God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1603: I want to see and see

Chapter 1 603 I want to see and see

"Want to use the Void Tower to counteract me?" St. John's eyes narrowed slightly, but he did feel the threat.

In this decade's preparations, he has already suppressed all the Void beasts and extracted their souls. Apart from the fact that the Nether Emperor is indeed powerful and difficult to pull away from the soul, no one can be defeated.

In this way, although the Void Tower is an artifact of the Nether, there is no threat to him.

It is only now that Qin Qi sent out the empty beast, and then suppressed him, which is quite tricky.

His strength is above Qin Qi, but in this way, the two men's combat power is on the same level.

Even if he is self-sufficient, he must defeat Qin Qi in this situation. To be honest, he does not have much confidence.

After all, Qin Qi’s strength, he is very understanding, there is no rival in the same territory.

"Qin Qi, I should have said that to draw your strength, at most, it is a icing on the cake, so even if you can't kill you, my plan will not change." St. Qiang slowly falls, standing in the opposite Above the door.

Behind him, the earth was completely covered, and he was wrapped up as if he were in another world.

The Emperor Zhongzhong, in the end, did not completely break open, still sticking together. If so, it can still be used to display the power of the heavens, the strong defense, or make Qin Qi feel tricky.

It is clear that the Holy Thousands is not going to continue fighting. He will take the defensive action and wait for the opening of the door of dissimilarity!

As he himself said, the emergence of Qin Qi, at most, is able to add icing on the cake, allowing him to communicate with other worlds, but the land government, regardless of the power of Qin Qi, can be successfully connected.

The dawn of the gods is destined to come.

"Come on, this is your last chance. When the dawn of the gods comes, you will completely lose the power of World War I!" Shengqian looked at Qin Qi, the diamond of the emperor was shining, the power of bronze waved And the color of silver is getting richer and stronger.

The Holy Thousands is indeed infinitely close to the realm of the King of God. Perhaps he is not unable to break through, just waiting for an opportunity to be perfect.

Without knowing his passing benefits, Qin Qi did not dare to underestimate.

The St. Qiang was so strong that he completely took the defensive. Qin Qi was able to use the convenience of the Nether Tower, and it was difficult to defeat him in a short time.

And the door of the difference is obviously about to open.

The dawn of the gods, really can't stop.

Qin Qi blinked and immediately said: "St. Thousands, do you really think that the gods will stand on the same boat with you?"

St. John faint smiled and said: "Is this important, at least not standing on my opposite side."

St. Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Hearts, greeted the gods, their own combat power is strong enough, the gods are returning, even if they will not cooperate with him, but at least, will not be hostile to him.

Qin Qi is not the same, the ancestors of the Mozu, the descendants of the blood are directly cut off by him, and will definitely settle with him!

Especially, Zeus.

"Don't do it, you have no chance. By then, you will die!" Sheng Qian sneered.

"In addition, you don't think that you can be compared with the gods by the present. They are in the world of the world for 100,000 years, and they are constantly being tortured by the power of the outside world. Will they grow up?"

"In Japan, they were close to the king of God. They are afraid that they have already reached the rank of the king of God. How can you overcome them by yours?" Sheng Qianhe laughed.

Already, standing undefeated!

In his view, Qin Qi’s only chance now is to escape. After all, to him, the chances of success are too low. The possibility of being nine-nine is unable to stop the gods from coming.

After all, he still won, and the contest between the passers-by was that he won.

"The soul of those empty beasts can still be in your hands?" Qin Qi suddenly asked.

The Holy Thousands heard a word, I don’t quite understand why Qin Qi suddenly mentioned this, but Qin Qi did not shoot, he was so happy.

"It is indeed in my hands. After all, this emptiness beast is extremely strong, so it is so obscured. It is a pity." There is no need to hide the holy thousand.

"Give these souls to me, I can't shoot you." Qin Qi said lightly.

The holy millennium slammed into a slam, and he couldn’t think that Qin Qi would have proposed such a condition.

Ready to escape, want to take the opportunity to reorganize the power of the Void?

The idea is not bad.

However, Shengqian did not dare to sneak up Qin Qi, the same as the passer, he knows the strength of crossing the welfare, even if he does not understand what Qin Qi's welfare is, but must be extremely cautious!

Just thinking about it, I suddenly turned my mind over countless thoughts. He still couldn’t judge. Qin Qi got these souls and could have any hope of turning over.

You should just take away the Void beast and strengthen the power before you want to escape.

This is complete.

St. Qian’s confidence is ninety-nine, Qin Qi can't beat him, but after all, there is still a one-tenth chance to succeed.

In this case, he can't take the risk, let alone for these souls.

"Good." Shengqian agreed to it, and there is no reason to refuse.

After the arrival of the gods, even if Qin Qi possesses this vain beast, what is the use?

At the moment, the Holy Spirit is a slap in the face, and the souls of those emptiness beasts are released by him.

The Qin Qi glimmered, the power of the Nether Ghost Emperor swept up, countless souls could surve, help these souls to restore strength, and at the same time, they will be included in the Yellow Spring.

After doing this, Qin Qi did not move again, he stood there, standing in front of the facade of the opposite.

St. Qian’s brow wrinkled, and he found that he still underestimated Qin Qi, but what Qin Qi really wanted to do, he still did not understand.

"You don't run?" St. Qiang couldn't help but ask.

For him who is omniscient and omnipotent, asking such a question is almost equivalent to shame, but he still can't help but ask, obviously cares.

"The gods dawn, I also want to see and see." Qin Qi laughed.

The holy thousand pupils contracted and no longer speak.

He didn't know what Qin Qi wanted to do, but it was already here, and there was no other choice. He could only proceed with the plan.

Moreover, he still does not believe that Qin Qi can bear the anger of the gods.

Qin Qi may have some reliance, but perhaps it is just arrogance.

Just wait for the gods to come, and then witness everything.

Inside Huangquan, Wan Guizhen Prison Emperor and Meng Yu are guarding. They received instructions from Qin Qi and are waiting for the arrival of these souls.

They are all strong in Huang Quanzhong, and they are very proficient in the power of the soul. After Qin Qi received the empty beast into Huangquan, they have already prepared, and only wait for the arrival of the soul, they can return to the flesh.

At this moment, they all have their eyes bright, and they quickly use their means to integrate those souls into their respective bodies, and to ensure the perfection of integration, without leaving a flaw.

When the soul returned, the strong beasts of the Void began to gradually restore their consciousness. Qin Qi’s seal on them was also instantly lifted. The entire Huang Quan was shaken by the ravages of the void.

"I didn't expect to have the possibility of resurrection!"

"That horrible human being, what kind of existence he is, he knows all the weaknesses of my family. Otherwise, we will not be so suppressed by him and deprive the soul!"

"Oh, if you have a problem on the way to the king of the gods, you will be squandered by him. I don't know what it is now."

"There will be nothing under your majesty!"

"Oh, this young man saved us. He is confronting the terrible human being. Let's go out and help it!"

"Yes, my empty beast family, you can let others block in front of you!"

With the return of the soul, the power of the Void Beast is rapidly recovering, they are constantly communicating, ready to rush out of Huangquan, and fight against the Holy Spirit!

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