God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2041: Shen Feng

The second thousand zero forty-one chapter Shenfeng

The so-called vastness is naturally not as simple as not seeing the end.

After all, even if it is the current earth, Qin Qi can't see the end at a glance. Even if the strength is not suppressed, the perception of the diamond level will spread, and it will not cover the whole earth.

But even so, I really feel that there is boundlessness, but there is still a very direct induction.

The sky is infinitely high, the earth is infinitely wide, and the feeling of being relaxed and comfortable, the freehand brushwork, whether from the senses or the suppression of the law, is very clear.

This is definitely a huge world, far more numerous than the earth.

It may even be bigger than the outside world.

However, the power of mysterious jade is only a retrospective of time, not a transmission. The area where Qin Qi is set foot should be no different from before.

It's just a time difference.

In other words, here is the earth.

"This is too exaggerated. The earth in ancient times is like this?" Green Luo could not help but exclaim.

Such a world is full of vitality, aura, and almost condensed into liquid.

This is how the power of the top big world can be.

"I don't know how long it will go back, but I am afraid that the time unit has to be calculated in thousands of years." Qin Qi muttered.

This time span is amazing.

That is to say, tens of millions of years ago, the earth was in front of it, huge and infinite, with the potential to go straight into the sky.

And the cultivation system that such a world can breed is presumably also powerful, the ultimate power, perhaps above the strongest king.

It is no wonder that there have been sayings in different circles that reaching the earth can grasp the opportunity to be the king. Is it difficult to do so?

Shocked by a small quarter of an hour, Qin Qi and Green Luo was calm down, looking at the rivers and mountains in front of me, can not help but admire.

Can be called magnificent!

"Perhaps, we can regard the earth in which we live in time and time as the product of the world being reduced by countless times." Green Road.

Qin Qi nodded, he thought so.

It's no wonder that they are only looking back at time, but they are not standing on the Kunlun Mountains, but in an area they don't know.

This should be after the earth has grown into the world, and their position has also shifted.

"It is no wonder that the law of the earth will be stable to that point, and it is because of compression." Qin Qi whispered.

The world is constantly folded and turned into a tiny earth, and the law is not stable enough to have ghosts.

"I don't know if the fans of Aura disappear can solve it." Green Road, look around, continue: "There is nothing here, let's go around."

The aura is very rich, and the grade is extremely high, which is conducive to cultivation.

It is a pity that Qin Qi is in another time and space, and can't interfere with this world. He can only be a bystander.

This is different from the time and space of the shuttle in the Tianyuan world.

It may also be because the world is too strong.

However, the green radish is right. You can't find anything to stay here. If you say it, you must find the Kunlun of this world.

When the two of them arrived here, they were able to use all the power. At the moment, Long Xiang, the airspace behind Qin Qi, unfolded and flew out with the green radish.

In the real flight, Qin Qi knows that the world is even bigger than expected.

At his speed, almost one breath can fly out of the diameter of a globe. Here, it took a little half a month to fly to Kunlun.

It’s scary.

In this process, there is no way to pass the human kingdom, but it also shows the hugeness of the world.

"There are monsters, good guys, that's Phoenix!" Green Luo was held by Qin Qi, and he didn't have to do anything, but it was very easy.

What they have passed during this time are all wild and powerful, and there are all kinds of monsters in them. The dangerous atmosphere can make the time micro-microwave.

The realm of the realm is hard to imagine.

At the moment, the green radish is exactly a huge phoenix.

Compared with the Phoenix seen in the Tianyuan world, the form is very similar, but the strong breath is not comparable to the Tianyuan world.

And this is the power that a true phoenix should have!

I saw that the head of the **** phoenix vacated, the nine-colored light belt swept the world, the momentum of all beings did not need to deliberately highlight, it has already shaken this world.

This Shenfeng, it is clear that even in such a world, it is the existence of the top layer, separated by endless time, still giving Qin Qi a huge sense of oppression.

This is definitely the strength of the strongest king level.

Even stronger!

Qin Qi did not know whether to thank the time barrier, or a pity.

After all, the barrier of time makes him unable to accurately judge the level of the other side, but if there is no such barrier, Qin Qi may be afraid of more than a few.

"I don't know how Xiaohuang is doing now." Green Luo sighed and saw this Shenfeng, naturally he couldn't help but think of Xiaohuang.

It is Tianyuan World, the most pure phoenix in the blood, and perhaps one day, she can reach the level of this phoenix.

"Right, after I left, did you eat Xiaofeng?" Green Lol asked with a smile.

"Eat?" Qin Qi was slightly horrified. Although he can also be counted as a foodie, even if he wants to eat phoenix meat, wouldn't he eat Xiaohuang?

But then I saw the smile of the green radish, Qin Qi also turned to read.

"You haven't checked the goods, how do you sell your good sisters?" Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

But this is what reminds Qin Qi, and at first he met with Green Luo, and Green Luo is planning to sell him to Xiao Huang.

That period of time, in today’s view, it’s true that every day is wonderful and memorable.

Fortunately, Qin Qi has not yet remembered the ancient age of the past, so that it will not be able to extricate itself in the past.

"Cut!" Green Roger pouted.

In this vast world, in an infinite universe, it is possible to meet again, what a fate.

In the future, I don’t know what will happen again.

Find an opportunity to check the goods.

I think of the green heart.

"No, you look behind it!" But Qin Qi suddenly whispered.

The **** phoenix rose to the sky, skyrocketed, revealing the back, and there, standing alone!

Driving such a god, this is what is sacred!

"You are not saying that Kunlun is there, is he going to Kunlun?" Green Luo was surprised.

The realm of the gods and phoenixes is not what they can imagine.

So is this enough to control the existence of Shenfeng?

"Go, keep up and see." Qin Qidao.

Fortunately, the Shenfeng did not fly at full speed. It seems that the people who drive the gods and phoenixes still hesitate, so the speed is not too fast. Qin Qi is strong and can keep up.

However, Qin Qi felt that the person behind the **** phoenix seemed to turn around and looked at him.

Of course, it's just a feeling.

It’s impossible to find him right after the time.

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