God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1593: Heavenly lamp

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-three chapters

In the eyes of Yi Xiaoying, the vigilance has disappeared. She does not think that Qin Qi will make so many stories to lie to her. Listening is not like a fake.

What's more, with the strength of Qin Qi, if you really want to do something to her, it does not seem to be difficult.

However, she is still confused about Tianshen III.

"I don't have any fate in my body. Are you mistaken?" Yi Xiaoyu still hid behind Mo Ziqi, so he asked.

Qin Qi is a singer, where can he know.

"Lin's roaring month said that you took the destiny from the sky and the sky, think about it, there should be no fake." Qin Qidao.

"It is also possible that the three fate is a certain thing, the girl can have a clue?" Mo Ziqi asked.

The misunderstanding has been lifted, and the next key is this fate three.

Yi Xiaoxiu's eyebrows picked up slightly and immediately said: "I did get a thing in the sky, but that is that it has been integrated into my body, not my intention to seize."

This Qin Qi did not care, just asked: "But the mysterious power you used several times?"

"Well," Xiaoxiao nodded, and after making a bite, he made a decision. He raised a halo, and the mysterious atmosphere also emerged.

Yi Xiaoying did not lie, and the thing was integrated into her body. Even if she was herself, it was difficult to fully control it. Only a little use could be made to drive the power.

"This is, a light?" Qin Qi and others are all slightly moving.

Although it is a little light, it is faint to see that there is a lamp in the body of Yi Xiaoying, a lamp.

The lampstand is old, the candlelight is burning slightly, and it emits mysterious power.

It is this power that makes Qin Qi’s arrest of Yi Xiaoying’s arrest.

As far as Qin Qi himself is secretly speaking, this power should be above bronze.

"The original Tianming three is a light!" The sea was shocked. "I don't know other fate, is it also an ancient lamp?"

Can you illuminate the road to change your life?

Qin Qi has a feeling that can't be said.

These four fates represent the determination to change their lives.

Who is the determination.

What kind of life should I change?

Perhaps, God's way to know everything, he should inherit some will, and want to continue something that has continued through the ages.

"Little girl, can this lamp be separated from you?" Qin Qi asked.

"I tried, can't." Yi Xiaoying shook his head, she couldn't even use this lamp, she could only pull some of the power.

This is somewhat similar to the egg of causality. Although it is hidden in the body of Qin Qi, Qin Qi has not been able to use it yet.

"Can you let me try." Qin Qidao, to put it bluntly, the destiny is the root of all conflicts.

Yi Xiaoyan heard the words, the instinct shrinked and refused: "No."

"Then I have to hand you over to the wolf." Qin Qi shrugged.

Yi Xiaoyan suddenly changed his face. Compared with the wolf, Qin Qi should be relatively safe.

"Beautiful sister, don't be shy, I found that you didn't have a piece of clothing when you were there. Where did the big brother haven't touched it, where haven't you seen it?" The blind man grinned.

"Sexual thief, you..." Yi Xiaoxia Xiafei cheeks, shyly staring at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi glanced at the blind man, and he did not change his face: "These are not important. Heavenly life is obviously important. Whether it is the second best election or the first election, it is obviously impossible to stop."

"If you still want to continue living in your moon palace, and have a clean day, it is the key to lifting the trouble."

Good one is not important.

In the heart of Yi Xiaoying, she is ashamed to die. She is the daughter of her sister, but she is more cold than her, but she is a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world. Not to mention that she has close contact with men, but there is no contact.

She has been worried all the way, why have he suffered such humiliation?

But now if it is squatting, it seems that she intends to mention this matter.

"Little girl, this is also for your own sake, if you only care about some customary rituals, you don't have to." Mo Ziqi said.

Yi Xiaoying looked at Mo Ziqi, and relatively only Mo Ziqi made her feel trustworthy.

"And you can rest assured that in front of me, he does not dare to come." Mo Ziqi laughed.

Yi Xiaoyan bites his teeth and finally nods his head.

Acknowledgement, Qin Qi is also polite, the bronze power directly attached to the machine Xiaoshen, penetrated into her body.


Yi Xiaojiao snorted, cold and silky, and it made people feel heart-wrenching.

It’s a fairy, so it’s enough to make any man unable to stand it.


Mo Ziqi snorted.

Qin Qi coughed twice, and it was just a look, and the power of bronze was flowing along the meridian of the game, and gradually surrounded the destiny.

That ancient lamp, the flames of the flames, the unyielding soul, the sky, the desire to break the world, reverse the fate!

However, it is impossible to get close to it. There is no magic on the ancient lamp, and it is difficult to touch Qin Qi.

Qin Qi tried other forces, and the King of the Man, the Emperor of the Nether, the Cronus, and so on, but did not play any role.

This life is three, and it really cannot be separated from the game.

"It really can't." Qin Qi smiled

He can only recover his strength, and at the same time he chews the breath he felt on the ancient lamp, and he did not say anything.

Yi Xiaojian saw that Qin Qi was silent, and there was some tangling in his heart. After a while, he couldn’t stand it and said, “What do you want to do with me?”

Qin Qi came back to God and smiled and said: "I can tell you how, I said, I just helped Lin Roaring for a busy month, and it was not malicious to you."

"As for the fate of the third, it is the thing that the wolf has to worry about, and has little to do with me."

"You want to let me go?"

"No one is shutting you." Qin Qidao, the attitude is very obvious, and will not govern the game to stay.

Since Tianshen San can't be divided, and Yi Xiaoying is not willing to stay, what can I do? Qin Qi does not want to continue to blend, and the rest let Lin growl to come by himself.

"That's not to say this, never see again." Yi Xiaoyu said directly, she did not want to wait for a moment.

Qin Qi naturally went with her, and now I look at Mo Ziqi, and I am deeply affectionate.

I haven't reunited for a long time, and I haven't talked to each other. At this moment, the people are leaving, and Qin Qi can chat with Mo Ziqi.

No, the final task of the male mission can be completed or not.

Qin Qi decided to tell Mo Ziqi, Situ Jing, they are pregnant with their baby, she still has not, do not worry, do not want?

Qin Qixiao smiled and couldn't tell the wretchedness.

The blind man turned his eyes again and again, but he went to the side with great interest. The sea listened to the heart and the small imaginary nature also knew each other and left with the blind man.

"Zi Qi..." Qin Qi softly said.

Mo Ziqi's eyes are slightly moist, obviously emotional, no matter what happens, but these years have not seen, the thoughts in the heart, how to dilute, will only become more and more concentrated.


It was a cough.

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