God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2050: Five Star Diamond I

Close to the perfect petite body, touch the jade bone ice muscle, such as silk smooth, such as jade warm, nose tip is a faint fragrance, ear, is a suppressed low asthma.

Rao is Qin Qi’s unwavering determination, and at this moment, he is almost out of control.

And the next moment, they merge into one.

A woman who can truly have such a peerless face, even if only one night, is a man’s dream.

For this reason, death is also worth it.

This is by no means an exaggeration.

However, Tang Sinuo is more reluctant, and Qin Qi’s heart is equally unwilling.

He wouldn't think that this was a lucky one. It was a disrespect for Don Sinuo and he also looked down on himself.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no choice.

Qin Qi has already gone out, no matter what the consequences, then bear again.

Qin Qi will escape, but the responsibility that should be shouldered has never been avoided.

Of course, since this is already the case, Qin Qi can't let go of this opportunity. The yin and yang double-repair Dafa works directly, driving the power of Tang Sinuo and starting to increase.

Qin Qi is the body of the dragon vein, and has the will to reverse the Kunlun, through the double repair, Tang Sinuo can get huge gains.

However, Tang Sinuo’s Yuanyin has not lost, and the body’s cohesion is the top ten perpetual heart. For Qin Qi’s feedback, it is also extremely impressive.

This is the combination of the arrogant woman of heaven and the pride of heaven, and this power, originally, should be obtained by the Black King.

I don't know, is this one of the conditions for cooperation between the two giants?

But in any case, the power of a wave of high waves, this power, was obtained by Qin Qi.

Their strength is increasing, especially Tang Sinuo, the growth is so fast, the benefits brought by the double repair, and her extremely sturdy realm, is enough to make her achieve a qualitative leap!

The realm of Tang Sinuo began to soar, and the power of the body of the Dragon Vessel was far beyond imagination.

The threshold of diamonds has not stopped the footsteps of Don Sinuo. In the midst of extreme joy, she has stepped into the ranks of diamonds!

The incomparably powerful breath swept out, the flames of the void, the eternal burning, and the unique diamond gods, also formed at this moment.

Tang Sinuo softly lay on the ground and was wrapped in flames.

I don't know if it is a nightmare or a pain for her, but it is over.

"It's your turn!" Qin Qi looked at the green radish.

After watching such a long time, Qin Qi was uncomfortable, and every movement was very stiff. Don't say enjoy it.

Now, it is time to let the green radish pay the price.

"Ah, is it so fast, or do you come again, insurance, if the poison is still not solved?" Green Luo could not help but retreat a few steps.

It’s very incomprehensible, and the eyes are brighter, but the real thing is coming, but it’s a little panic.

To be precise, it is a bit embarrassing.

"You come to Laozi, I will not do you today, I will not surname Qin!" Qin Qi bite his teeth, and finally he was afraid of it.

It’s already late!

Qin Qi pulls the green radish, which will be slightly polite, just like the egg shelling, the green radish is stripped of the fine light in three or two.

With Tang Sinuo, it is a cure for the sick, although it is not as exaggerated as the mind, but the pressure is indeed big, let alone what enjoyment.

But the green radish is different.

The relationship between the two, this is the family, the distance between the heart and the heart has long been separated from each other, everything is to go with the flow.

Green Luo struggled a few times and found that he could not escape, and he had to accept his life.

However, for the entry into the shape of the tree god, the green lord swears to death, but even so, it is still very addictive, pleasing to the bone marrow.

This time, Qin Qi was fully engaged. At the beginning, it was gentle, and then it was force. In the end, it was a big opening, and although the green radish was a strange, but this time it was very safe, let Qin Qi be at the mercy.

To put it bluntly, this yin and yang double repair Dafa was originally given to Qin Qi by Green Luo.

Just did not expect, and finally used on her own.

Obviously, the double repair in this state is better.

Green radish, like Tang Sinuo, directly enters the ranks of diamonds. The world tree is constantly expanding, and it is almost a big world.

The strength of Qin Qi is to grow again, plus the income with Tang Sinuo, enough for him to rise two stars.

Five-star diamond I!

Only after the coronation!

At the same time, in addition to this secret room, countless prohibitions have trapped Qin Qi.

However, it is impossible to stop the tracking of the strongest king.

The king of fire, although already old, is not as strong as the black king, but the power of the strongest king is still thorough.

Only at this moment, although the King of Fire knows that Tang Sinuo is in this room, there is no further action.

He just stood in the void, burning around the flames, no one can see his appearance, let alone expression.


For a long time, the king of fire sighed.

Using the king's means, he can break the ban in this place, but he raised his hand and eventually stopped.

Everything that should not happen, at the moment, is happening.

It is already too late.

Instead of going in, he must stop others from entering.

"In order to stop this marriage, how can I treat my grandson?"

"I am really old, but I have not yet reached the point where I can't kill people. Are you really a stone heart?" The King of Fire looked up and he understood that the next step was the storm.

At least, he has to hold up a day for his descendants.

There are stars scattered, like a meteor group falling into the ground, this piece of heaven and earth, once again become a breath of shock, that is, the star is coming.

As a person who greets the bride for the teacher, the lofty landlord naturally catches up.

This wedding is a big deal and there is no limit.

"The King of Fire, yours is..." Zhang Wang came to the side of the King of Fire, but did not dare to be alongside it, showing enough respect and humility.

"Wang Wang, are you coming so fast? It seems that you really have the possibility of becoming a king!" The King of Fire whispered.

Looking at the look of a change, the king of the fire said that he was too high to see him.

The king of fire is a serious person. He never said anything. If he said so, it is indeed what he thinks.

And this evaluation is obviously very high.

At least some people outside the assessment of Zhang Wang are much higher.

Most of the strong judges, after watching Wang Xingyao, it is already the limit of potential, it should be stronger than the Dean of Ghost Valley College, but Wang Hao is hopeless.

"Your Majesty, what is the teacher?" Although Zhang Wang was a little scared in his heart, he could not ask Don Sinuo.

This is the wife of his teacher, will be the orthodox queen of black king!

"You, know where this is?" The king of fire did not answer.

Zhang looked at the building in front of him and had a guess in his heart. I am afraid that Tang Sinuo is inside.

It is only for some reason that the King of Fire is inconvenient to enter and does not allow him to enter. As for this place, he will not know when he looks at it?

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