God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1620: stupid gay

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-two chapters

The power of the arrow is indeed amazing, but the Dijiang made up its mind to escape, but it is also difficult to stop.

"Oops, it escaped!" Qin Qi Emei, just now the emperor will explode out of the wild power, seemingly extreme sublimation, but in fact, it is the limit of restraint, as a cover, has escaped from the seal.

"You are quick to stop!" Yi Xiaoyan quickly called.

If this strange animal escapes, it is simply disaster-level, and no one knows what the consequences will be.

"Hey, don't have to look for it." Qin Qi was sneer.


"It has come here!" Qin Qi low drink, Dragon God tears instantly turned a sword circle, a sword smashed out, then a "squeaky" sound, before the sword front, there is a hand to open, will be arrived live.

The hand is white, and the meridian with red inside is faintly visible. The steam is overflowing. Is this Dijiang a woman?

"This sword?" The emperor first snorted, but then he couldn't help but exclaim, and the red-red eyes were huge.

This sword has the flavor that he is familiar with.

"In this case, it is damn!" The emperor's eyes were sharp, and a cold drink, the body's riddled power broke out, and came to the oppression of Qin Qizhen.

Qin Qi squinted at the eyes, how can there be no response at this moment, the sharpness above the Jianfeng is even more prosperous, the ancient bronze power, the mark of the sky!

The sword came out, and the emperor’s heart was slightly surprised, but he was actually trying to avoid his front.

And Qin Qi naturally won't be forgiving, the tears of the sky will keep up with it, and then, the sky anger and thunder, the gods open the sky!

The power of the sword is unparalleled, that is, the emperor has some resistance, and the palm has been cut into a long mouth, blood and direct.

"Hey!" Dijiang gritted his teeth, but the other hand suddenly swayed. Thousands of phantoms suddenly appeared. It was a very deep technique. Qin Qi could not resist the sword.

Only one punch can be connected.

"Hey!" In the eyes of Dijiang, there was a taunt in the eyes, and without the help of treasures, it was arrogant to resist him with the flesh!

In the world, it is just a few bloodstains to compete with the wild and the beasts. The human race is far from enough!

Just the next moment, the vastness of the nine colors that broke out in Qin Qi’s body made it look drastically changed.

"Dragon vein?"

With one punch and one palm, the smashing collisions together and smashing the heavens and the earth, Qin Qi slightly retreated two steps, his arms numb, but he did not lose much.

"You drag him, I will guide the people." Yoshihiko screamed.

This is in the misty sea of ​​the emperor, all the air engines are controlled by the emperor, and the power of the emperor's eruption just out of the seal has already disturbed all the perceptions around.

If no one gives guidance, the strongest of the family will find it difficult to find an accurate position at one time.

"The little girl is agile, but do you think you have this opportunity?" Dijiang cold and cold, it is at the lowest point of the battle at this moment, but really desperate, Qin Qi may not be able to stop him.

Not to mention the game.

"Don't look down on people!" The mysterious power of Yi Xiaoying's body is looming, and Qin Qi is blocking. She has no chance.

"Hey, don't go forward, stay behind me." Qin Qi was busy.

"You can't stop for a moment?" Yi Xiaoying's look changed slightly. She thought that Qin Qi's combat power could be done.

"No, this is a dead basis, no clothes, your girl's family, don't look at it." Qin Qi coughed.

"Dead base?" Yi Xiaoying is puzzled, but Qin Qi said this, but he thought of some possibility, could not help but face a red, said: "Is it not a woman?"

"Ghosts know." Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

At first, I saw the slender palm of the emperor, the white tender arms, and the sinuous outlines that appeared in the white mist, and the sound was quite neutral. It was difficult to distinguish between male and female. Qin Qi really thought that the other party was a woman.

However, at this moment, the stronger the imperial river, the oppressed, but you can see the whole picture.

Nima's, like a woman, the national color is fragrant, but the things come out, even bigger than Lao Tzu.

stupid gay!

It is no wonder that it will be suppressed by the Emperor, and it will be deserved to be sealed by the Emperor.

Dijiang, a short reddish hair flying, a face is extremely beautiful, even more delicate than the average woman, it is weaker, Yi Xiaoying, this is just a woman.

And his body is thin, the proportion is more inclined to women, it is easy to distinguish if you don't wear clothes at the moment. If you put on clothes, you can identify me as a male.

After Xiao Qiu was hiding behind Qin Qi, she was seen in the Chaos Xinghai, near the coma, and saw the Qin Qi clothing smashed, causing an inexhaustible trauma to her mind, but I don't want to experience it again.

"Kid, what is your relationship with that woman?" Dijiang cold and cold, it just got out of trouble, naked, but he did not care, just staring coldly at Qin Qi.

"You mean the taboo female emperor?" Qin Qi squinted.

Hearing this title, Dijiang was a jump in the eyelids, and the corners of his eyes could not help but shake up. Obviously, even if the time is endless, the shadow that the female emperor left for him is still indelible.

"You can guess." Qin Qi laughed.

"But, no matter what relationship you have, as long as there is a relationship, it is damn!"

"That depends on whether you have this ability." Qin Qi is cold, and behind the spring, Huang Quan emerges, attached to the body, at the same time, the king also stood up.

Wang Wangjue woke up with a stronger force, just right, and now verify it.

"The Emperor?" Dijiang saw the king, but he was a bit embarrassed, and almost regarded him as his father.

As the most proud son of the Emperor, the person Wang Jitian asked if there were too many similarities with the Emperor.

"No, the power is weak, and this is your unique human martial arts?" The emperor couldn't help but change color. This is really a bit ridiculous.

"Oh, no matter what, kill you first!" Dijiang cold drink, no more nonsense, forced shot.

At the same time, the surrounding sea of ​​fog continues to roll up, infiltrating everything, and does not give any opportunity to the game, it is impossible to give guidance to the people of the family.

The emperor is obviously ready to kill Qin Qi. He is confident that he is in this demon temple. At this moment, he can still do this at a time.

However, he ultimately underestimated the power of Qin Qi.

The king is on the top, and the king's field is spread across the board. It is much stronger than the previous ones. It can be said that it is to suppress everything, and the ultimate human power is constantly rotating, so that Qin Qi can raise his hands and throw it, which is the power of the heavenly kings!

Humanity sword!

Qin Qi holds the sword, as represented by this sword, it is the human vicissitudes of life, returning to the Yuan Shouyi, with this sword, help the world!

"Six arms pass through the sky!" The emperor is cold and cold, and there are four arms on the back, and each arm has different strengths, but one thing in common is that it is powerful!

The torrential power of the wild and the collision of the ancient bronze dynasty, Qin Qi alone in the emperor, the humanity dragon road kills the road, annihilating everything.

Qin Qi's combat power is beyond the imagination of the emperor. Originally, the emperor discovered the location of Qin Qi through the fog sea. He just wanted to kill Qin Qi, but he did not expect it to be a hard scorpion.

However, the strength of the Dijiang River is also beyond the expectations of Qin Qi. It is worthy of the former wilderness and beasts. Even if the combat power declines seriously, it is costly to get rid of the difficulties, but it is still somewhat difficult to cope.

Qin Qi had to shake the power again. Several great martial arts stepped out and changed their power, giving the emperor greater pressure.

Especially the colorless diamond, the special diamond **** is in hand, you can directly copy the power of the emperor and counter-produce.

"Well, this is..." Dijiang was shocked and once again revealed an incredible look.

But it is not a colorless diamond, but a blush witch!

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