God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2074: court death

Hengsha Tower is neutral. They must not stop the news transmitted by the communication jade, or the communication jade will not be so sought after.

It is estimated that it is difficult to deliver news in certain special areas.

Or, there is something else possible.

Qin Qi is temporarily unable to make an accurate judgment. He can only seize the time and rush to the next location as soon as possible.

However, before leaving, he suddenly stopped and did not leave directly.

Ghost Valley Diamond?

Qin Qi’s eyes picked up slightly.

"Oh, the sense of smell is sharp, and I found this seat so quickly." The ghost of the Valley of Ghosts laughed and walked out of the void.

Qin Qi snorted and said: "It looks like the inside of the Black Palace, it has not been cleaned."

The other party will appear here, there is no doubt that there is accurate information, and the only source should be the inside of the Black Palace.

But this is not unexpected.

After all, when the Hunting King and the Black King had secretly combined in secret, they still have some legacy, which is not impossible. Otherwise, they will not pass the black king at that time.

"Oh, look, you are not worried?" Ghost Valley's drill blinked and smiled coldly.

"I don't look down on you, but you can't kill me." Qin Qi said lightly.

The Ghost Valley Diamond is the weakest star Yao. Six months ago, Qin Qi and Zhang Wang won a battle. Only one move was lost. How can there be no confidence in the diamonds on the Ghost Valley?

Even if the other party has a card, but there is no king in the game, Qin Qi is not a problem.

"Or in other words, when you come here, are you looking for death in advance?" Qin Qi said indifferently.

Qin Qi knows very well what the college is playing, waiting for him to grow up, and then one pot, lest they have to spend more time to annex.

Therefore, the frontal collision with the academic school is only a matter of time. The diamond valley of the ghost valley will become the enemy.

Now, he came to the door himself, but he did not want to kill Qin Qi, but Qin Qi must kill him.

There is no better chance than this!

Ghost Valley drill, about that Qin Qi did not grow much in the past six months, but Qin Qi has already lit up half a star.

Although it has not yet reached the level of coronation, but the strength is more than half a year ago.

Even if you seize the opportunity, there is a possibility of killing!

Ghost Valley's face was extremely blue, and his eyes suddenly fell cold.

Qin Qi’s words undoubtedly stabbed his pain, and a star-studded singer was not a kid. He dared to mock him and mocked a real star!

Ghost Valley Diamond knows that its strength is not strong in Xingyao, but knows it, but does not want to admit it, and does not want to be mentioned in person.

"You think that with you, you can be a **** of war, you think that only a look at a move, you can really compare the shoulders of the stars?" Ghost Valley's sound is cold.

"You are too stupid, since this part dares to kill you, do you think that this seat will not have full grasp?"

"Let this seat listen, your mourning!"

Ghost Valley's heart is furious, and he will definitely be a thousand knives!

As the right arm of the Hunting King, his combat power is not so weak in the rumors, and it is not at the bottom of the star.

Well, it’s nearly 100,000 years of achievements. How can accumulation be simple?

What's more, he also has the hunting sniper given by the Hunting King. His grasp of today's hunting is 10%, and there is no possibility of losing his hand.

"First let you taste the power of this seat, let you know how innocent you are!" Ghost Valley Diamond proudly said, the power of his body broke out instantly.

He is not afraid.

Even if Qin Qi really has grown up in the past six months, it doesn't matter. After all, it is not easy to look at him and want to win.

Previously, the first battle, but Zhang Wang came with the power of the black palace, he really did not.

Otherwise, how can it be difficult to fight him day and night?

Even if it is finally defeated, it is not that simple.

So now, don't rush to kill Qin Qi, this hunting sky attack can not be used, after all, such a life-saving means, precious and abnormal, save it, sometimes it is more than one life.

Let's fight with Qin Qi first.

Ghost Valley’s heart also hates the title of the weakest star, and must prove that it is not so weak, not even a Qin Qi can be despised.

Diamond gods, the Valley of the Ghost Valley!

In the void, suddenly there is a huge chessboard appearing, vertical and horizontal, the strength of each place is different, often one step wrong, it may be impossible.

This is a diamond **** that has been given the will of the star, and it is much more powerful to display it, and the nature of the diamond is another scene.

Into the disk of his ghost valley, even if it is Zhang Wang, it must be taboo, and will be subject to everywhere.

Not to mention Qin Qi.

"This is the disk of the Ghost Valley, the wrong game, in which, any of your senses will be confused, any attack, may be distorted, and everywhere in crisis!" Ghost Valley drilled hands.

The Pangu Valley has been laid, this is his most proud diamond god, Qin Qi is already in the plate, then he will take the initiative.

Even if there is any accident, he can be invincible.

After all, just before, Zhang Wang came with the power of the black palace, and was still trapped by the Ghost Valley for quite a while.

Qin Qi, what kind of flowers can you pull out?

Hey, a kid who doesn’t know how to be tall and thick, wants to beat him, and he can’t say anything!

Now, is it to crack this ghost valley to show him?

Qin Qi ignored the arrogance of the Ghost Valley drill, and his body was murderous.

The killing of the sword and the killing of the kendo, all inspired to the extreme, the diamond gods to kill the wolf, has been cast out.

On his body, the dragon chain is squeaking. In the past six months, Qin Qi has continuously collected dragon resources, and nearly half of the dragon chain has really come together.

Compared with the dragon chain that was simulated half a year ago, how much more powerful?

Kunlun heart, the body of the dragon vein.

Kunlun to the dragon.

Immediately, Dragon Fighting.

Qin Qi body, the breath continues to skyrocket, and the three martial arts Qi Qi step out, are the king, dark dragon ride and the first ancestor!

Soul fusion!

Absolutely go all out, Qin Qi first hit, is the strongest blow!

Qin Qi holds the anti-Kunlun, above the sword body, the Kunlun pattern is like a burning.

The other party seems to have no fear.

He cast a diamond **** and wanted to prove to Qin Qi the power he possessed.

And this is to give Qin Qi the opportunity!

A chance to kill one hit.


The burning of the Kunlun sacred pattern, the power of the mountain, the drill of the Ghost Valley cannot be evaded, and his power will be extremely short-lived.

This time is enough.

Will be in.

Ignore the defense! How about the Ghost Valley drill, Qin Qi’s attack did not give him the opportunity to avoid it.

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