God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1618: Walking back door

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-eight chapters go back door

With Situ Jing and Mo Ziqi, they said goodbye to each other. Qin Qi will collect all the people in Huangquan, and they will lead the way through the game.

Originally, Mo Ziqi wanted to follow, but Qin Qi refused.

The demon temple and the line are extremely dangerous, and the alliance cannot be without the strong, and Mo Ziqi stays here, and it is the right way to continue to upgrade the chaotic mine.

In this way, Mo Ziqi did not insist, the only requirement is that Qin Qi took Fu Cai Xuan and returned safely.

In the emptiness of the void, Qin Qi continued to cross with Xiao Xiao, no matter how raging the void power, could not stop Qin Qi.

"Fairy, you will not be lost, is the **** demon temple really so gone?" Qin Qi has some doubts.

When they leave the city of Chaos, they directly enter the void, and then continue to deepen until they rush into the emptiness of the void. If this is not the realm of Qin Qi, other people may be torn directly into pieces.

This is all right, but it is difficult to distinguish the direction in this emptiness. Qin Qi really worried that Yi Xiaoyu had forgotten the way back.

"When I left, I didn't think about going back, so I didn't have a magical charm in my body. I wanted to go back and I could only go through the back door."

Members of the Temple of the Devil have a demon symbol in their bodies. With it, you can return to the Temple of the Devil at any time.

This is also one of the factors that is difficult to find at the entrance to the Temple of God, because even if it is the entry and exit of its own members, it is not difficult to pass the barrier of the Temple of the Devil, it is difficult to bring people into it.

Therefore, the Temple of the Devil is the most mysterious place outside the mask of the dead. There is no trace at all, as if it is in an eternal unknown.

Of course, there is no magic symbol to go back, but it is necessary to really understand the direction of the portal of the Temple of God, and this kind of top secret, except for the top three big cockroaches in the Temple of God, others can not know.

As a daughter of the Emperor and the Fairy, Yi Xiaoying is very special. It is not a strange thing to know the secret of the Temple of God.

However, how is the back door.

"No problem?" Qin Qi holds a lot of questions.

"I don't want too many people to know about my existence. The back door is closer to my home, and it is also convenient for you to act." Yoshihisa said, his look changed.

That is the descendant of Da Yuhuang, and she has some blood links with her. Although she is cold and has a few times separated from them, it is not easy to get along with them, but now she has to go back, there are still some different emotions.

"Okay, hope it won."

In this way, Qin Qi has no other way, and can only continue to advance in accordance with the road pointed by Yi Xiaoyu.

In the emptiness of the void, it is difficult to feel the passage of time. It seems that it has been a long time. It seems that it is only a few quarters of an hour. Finally, the unchanging chaos around it has subsided. Qin Qi has come to a quiet place.

It was like a clear sky in the storm.

"This is the place where the void is still, and it will remain unchanged." Yi Xiaodao said, coming out from the shelter of Qin Qi, his cheeks were slightly pink.

In the emptiness of the void, she naturally needs Qin Qi's asylum. Although there is no chaos in the Xinghai, it is not so close, it is only a little closer, but it is inevitable to remember the previous experience and the breathing is not stable.

"You are talking about the back door, is it here?" Qin Qi felt arbitrarily distributed and asked at the same time.

Yi Xiaoyu set his mind and nodded: "It’s just in front, but after a long time, I don’t know if I can open it."

"No problem, always open." Qin Qi laughed.

Yi Xiaoying, a glimpse of Qin Qi, said: "You don't want to mess, God Devil Hall, is not a good match, when the time makes a big move, even if you are now, it is difficult to protect! ”

"Let's see it first."

The two walked in the vacant still place, all the way forward, without any hindrance, quiet and incomparable.

It was only a few hundred miles away that a stone door finally appeared in the front.

An independent stone gate, very ancient, with traces of mottled, filled with years of injury.

"This is the back door." Yi Xiao said.

"The original back door is like this. I thought it was really a portal to the Temple of the Devil. So, you don't know where the Devil's Temple is?" Qin Qidao.

