God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1598: Meet again

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-eight chapters meet again

The roar of roaring sounded like a raindrop. Qin Qi and the elders fought each other and directly blasted this area. If the space of the void is solid, I am afraid that the territory of an empire can be destroyed in an instant.

Only the looming can see, the dragon and the emptiness beast constantly bite, and finally, the dragon is on, turned into a dragon claw, and the great elders are taken out from the layers of the void, and the scorpion is pressed in the void. on!

The smoke and dust rolled up, and the empty cliffs shook.

"Offended." Qin Qi was indifferent, sealed the power of the elders with the power of bronze, and sent it into Huangquan.

The elders were also sealed by Qin Qi. Others, naturally, Mo Ziqi also had the winners and losers, so that the remaining void beasts lost their combat power.

Qin Qi was sealed and sealed.

"The next step is to be careful. Even such a powerful and ancient void beast is controlled by the Holy Spirit. His own power is only fearful!" Lin growled and screamed.

"Predecessors, let's take the lead." Qin Qidao, the heart is ready.

And no matter what, it is going to go in.

"This is the case, the brothers will take the lead, the old wolf has not been hurt, and can not afford to toss." Lin roared and shook his head.

This unruly wolf.

Qin Qi is speechless, then he will come to the head.

In Qin Qi's body, the limit of strength is running, ready to face the battle. When he is empty and the body is flashing, the body has come to the empty cliff, the huge hollow.

From a distance, this hole does not seem to be big, but it is only when we are close to it. The scale here is comparable to that of the gods. A huge building is built here, the style is rough, and the original void pattern is used as a decoration. A sense of bleakness.

Here is the nest of the Void, most of them usually live here.

“Void Tower.” Qin Qi’s eyes fell to the end of a huge building along the way, where there was a huge ancient tower isolated from the void.

The tower is grayish yellow, and it is out of tune with the darkness of the void. It seems to have been built with ordinary stones.

The door to the difference is in this ancient tower.

"I can feel the power of my emperor, it is in the Nether Tower." Xiaoxu also rushed here, his look dignified.

"The power of the emptiness of the beastmaster is almost the best in the world. It must not be easily defeated by the Holy Spirit." Lin snarled the moon.

"If you don't see it, you don't know. You should not act rashly, wait for my news." Qin Qi said lightly.

I was alone and flew to the Nether Tower.

The Void Tower is a holy place for the Voids. The original guarding of nature is extremely strict and cannot be approached. However, it is different now. It is not difficult to get close except for the characteristics of the Void Tower itself.

The only difficulty is to enter the virtual tower itself, but with the strength of Qin Qi, this problem is still difficult to beat him.

After a emptiness confrontation, Qin Qi came to the space where the Void Tower was located. This quaint stone pagoda was also fully displayed in front of him.

Just Qin Qi, at the moment of coming in, the look can't help but change.

Full of bronze!

Even with a hint of white silver.

The Holy Spirit has got the law of the outside world?

Qin Qi’s heart is very difficult to calm down.

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time." A voice echoed in the ancient tower.

It is the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Qin Qi blinked and suppressed his heart, and then he stepped up and went to the top of the ancient tower.

This ancient pagoda seems to have been completely under the control of the Holy Spirit, and the more it goes up, the more intense the bronze color, and even the formation of special runes.

The white silver contained in it is relatively clear.

Judging from this, the realm of Shengqian at this moment has reached the five-star bronze II, and almost reached the level of bronze I.

Of course, this is only based on the known derivation, and it is only the realm of the alien world. No one knows whether the Holy Spirit has fallen into the system of the Heavenly World and whether it has entered the realm of the King of God.

After all, Qin Qi himself is special, with the system level as the standard, so he can't follow his own situation and can't make a conclusion.

However, the Holy Spirit has practiced the law of the opposite world, but this has already been nailed.

But how did he do it?

The more you go up, the more pressure Qin Qi can feel.

Until I came to the top floor, here, after a lapse of ten years, Qin Qi finally saw the holy thousand again!

This is his biggest enemy ever!

"St. Thousands, I haven't seen it for a long time." Qin Qidao, naturally did not shoot for the first time.

The holy thousand is sitting on a huge light door, and the light door, with countless void runes on it, is running out of age.

On top of it, it has the power of unimaginable void, which is probably the peak that the world can reach.

Through this light door, it seems that you can communicate with the world!

This is the door to the difference.

In the original game, the king opened the door of the difference, releasing the colorless diamond, and thinking about it, the system deliberately did it.

This door of disparity can indeed communicate with the outside world.

Of course, you can also communicate with the world!

"Yeah, ten years have disappeared, but I did not expect that you can really come out of the land, have to say, completely beyond my expectations." St. thousand faint, very calm.

He seems to have absolute confidence, not afraid of Qin Qi at the moment.

In the heart of Qin Qi's fretting, there is no change in the face, and the gaze is also removed from the holy thousand, falling in front of the door of the opposite.

There, there was a majestic old man suspended in midair. He was in a coma at the moment, but the hegemonic meaning of controlling the void was clearly felt.

Even if he is still asleep, he will still be suppressed by his invisible momentum.

Is this the empty beast?

At this moment, he was bound by a major array of people under his body, and his power was continuously extracted and injected into the door of dissimilarity.

"How, if you surrender now, I can spare you not to die, and bring you to experience the wider world!" Shengqian Xiaowei smiled, to give Qin Qi a general gift.

He knew that Qin Qi was exploring the state of the empty beast, but he did not care.

"This kind of words, don't say it later." Qin Qi said lightly.

"It is also true that you are not the one who will choose to surrender. Oh, sigh, the only thing I have not counted in my life is that you, if there is a choice, you should kill you at the beginning." .

"Unfortunately, I can't get back to the beginning." Qin Qi said indifferently, stepping forward with one foot, and the pulse!

Regardless of the power of the Holy Thousands, let's save the Nether Queen!

The Holy One has seen this and has not stopped it. His eyes are ridiculous.


An invisible cockroach spread out and broke the way, it didn't work!

"Do you know why, because this is a line of aliens." St. Qiang haha ​​smiled, and then he stood up.

And as he stood, the entire ancient tower began to tremble!

The incomparable bronze color overflowed from him, and a martial art appeared behind him.


One of the strongest cards in the holy thousand!

Now, Qin Qi finally knows the identity of this martial art.

The diamond of the emperor!

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