed, three days, the violent flame did not have a point of attenuation, and Qin Qi, is to show an unparalleled forging, no one can not be amazed.

"God is the skill, the **** of forging!" The chief forge of the Dragon family could not help but shout.

He was so shocked and shocked that on the one hand, Qin Qi was a **** of forging, and on the other hand, he was surprised by the growth of Qin Qi.

Because of these three days, he actually discovered that Qin Qi is constantly growing, which is almost terrible, and why is such a great courage.

If you are not careful, you may lose all of you!

However, Qin Qi did not lose, everything is in control, and in the end, it is already handy, and the version of the dragon is not willing, but only into the sword.

As soon as the process was successful, the whole world was insane, and an indescribable terrorist force began to gather, and then it came out in all directions.

The layer of dragon force halo directly fills the sky, not to mention the Long Island, that is, the entire Nanban is clearly visible.

The supreme interest is overwhelming.

The Dragon Sword, which incorporates a half-long dragon pulse, already has the level of the supreme artifact, not to mention that there are tears in it!

"Successful!" Qinglong Huang could not help but marvel.

He even now forgot the rapid decline of Long Island's aura after the Dragon's pulse left, and at this moment their body and mind were attracted by this feat.

After the great destruction, why have you seen the refining of the Supreme Artifact?

This is undoubtedly a historic moment.

The power of nine colors, turned into nine dragons, lingering around the blade, the power of the dragon vein, has completely integrated this sword into one!

Above the sky, a huge dragon vortex appears, and countless dragons condense out. It is all dragons, powerful and weak, all-encompassing!

This is the power of this sword, bringing together everything related to the dragon.

And this sword for the dragon's shock, I am afraid it is still above the Dragon Dragon God's Supreme Dragon Gun!

Between the heavens and the earth, and even the East China Sea, those strong people have sensed this, and under the heavens, the artifacts of the supreme level have also been inductive.

The world is shaking because of the emergence of the new Supreme Artifact.

"It should be over," the dragon strong whispered in the heart. These days they were protecting Longdao from the influence of Qin Qi, and they could not support it.

However, Qin Qi did not stop at all.

"Does he continue to continue to improve the power of this sword?" A forgemaster exclaimed.

"No, he can't help but want to make a singer?"

Qin Qi really wants to continue. Of course, he has to fight the iron and refine the supreme artifact. Qin Qi’s forging has reached an unprecedented peak.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Qin Qi will also incorporate the tears of the day, and he concludes that he can succeed!

Confidence, no reason.

The tears of the day were thrown in and began to merge in the next step. This time, it is not as simple as integrating the Supreme Artifact, but it is a taboo!

Tears of the day, taboo artifacts, taboos of the female emperor!

It’s easy to integrate it and to improve the quality to the supreme.

At the beginning of the fusion, Qin Qi snorted, almost unable to control this power, the power of tears, stronger than the dragon god.

Even if it is a dragon **** that is integrated into the dragon vein, it is still not quite enough.

The strong dragons directly gave up the large area of ​​Long Island and continued to retreat until they could withstand the power of the sword.

After this time, Long Island is afraid to destroy one-tenth, that is the territory of an empire!

"Look, what is that?" A dragon shouted, pointing at the sky.

In the vortex formed by the dragon force, Wanlong gathered, immediately, but slammed to the two sides, the feeling, like a closed eye opened!


It is the eyes of the sky.

These visions scared too much existence and barely dared to speak.

Such power is no longer comparable to the dragon, and the heavens and the earth are all fearless.

This sword is to refine the heavens into it?

"And, opened another eye!" cried the chief forgemaster in amazement.

Qin Qi used to refine the tears of the Dragon God, and there is indeed a vision of the sky, but now, the second eye, but for the first time.

"No, not two, this, how much is this!" Qinglong Huang was trembled.

The sky that appears in the sky is more than two. It is inexhaustible, and it is like a star.

At this moment, the entire sky is filled with eyes!

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