God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1626: Give it a try

Try the first thousand six hundred and twenty-six chapters

Yan Yu believes that he has given enough pressure to Gong Sun Yi Lin, including the soul.

Under this pressure, Gong Sun Yilin can never have a half-fortunate luck, and even have no intention to consider whether Qin Qi can help again at a crucial moment.

But he is still bracing, obviously, he wants to let the arsenic recognize him.

Not afraid of death, it is really moving.

The arsenic closes, the look is still indifferent, just saying: "With your level, you can't match the condensate, roll it as soon as possible."

Although arsenic is ruthless, it is contemptuous, but it makes Qin Qi and others all in the heart.

It would be said that at least it was slightly recognized by Gong Sun Yilin. Although he still did not think he deserved, he already had the qualification to pursue.

Of course, this is just the qualification.

"It's enough to yell at you, it's really hard to marry a wife." Qin Qi patted the public Sun Yilin, and the Holy Light continued to overflow, rushing into the body of Gong Yilin, helping him recover his injuries.

The arsenic is also considered to be stressful, and did not really hurt the roots of Gong Sun Yilin.

"Perfect!" Gong Sun Yilin stretched out his thumb in a difficult way, but he was facing himself. Obviously he also admired his performance.

"Less shameless, let your wife say perfect again." Qin Qi is speechless.

Gong Sun Yilin smiled bitterly, his eyes were black, and he almost passed out, but he finally persisted.

The arsenic screamed coldly, no longer to control Gong Yilin, and his eyes fell on Qin Qi again. "That is the emperor, have you seen it?"

"No." Qin Qi shook his head.

"Is it?" The smog rubbed his eyes and apparently did not believe it.

"We really don't know." But it was Xiao Xiaoying.

The arsenic looked slightly, and said slightly: "Since the old ancestors said so, they would no longer ask, just, don't take the stone and lick their own feet."

This latter half of the sentence is naturally said to Qin Qi.

Although the other party is not sure whether Qin Qi’s statement is true, it is obviously doubtful. After all, there is no gap in the Temple of the Devil. Where can the Dijiang River go?

However, since the opening of Yi Xiaoying, the arsenic can only suppress the suspicion first.

"Well, old ancestors, please come with me first."

"Yeah." Yi Xiaoyu nodded.

"Pity, they will be handed over to you, you can arrange it at will." Yan Huo said indifferently, to Qin Qi and others, there is no slight affection.


In this way, the arsenic took off with Xiaoxiao, and they really handed Qin Qi to them.

Here is the Temple of the Devil, the site of the family, Qin Qi is the body of the king of God, do not dare to make a random, no pity for nature, there is nothing to fear.

"Before you go, let's talk to you first. My family will have a ceremonies tomorrow, and sacrifice ancestors, so there will be many foreigners coming. You better not to wave."

"This is natural, the girl can rest assured." Lin roared and smiled, looking at the wolf.

He pity him a glimpse, faintly said: "The second day of the election, you may have no purpose in coming here, but I would like to advise you that today's Temple of the Devil is different from what you know, and you can't do it with care."

Lin’s roaring moon was so heavy that he still smiled and thanked him.

"As for you..." I looked at Gong Yiyi Lin. "Your bones are very hard, but they are too weak. What kind of talent should my sister have? You should be very clear about how you deserve her."

"This point, only the predecessors have already said." Gong Sun Yilin said.

"My uncle did not say that tomorrow, my family will hold a ceremonial ceremony, and the homeowner intends to choose a husband for the condensate on the same day. At that time, the other two forces of the sacred temple will have men of the appropriate age to fight for marriage."

"And you, since the uncle left you to leave, it gave you a chance, but if you can hold it, you will see your own!" He smiled faintly and did not think that Gongsun Yilin had any chance.

Pity and pity, but let Qin Qi and others are slightly shocked in the heart, can not help but worry.

The Demon Hall originally had four major forces, and according to Yi Xiaoying, one of them has already been annexed. Now there are only three major forces left, and the other two are not weak. Where to go.

Their younger children, even if they are a little lower, will not be as powerful as pity, but I am afraid that there will still be above God.

And Gong Sun Yilin, although crazy cultivation, talent is not weaker than people, but now it is also really unsuccessful, really want to fight, I am afraid to fight.

"Well, I will defeat them and greet them!" Gong Sun Yilin ignited the flame in his eyes.

A woman who is in love, still have to rely on her own hands to grab it!

"If you can do it, maybe your business is really possible." Pity, but obviously it is only perfunctory Gong Sun Yilin. After all, she does not think that Gong Sun Yilin can do it.

When these lips and tongues are abolished, there will be no nonsense, and when they lead the way, they will leave the huge hunting ground with Qin Qi and enter the area where they live.

The homes of the family are huge and majestic. The manor buildings abound and continue to extend to the end of sight.

At the end of the day, the white mist haunted, and even the aura was condensed. It was the first heaven and earth in the world, and it was more practical than the imperial palace.

It is a taboo for the female emperor.

All the way to the Qin Qi they brought them into the core area of ​​the fog, here is also the core area of ​​the family, Qin Qi slightly let go of the perception, can sense a lot of strong atmosphere.

It seems that even the outside world has attracted the vast world of the ancients and entered the temporary generation of God. However, compared with the demon temple that has never been ruined and not destroyed in the great destruction, there is still Not too late.

"Lobby Sister, who are these people, why have you never seen them?"

Pity will bring Qin Qi to a quiet garden, ready to let them settle down here, but it is a young man, Feng Shen as jade, can be a star, flying from a distance.

Apparently, I learned that I came back with a pity and came to me.

"They are the guests who came to participate in the festival of my family. My uncle gave me a special offer." He said that he couldn't say so much, he could only answer this question, and then he introduced them to Qin Qi.

"This is a little boy, my uncle's youngest son."

When they bowed to Qin Qi, they were surprised, but they were surprised. They should never deal with people from outside.

However, since the pity has said this, he is no longer nonsense, but curiously asks: "Lobby sister, I heard that the emperor ran away, is it true?"

"Yeah." Nodded and nodded.

"The seal of the emperor has been guarded by my family. Now I am out of the trap and I don't know where I am going. The other two are not going to take this to say things?"

"Hey, a group of sorrowful clowns, and pushed these dangerous things to my family. Now that there is a problem, I want to come and ask the sin, it’s a joke!"

"But it is not!" He also nodded again and again, but then he couldn't help but frown. "Just, this matter is of great importance. The Emperor River is also unusual. The tomorrow's festival is afraid that some people will be restless and even affect. Condensed."

"Is it affecting the condensate? What does this mean!" Gong Sun Yilin heard the words, but could not help it.

"What are you doing so excitedly?"

"He is the one that condensed and got to know outside."

"Oh, it's you!" He suddenly understood. After all, he was very clear about this matter. For Gong Sun Yilin, he tried to sneak out several times and even clashed with the elders of the family.

"The people who thought that they were so powerful could make the condensed children so worried, but they didn't want to, just that. It seems that the condensate is indeed the wrong choice."

Gong Sun Yilin narrowed his eyes and his fists tightened tightly.

"How, not convinced?" 羿锺 sneered, "Tomorrow's game, condensed children may have to set a marriage contract, compared to those people, what do you fight?"

"Take me this life!"

"Jokes, what is your life management, can you afford the promise of condensate?"

"Don't try, how can you know if you can't?"

"Well, let you try, come over two tricks, if it is too weak, then don't play, it will only make people feel too low-eyed, plain and ridiculous!"

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