God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1605: Murder promotion

The first thousand six hundred and five chapters killing promotion

St. John's is just a cold-eyed look.

Since Qin Qi did not choose to leave, he has been brewing a blow, so it is not an accident to kill a god.

Like Qin Qi, although he did not enter the realm of the king of gods, but they all have the power of the outside world, this is a great advantage, enough to fight across the border in this super-existing realm!

So on the combat power, they are no different from the strong ones who just entered the king of God.

If it is a positive battle, each can do it, then who wins and who is responsible is possible.

And this Apollo, in the land government successfully came to the king of the kingdom, therefore, after watching the world after 100,000 years, it has thus come out of the door of the difference.

It is equivalent to giving Qin Qi an excellent chance to hunt.

And life has endured Qin Qi, the strongest sword, even if it is already a **** king, there is no truth.

Therefore, there is no accident in Shengqian. I don’t think there is anything wrong with Qin Qi’s killing of Apollo, because he is very clear that this is not something that cannot be done.

If he does not own the emperor's clock, he may even be killed, Apollo, and it is nothing to die.

Moreover, Qin Qi put this sword on Apollo, so he said that he no longer has any threat to him. Otherwise, if he has this sword, he will also bear tremendous pressure.

"It’s enough to kill a god, but, as a result, you may not even escape." The holy thousand are cold and cold, the earth is open, and the gods are mighty.

He no longer takes a defensive, he wants to take the opportunity to kill Qin Qi!

"Where is this enough, kill one, there is a second one." But Qin Qi, cold smile.

On his body, the power of bronze constantly changed, and he began to switch to silver.

At this moment, Qin Qi's power of the outside world has been greatly improved in an instant, and there is no doubt that it has broken through to the realm of bronze I and emperor!

Thousands of difficulties, Qin Qi finally came to the position of Emperor!

It’s incredible!

"The color of silver!"

Qin Qi used the sword just now, even if it is the resilience of the Dragon's body, it can't catch up with it, so he will change to defend and prepare to kill Qin Qi.

But at this moment, the strength of Qin Qi has increased sharply. It is obviously a breakthrough in the realm. First, he stepped into the level of the king of God.

The power of the incomparable bronze, and the lingering of it, circulates in the middle of the bronze. If the white and silver of the flower of silver blooms, it will make the sacred cavern shrink.

The color of this silver is already above him!

"How can this be so, can you be so convinced that you can be promoted?" The Holy Trinity was amazed and unbelievable.

In the past, those realms will be gone, but this is the realm of the king of God, how can it be easily broken, so simple, it seems that after killing, you can directly promote the general!

This is no longer the power that the Terran warrior should have.

Qin Qi, along the way, is indeed in the battle to kill and promote the realm, breaking through the hustle and bustle, and because of this, Qin Qi will be recognized as the future **** of the human race.

Because of the Terran wars of all ages, they are all on the road to God of War. Killing and war are the nourishment of their growth. This way of promotion can be said to make the world stunned.

But now, Shengqian has changed his mind. This is not the characteristic that the Terran warrior should have. The Terran God of War can't do this. He killed a **** and he became a god.

What a joke!

This is the kingdom of God!

"This is your cross-benefit?" Sheng Qian fell deep and took a deep breath.

"Not bad." Qin Qi faint.

His fighting power, once again soared, the silver color between the bronzes, let him further understand the horror of the outside world, and at the same time, further liberate the power of the colorless diamond!

At this moment, the colorless diamond, the degree of awakening is not weaker than the diamond of the emperor.

Then, in this empty tower, what does Shengqian still have to resist Qin Qi?

St. John's face turned wild, and quickly took the defensive.

In this virtual tower, he is now unable to compete with the current Qin Qi.

"Qin Qi, the door to the difference has been opened, there are gods there, you can't shut down, and you kill Apollo, they won't give you another chance."

"You still have only one way, and that is to escape!"

Qin Qi’s cross-benefit is still above his imagination. However, when he reaches the king’s realm, he will let Qin Qi understand how terrible his cross-border welfare is!

Killing people to upgrade, what is it!

"This time, kill you enough!" Qin Qi cold, instant shot.

This is the power of the emperor. After being locked by Qin Qi, there is no chance for the holy thousand to even dodge.

He gritted his teeth, his face was ugly, and he could only sacrifice the emperor's bell again!


The bell rang out, and the emperor's clock was broken in the invincible Jianguang of Qin Qi. After this break, St. Qiang fell again and wanted to reorganize it. I am afraid it would be more difficult.

But compared to life, these are nothing. With the last defense of the Emperor's bell, Shengqian seized the opportunity and rushed out of the Nether Tower!

For the holy thousand who want to escape, the ultimate force of the void in the Nether Tower is difficult to stop his path.

"Sword one!"

It’s just Qin Qi, the direction of the escape from the Holy Spirit is a sword.

The sword of the Dragon God’s tears and the realm of Qin Qi’s emperor at this moment, the power is at its peak, and the Holy Spirit is falling, I am afraid it is not good!

There are blood beads that emit a strong sacred light scattered from the void, that is the blood of the holy thousand, obviously, Qin Qi's sword one made him pay a huge representative.

However, it is a pity that he could not be killed.

But this is also expected.

Knowing that the Holy Spirit has actually passed through other worlds, Qin Qi knows that it is even harder to kill Zeus than to kill Zeus.

As a passer-by, he is very clear about his own advantages. Although he does not know what the welfare of the Holy Cross is, he does not want to come.

This crosses the welfare, just need to be with him, it is how to pay attention to the opponents that can't be overemphasized.

And if you want to be above him, it will be even more terrible. No one knows who is laughing.

But at least, this time, Qin Qi gave San Qiang a surprise, and forced it back, and this kind of injury is enough for a thousand years of cultivation.

Repelling the Holy Thousand, Qin Qi’s dawn fell on the door of the opposite.

This door has been completely opened, and on the portal, not only has the power of the door of the difference, but also a special light curtain, which is composed of various Tongtian Avenues.

These forces are obviously from the gods. They shake the power on the other side of the land to protect the smooth operation of the door of the aliens. At the same time, they do not dare to step on the border easily.

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