God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1600: Another traverser

The first thousand and six hundred chapters another passer

"There is still a little time, take this opportunity, let you die and understand." St. John fell and laughed, condescending, is the emperor overlooking the loser.

"Actually, I paid a lot of money and deduced a chance. I know that someone will come here, so I am ready."

"However, I don't know if it will be you, even me, I can't deduct things about you, and you shouldn't show up again."

"So, your appearance is very unexpected, but in fact, it is also expected."

He would say this, it shows that he has absolute confidence, he knows that someone will come, and it will be extremely strong, but he does not care who is coming, what kind of ability.

Because, it is destined to become another core of the big array.

So, what is the difference?

"You are really conceited," Qin Qi said coldly.

"This is the heaven, the diamond of the emperor, and the so-called emperor color, is the color of the emperor, I know everything, I am destined to be the emperor of all beings, how can I not be conceited?"

"Hey, let's know everything, the old man of heaven has said that you know everything, but this kind of thing, do you think I will believe? If you know everything, the last time, it will not be only half successful." Do not bother.

Sheng Qian is not interested in Qin Qi’s attitude. He is above the sentient beings and does not need to care about the attitude of a dying person.

"Indeed, I am not omnipotent. They have such a cognition, but they know what they know and they don't know. I know it by nature." Shengqian said so.

Qin Qi heard the words, the pupil could not help but shrink.

"What do you mean?" Qin Qi's voice gradually sank.

St. Qiang’s proud smile, his fingers tapping on the door of the opposite sex, feeling the power of the door of the strangeness to start to restart, smiled slightly: “This is my biggest secret. After hiding for so many years, telling you, it’s fine.”

"Do you know, I am, never a person from this world!" The eyes of St. John suddenly became very enchanting, and they felt like they had just changed a person.

It is like a heavily disguised soul. Suddenly, it no longer covers the general.

"You..." Qin Qi couldn't speak.

How can Qin Qi not know the Holy Thousands?

The life of Shengqian, Gao Gaogao thoroughly examined the number of times, and after ensuring it was correct, it was provided to Qin Qi.

When it comes to the holy thousand, Qin Qi does not dare to care about it. He has repeatedly read this information many times, and he has pondered the rationality to determine whether it is true.

Even Su Qingqing deliberately deduced every detail. Although many of them are vague and difficult to be deduced, there is nothing wrong with the whole.

Judging from this information, Shengqian is undoubtedly a native of Tianyuan, and born with talent is superb, and it is recognized that it can become a human race!

If you have to say something doubtful, the Holy Spirit has suffered a serious injury when he was a teenager. He could not save the miracle medicine, but in the end, it was a miracle.

However, for this legendary life, this does not seem to be anything, do not create a miracle, how dare to call the legend?

"You, your soul..."

"Keen, Qin Qi, you are really powerful!" Sheng Qian fell aloud and nodded: "Yes, the original holy thousand, was seriously injured in adolescence, then he was already dead."

"When I wake up again, it is no longer the original holy thousand, but me!" There is a glimmer of light in the holy thousand, and what is said to be horrifying words!

Qin Qi was shocked.

This time, he was really shocked.

The Holy Thousands, as he is, is a traverser, who has passed through from other worlds, and is attached to a dead person, making it "reborn"!

Qin Qi is also a passer, but because of this, he is afraid to be more shocked than the average person.

Looking at Qin Qi's look, Sheng Qian couldn't help but laugh a few times.

To be honest, he has hidden this secret for too long!

Although it is a bright king, he has lived for a long time, but he is still looking forward to it, expecting someone to know what the truth will be.

The look of Qin Qi made him feel very satisfied.

"You, are you from the outside world?" Qin Qi's eyes picked up.

"It’s so calm down so quickly. You, this person, is really terrible. Sometimes I doubt that you are also a passer-by?" The Holy One smiled.

is not it?

He had thought about it.

But, shouldn't it.

Compared with the passers-by, Shengqian believes that Qin Qi is the reincarnation of that brother. After all, there are too many similarities, and there are many anxious.

However, it is no longer important.

"But it's a pity. You guessed it wrong. I don't come from the outside world, but I am a desolate world that is even weaker than the Tianyuan continent."

The eyes of Qin Qi are dancing.

This point is similar to him, but Qin Qi believes that it is not the earth world.

It should be a world of planets similar to Earth, and such a world is afraid of being the bottom of the world, or even a small world of the strong.

The information revealed by Shengqian has indeed made Qin Qi shocked, but time is running out, and the big array is running. If you wait a little longer, Qin Qi is afraid to put himself in.

"In this case, how can you have this diamond of the emperor, and it has become your martial arts?" Qin Qi asked.

"I said that this is through the incident, do you believe, including all the knowledge that I know, even the realm of the earth, is through the incident, you, believe it?" Sheng Qianhe laughed.

Everything is carried with him when he crosses it, just like Qin Qi owns the system.

I am afraid that St. John's has something similar to the system. It may be a treasure house, or a treasure of divine, but it should be something similar.

"Who is letting you cross?" Qin Qi shouted.

Let Qin Qi traverse it, it should be the creator of the system. So, let the holy thousand fall here?

Shengqian heard the problem of Qin Qi. For the first time, his look was slightly raised. Obviously, even at this moment, he was invincible in the world of Tianyuan, but he still had taboos on this question.

"To tell the truth, I still don't know the identity of that person." Sheng Qian fell and frowned, and he did not like to think about this problem.

Because this problem is beyond his control, and he does not like the feeling of being unable to master.

He is used to taking control of everything!

Moreover, he has already decided that he will go out of his own path, no matter who makes it through, he can not be led by the nose!

"Well, what's the problem? Your time is not much." St. Qian is indifferent.

"It's better, I will answer you a question." But Qin Qi, suddenly said so.

"What do you mean?" The holy thousand eyes fell slightly.

"You just asked me, your experience, I believe, I will answer you now."

"I, naturally, believe, because of this operation, I am also very familiar!"

Qin Qi smiled slightly, and the colorless diamond suddenly rose up. The dragon vein hidden in the body and the dragon vein in the tears of Dragon God madly resonated, and the ancient bronze power swept the audience!

Breaking the line!

"No sky, colorless diamond, Qin Qi, you!" St. Qiang lost his eyes!

Take control of everything?

I am afraid that it is impossible!

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