"About knowing, but there is no power to cover it, it is you, it is impossible to break through, only these portals outside can enter." Yoshihisa replied.

When Qin Qi nodded, he would no longer say anything, and Yi Xiaoyu was on the front, and the power of the body rushed out and was injected into the portal.

Immediately, the old portal began to shine, and after a few years, it finally started again.

"Successful." Yi Xiaoying whispered, his eyes lit up slightly.

Perhaps, this back door is that the family has specially reserved for her, and she is looking forward to her returning one day.

"God Temple, go, let me see and see the world's first power!" Qin Qi smiled slightly, and the light flashed in the middle of the light, he has some can't wait.

Together with Yi Xiaoying, through the light curtain in the back door, the picture that Qin Qi saw in front of him was suddenly changed.

Immediately, the rich aura came to the surface, and Qin Qi’s eyes widened, looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers in front of him, feeling like being in a fairyland!

"This is the temple of the gods, where is a temple, it is simply an independent small world!" Qin Qi looked at everything in front of him, the fairy hills ups and downs, ancient trees towering.

The rich aura is full of the whole world. These pure and pure, Tianyuan world can only be compared with several holy places such as Emperor City and Mount Olympus.

And this is just the corner of the Temple of God.

It is no wonder that the Temple of the Devil can be so strong. This aura alone is enough to ensure that the Demon Temple is not weak, that is, an idiot, and at least enter the king of Wu King!

"It is a taboo for the female emperor to stay, really unparalleled!" Qin Qi sighed.

"Be careful, this place is the hunting ground of the family. You also know that my family is good at bowing, so many strong people in the family will sculpt the arrow in the hunting ground. I don't know if there is much attack from the place." Road.

"I said, do you have to worry about me?" Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

Yi Xiaoying snorted and said: "I just reminded, but I don't worry about what you mean."

"Don't misunderstand, everyone is a friend. It is normal to care for each other. I mean, who can hurt me?" Qin Qi smiled.

Yi Xiaoyan flat mouth, "Who is a friend with you, this time successfully helped you into this demon hall, you and I have nothing to do with it, I will not continue to intervene in the future."

"Hey, it’s a ruthless woman, we have a hard time, a total suffering, and even frankness." Qin Qi shook his head.

"You..." Yi Xiaoying's pretty face is red, and Xian Yu's squatting Qin Qi.

It was just at this moment that Qin Qi’s look changed in vain. In the far air, a violent vibration came. Immediately, a light spot lit up slightly, and at this moment, an arrow had already hit them. !

Too fast!

Too strong!

Moreover, the king of God!

Qin Qi was shocked in the heart, there is no way to dodge at the moment, only to shoot out, the body of the colorful light shines, the dragon **** tears in hand, suddenly pulled out a sword!

The sword and the arrow confronted each other, shattering the void, but in the end it was blocked.

Qin Qi looked a sinking, just entered the Temple of the Devil, and even encountered the power of these levels, the King of God, an arrow, it is really horror, but also let Qin Qi have a new understanding of the Temple of God.

"Arrow, it is really unreasonable." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

Among all the martial arts, most of them are the forces of close confrontation. Even if the scope is different from each other, with the improvement of the realm of strength and the increase of power, there is no difference.

It is like a warrior who uses whip, and a warrior who uses a sword. The scope of attack is naturally greater with whip, but as the strength increases, it is no different from destroying the mountains and rivers, whip and sword.

But the arrow, different, as the only means of full-range attack, is not only a long-range combat, but also can be used in melee. Close-up archery can even have unexpected effects.

In the long-distance, even ultra-long-distance operations, the power of the bow and arrow, no weapon can be comparable.

It is not a flying sword.

Because of this feature, the archer can be in an invincible position to some extent, launch an attack, directly outside the perception, how to resist?

Only in the moment when the arrow is about to come will it give people a chance to react.

"Isn't that nobody got you?" Yi Xiaoyan's eyes bent like a crescent.

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