God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1624: Meet the old ancestors

The first thousand six hundred and twenty-four chapters see the old ancestors

At the same time, the other party has bent again, just like the previous re-distribution, but with the arrow back, it is already three attacks at the same time.

Good guy, fighting skills, it’s a great descendant!

Qin Qi naturally will not have no countermeasures. The other party's skills are stronger, but it is only a god. It can't be his opponent. However, at this moment, seeing the heart, Qin Qi will not force people.

How did he lose his fighting skills?

Do not use any means, Qin Qi once again dodge, the three attacks are not in the middle, it is still a small difference.

The other side flashed a light, and gave a light drink. On the Monday, the fire feather appeared, and they were all arrows.

Then, pinching the arrow on the bow, it is a cannon gun, the hand of the bow has become a phantom, countless arrows rushed out.

So close, with the arrow confrontation, even all the details can be counted in the attack, it can be said that at the moment of the shot, Qin Qi's all response is within her prejudgment.

There is almost no evasion.

However, who is Qin Qi, the other side thinks that there is no escapeable arrow attack. In his view, there are at least four flaws, one of them can still avoid all attacks.

The difference is a small amount.

It’s still a little bit worse, just a little bit, but after all, I can’t touch Qin Qi even a small one.

The arrow can still look back, the second acceleration, but still no effect, no matter what Qin Qi can not.

"Good ornate archery, is this really an archer? Can melee be as strong as this?" The sea can't help but marvel, so close, the archer can only defend the enemy with a long bow. Archery?

It is terrible.

Lin and the roaring month, and so on, can not help but shake, acknowledging the strength of each other.

As for Gong Sun Yilin, he has widened his eyes and recorded all his actions in his mind.

His eyes, constantly shining through, is the arrow that the other party shoots, as well as the trajectory, direction, and manipulation of the arrow!

Unconsciously, Gong Sun Yilin's fingers constantly bounced as if he were driving the bow and arrow.

Gong Sun Yilin is also a rare wizard, especially in the arrow, the talent is even more amazing, otherwise it will not be able to attract the princess of the family.

This is the family, the descendants of the great emperor, how can ordinary people enter their eyes?

Qin Qi and the woman’s contest continued, but after Qin Qi mastered the rhythm of the other party, it became more and more like a fish, and the other party, the means to do it, although one sharper than once, even reached four accelerations, but it has already been Qin Qi may not.

In the end, she could only close her hand, but the nine swords in the sky exploded, and the special light shattered the fog, apparently summoning the people.

In the midst of the battle, it was still distracting to make such an arrangement, but it was also smart.

"Who are you, why do you appear in the hunting ground of my family?" The woman stopped, looked at Qin Qi, and glanced at Gong Sun Yilin, and asked coldly.

She is armed with a long bow, tall and tall, and her body is strong.

Regardless of temperament or appearance, it is the best choice. It is rare for a woman like this to be a family.


Qin Qi glanced at her message and smiled slightly: "We are outsiders coming in from the back door."

"The outside world...the back door?" The sorrowful face suddenly changed. The people who knew the back door of the family were very few. Even her, after the recent strength, was qualified to contact.

It is amazing that the other party has come in from the back door.

"Who are you?" He sighed and sighed, and was extremely vigilant.

It seems that she does not know the existence of Yi Xiaoying.

"This is not anxious, since you have already sent a signal, when the people of your family come, it is said that it is troublesome." Qin Qi smiled.

Hearing the words, he felt a bit strange in his eyes, and Qin Qi was so confident.

He knows the back door of the Temple of the Devil, and he wants to know the power of the Temple of the Devil. Do you think that you have reached the realm of the King of God, you can let it go in the Temple of God?

But at this moment, there is no choice but to pity. She is not Qin Qi's opponent, and Qin Qi has no choice to hold her or flee, which is already the best result.

"Okay." He nodded, but still vigilant, the body is in a state of eruption at any time.

Even if she knows that Qin Qi really shot, she will certainly not be able to, but still did not give up the slightest opportunity, such attitude and heart, Qin Qi is very appreciative.

After all, there are many experiences in his past, that is, he is vying for the opportunity in the impossible.

If you give up, nothing will be done.

In the other side's combat skills, as well as the fighting attitude, Qin Qi feels very good about this feeling of pity, but the other side does not seem to have much affection for him.

Today, this super wretched heart seems to be still useful.

Qin Qi shook his head, and the reaction of the family was naturally rapid. After the signal of pity, a horrible breath was directly suppressed, and the king of the gods was mighty, and the whole audience was sealed.

Qin Qi snorted, and the field of people and kings suddenly opened up, protecting everyone, facing the hard resistance.

"Well?" The other side was slightly surprised and made a sound, and the next moment, a figure has appeared in front of Qin Qi, with boundless hegemony.

This is the king of the gods who had fought with the emperor before!


"Uncle, these people are extremely suspicious, and they have entered the Demon Hall from the back door of my family!"

The eyes of the arsenic are slightly narrow and long, and the eyes are cold, giving people a bad feeling, but there is no sinister intention in the temperament, perhaps just related to his fighting methods.

The arsenic heard the words, the dawn changed slightly, and the back door of the family had not been opened since its establishment. It has only been used once in the past 100,000 years. This time, someone came in from the outside through the back door.

It is amazing.

Is it related to the break of the emperor?

The look of the arsenic suddenly fell cold, and the breath of the body continued to shake out. The power of the intermediate gods was quite unrivaled!

Looking at Qin Qi, he wanted to see where Qin Qi’s qi was from.

The arsenic is not prepared to say anything more. Qin Qi and others have become suspicious, and it coincides with the departure of the emperor from the river. At this moment, it has disappeared. In this case, it is the right way to directly take the interrogation!

It was just that the arsenic was about to be shot, but I saw the woman behind Qin Qi, and the pupil couldn’t help but shrink it.

When he saw Yi Xiaoying, he instantly understood how Qin Qi and others entered the Demon Hall from the back door.

However, how did Xiao Xiaoyu suddenly come back and bring these people?

Pity is a bit strange, how is the arsenic delayed? Do you really have such a strong person, need arsenic to take seriously, brewing strength?

But it should be enough.

Sure enough, the arsenic moved.

Is it shot?

A pity of light flashed.

I saw that the arsenic was deeply stunned and respectfully bowed.

"The forty-seventh generation of the family, arsenic, see the old ancestors!"

I have pity.

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