God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2062: The humbleness of the king

nothing left.

As long as this woman returns, even a superficial couple will not be able to maintain it.

Everything about her will be lost, just because of this woman!

The most irritating and unacceptable thing is that this woman does not want these at all.

Obviously, she used all her strength but could not get it. This woman can easily get it, but she dismisses it.

In the end, what kind of situation should she be forced to?

Black King has completely lost his mind, and the resentment in his heart has covered everything.

"Jiang Zhe, can only be with you, only me, you understand, always only me!" Black King whispered, one hand suddenly extended to Bailuo God, there is a net lotus in his hand.

"You are looking for death!" The black king's eyes cooled instantly.

He is very clear about what Black King wants to do.

However, his body suddenly became stiff at this moment, and his heart was filled with a net lotus!

This is the curse of the net lotus curse!

"Jiang Zhe, how can you be so humble, you are the king above nine days, you can have everything in the world, why should you be a woman, humble to this point!" The black king is already hysterical.

The black king’s eyes were cold and there was no expression on his face.

"How come you..." Bai Luo Shen looked at the black king with surprise.

The black lotus root of the black king is the curse of the net lotus blood curse.

However, the net lotus blood curse has been solved, and the black king of that year has also been countered. Now, why is there still a curse in the black king?

"White Luo Shen, you don't know, the net lotus blood curse is continuous, even if I help you unilaterally unravel, but as long as the cursing party still keeps the curse immortal, then you still have Have a certain connection."

Black King whispered and then gnashed his teeth. "To do this, you can't maintain the effect of any net lotus curse. It will only leave a very light and weak connection, but the price is huge!"

"He will always be eroded by the blood curse. If he is not the king, I am afraid that it will not last long, and he has supported these millions of years!"

"Just, just to maintain a little connection with yours, that point, even where you can't judge the connection!" Black King twisted and shouted.

Everyone heard the words, they were silent.

The rest of the kings looked down on the black king and ignored the dignity. Even the pride of the king was discarded. The black king said it was good. This is too humble.

How can a king be humbled to this point?

But to the extent of this, but people can not help but move, and even, on some levels, can not help but admire.

The rest of the king, although admiring Bailuo, asked himself that no one can do this.

And just because there is such a little connection, so the black king will stand on the eve of the cliff, patiently waiting?

"Are you enough?" Black King was indifferent, and there was no change in his look.

"Enough? How can it be enough? Today I don't expect to live, but to die, bring her!"

"And, I want to tell you, it is your humble, killing her, you will live in remorse forever!" Black King slyly smiled, the net lotus in his hand shines.

And the affected, the black lotus heart of the strain of the net lotus, actually began to vain, and Bai Luoshen, reproduce a net lotus!

The black king reversaled the order of the net lotus blood curse, as the only descendant of the net lotus blood curse, only the world can do this.

And even the king can't reverse this change.

This is the power of the Net Lotus Curse. As one of the oldest curses, it does have powerful power.

The Black King has endured the power of the Pure Lotus Blood Curse for so many years. Among them, there have been too many terrible powers. No one can bear the power of the Eruption of the Blood Curse.

Bailuo is obviously not good.

"Reversal has already begun. You are useless even if you kill me. Come, let me see, my beloved person is in his own hands, what kind of expression would you be!" Black King laughed and laughed.

"Maniac, this kind of thing, it is rare for the king?" The king of the knife snorted and slammed a knife.

It seems that it is just an ordinary knife, but in fact, it contains the meaning of the king, no matter what, can be cut off!

However, it is useless.

Even the power of the king of the sword, even the constant connection between the blood and the curse.

"Damn, how can it be!" The King of the Knife was furious.

The rest of the kings are also moving, and they have shot, but even the king of the sand, such as the gods, and so on, even unexpectedly!

In this way, Bailuo is never fortunate.

"Untie it!" Black King screamed, the king's prestige, directly suppressed on the black king.

The black king's face was white and spurted a blood.

But the more the black king is, the more happy she is in her heart.

"Stop, father, mother, what are you doing, hurry up!" Jiang whispered and cried, and his body was shaking.

She is now like an ordinary little girl, overwhelmed, completely frightened by the scene.

Although she is the only daughter of the Black King, she does not feel the warmth of the family at all. The Black King has no heart to accompany her, and the Black King is doing his own thing.

But no matter what, she still feels happy, at least her parents are around, at least it looks like a family.

But what happened today, why did it finally become like this.

Isn’t the Black King just wanting to marry a bride? Let him be jealous.

Why, why should it be like this!

Whether it is the Black King or the Black King, this moment is so strange to Jiang Guangyu, it seems to have become another person.

Jiang whispered, but she did not want to see her parents turn against her eyes and even become enemies.

"Come on, kill me, have her buried, I will not be lonely!" Black Wang Hao is a martyrdom, she does not care about the cry of Jiang whisper.

Millions of years of accumulation, all emotions are hidden in the heart, all broke out today, so no one will refuse to give up.

"Father, can't!" Jiang whispered in front of the black king, and his face was filled with fear and sorrow. "How can you make a wife for your other wife, you are crazy?" Yet!"

In Jiang’s whispering, it is true that she cannot accept it.

But in the eyes of the Black King, in the eyes of Black King, this is not the case.

What husband and wife did not exist from the beginning.

"But it, killing you, but also can't reverse anything." Black King sighed and did not continue to exert pressure on the black king.

"Then you can only watch her die!" Black King cried sharply.

"No," Black King shook his head, very calm.

"Even if you are the strongest king, you can't change anything. This net lotus curse, no one knows better than me!" Black King shouted. "But you, don't know the strongest king." The black king said lightly.

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