Standing in front of the eve, there are indeed many people who returned to millions of years ago.

It is also this place.

Black King also held a world-famous wedding.

At this moment, so many strong people come, black king, black king, how can you not notice?

Except for a few people, no one knows what is going on in this game today, but there are no idiots in the audience. If you think about it, you can guess something.

Black King, must enter the game!

So, the black king is coming!

For a while, the black king smashed the heavens and the earth, and the fierceness of the strongest king swept the audience. Except for the king of the fire, the rest of the stars were stunned and could only tremble.

The same is crowning, but Wang Hao, always overwhelming everything!

Even the diamond of Xingsha can only be left at this moment, but he is stronger than other stars, so he only has half a squat.

This is a shame for Xing Yaoxuan.

But the thought that the person who is jealous is the black king, but can also swallow this breath.

After all, it’s not a shame to worship the Black King.

The flame of the king of fire trembled in the flames of the week, and he could protect himself without exposing himself.

This shows that the black king is powerful.

"This is what you hope for?" Black Wang Hao held his hand and whispered.

And when he heard his voice, everyone was shocked.

Especially the Ghost Valley drill, covered in cold sweat DC, although he looked down and crouched, but clearly felt that the black king's gaze was falling on him.

That is not half-friendly and friendly.

However, he has supported it. Everything is expected today, let everything go to the established track!

The black king is here.

The other strong men in the Black Palace also naturally came over, and the black king was in the column.

The people of the Fire Palace have arrived.

Although the Fire Palace began to go downhill, in addition to the king of the fire, there is no coronation, but the master of the five-star diamond I still has.

The strong are gathered together and the audience is witnessed.

Some people have a clear heart, while others are still confused.

But everyone knows that everything is tricky, just in the room at the edge of the cliff.

It’s just that the king is here. If he doesn’t move, no one dares to move.

Black Wang Yan stood on the side and looked at the Black King. His eyes were only crazy.

However, there is also a doubt.

Xing Yao may not be able to perceive the interior of the house, but the strongest king should be able to feel some, especially the king of fire, once half-finished, it is clear what is inside.

But the performance of the Black King is too calm.

He just looked at it, like waiting.

Black Wang Hao suddenly had some confusion in her heart. She knew that she could never do anything now, because the hidden actions were all possible to be perceived by the strongest king.

However, she can't wait.

After doing such a game, she has exhausted her strength and she is absolutely not allowed to fail.

Even if she is clear, she has succeeded.

She wants to immediately remove the ban on the house, and she wants to let the cockroaches inside be made public!

She wants, let the black king understand that no woman can stand beside him except her!

"Why!" It was the voice of the Black King, and suddenly it sounded in the mind of Black King.

The black king is in a stiff state, the contraction of the pupils, a kind of cold meaning from the soles of the feet, straight through the head.

"Even if they want to die, they should be given a decent. Isn't everything already happening according to your mind?" The black king faintly said that he could not hear any emotions.

The black king trembled, and some hard standing in the void, her face was pale and her heart was filled with fear.

Black Wang Hao, already know everything?

This should not be the case. If you know in advance, Black King will never allow this to happen.

No man likes to bring a green hat to himself, let alone the most powerful king, and it is even more impossible to add this shame.

So, is it now?

When Black King learned what had happened, he directly pointed the finger at her.

He, have you always been aware of who you are?

Even including the wedding before Xi Cliff?

The black king did not dare to think again, she could not help but tremble, and even breathing was difficult.

"Selected at Xi Cliff, very good!" The black king faintly, his eyes looked into the distance, and the sunset glow there has gradually appeared.

Black Wang’s eyes changed, and she suddenly found that she did not understand the man at hand.

What does he want to do?

The black king did not solve the prohibition of the house, and no one knew what was going on inside, but there were some things that could not be stopped.

Just as the Black King said, just let them have a decent death.

That's it.

Is it that someone is secretly calculating, this is no longer important, the black hat of this black king has been seated, then the black king will not allow Qin Qi to live.

Time passed by, and finally arrived at the time set by Black King.

At this moment, the ban will be lifted by itself.

The prohibition disappeared, and everything in the house was no longer covered. Which one was not strong, how many walls, how to block their perception?

"Tang Sinuo!"

"Qin Qi!"

"That is, the tree that broke into the Blue Star before!"

The people in the room were unexpected. Although the three looked at nothing, in the eyes of the strong, they could see things that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The ultimate yin and yang reconciliation, even in the Qin Qi body, can also perceive the power of the other two women!

Double repair!

Those who do not know the inside story, the shock of this moment is even more terrible than the destruction of heaven and earth!

Tang Sinuo, the bride that the Black King is about to marry, is here, with other men.


No one can remain calm.

But no one dares to say a word.

They did not dare to look at the Black King, but they were all concerned about the Black King.

A shameful shame!

No man can endure such shame.

Not to mention, it is made public!

No one will believe that Don Sinuo does something like this.

Whether she is willing to marry the Black King, even if she is really married, she will not do it.

After all, as long as it is not a fool, it is very clear the consequences of doing so.

There must be hidden feelings in this matter, most of which are to make the union of the two kings shattered or even reverse their eyes.

What you see in front of you does have such power.

And Tang Sinuo, including Qin Qi, is only a victim.

Good health and poison!

However, what is the reason is not important, those will only be settled after the fall, but the immediate situation, but immediately to get the results.

That bright red wedding dress, so beautiful, can afford to be the first in the world, but at the moment, it is so glaring.

Tang Sinuo was supposed to be the bride of the Black King, but now he has become the object of being cast aside.

However, some people may find that the black king is not wearing a wedding dress, he is still a black robes, tall and straight, proud of the world.

Qin Qi touched her neck in Tang Sinuo and let her fall asleep.

The next thing, regardless of whether she is wrong or not, will be hurt.

At least, Qin Qi is not willing to let her experience this.

"You also enter my Huangquan world." Qin Qi is facing the green road.

"Afraid of what, we are right!" Green Luo is not willing.

Is there anything wrong, now, is it important?

However, it is also true.

Since there is nothing wrong, what are you afraid of!

One responsibility should be borne by Qin Qi alone.

"It's two of us, take it together!" Green Luo solemnly said.

"Haha, you are right, go, see the king of the opposite world!" Qin Qi laughed, and a sword opened the room.

Although everyone can perceive the situation inside, but there is room blocking, it is still better, at least the last layer of paper is not broken.

Now, Qin Qi has tore it. The crown is waiting for you, only two people, hand in hand.

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