God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2076: The beast of the fierce beast

The leader of the fierce beasts is also very famous in the outer world, but it is not the territory of the human race, but it is a beast.

The beasts of the outer world are not negligible existences. They also have the stars and the kings. Although the Terrans are powerful, they do not dare to despise them.

And this fierce beast is the most chaotic of the country of the beast, even in peacetime, the killing here has never stopped.

The reason is that because this beastly dispute has a tomb of the sacred beast, as long as it is occupied, the blood of the entire ethnic group will be greatly strengthened.

To this end, the top powers of the great beasts of the beasts often gather and compete.

Fortunately, this sacred totem is not only one, otherwise, **** battles will be even more terrible, will become a huge meat grinder!

Of course, even now, it is not much better.

Those intrinsic totems of the sacred beasts are occupied by powerful ethnic groups. However, there is no possibility of falling, but the remaining few are easy to handle, and no one can really occupy it.

After all, apart from the strongest ethnic groups, the remaining ethnic groups have no absolute repression.

It is precisely because of these considerable factors that the fierce beasts are extremely dangerous, and they have created a group of extremely ferocious beasts.

Compared with the wars of the human race in the past six months, the fierce beasts have long been used to it.

Qin Qi is now promoted to Xing Yao, and his strength has increased greatly. However, he dare not underestimate the dispute of this fierce beast. The crisis is full of glory, and there is a possibility of degeneration.

And if it is this place, then Bailuo's **** can be understood without audio.

In that area, there are many ancient sacred beasts and civilizations. It is not a strange thing to have all kinds of divine powers to block the fluctuations of communication jade.

"Let's go and see it first." Qin Qi whispered, and quickly rushed to the fierce beast dispute.

Fortunately, the idiot of Ghost Valley is the time to die.

As soon as he dies, the prestige of the school will be frustrated, and the repression of the black palace will also drop a lot. This is a rare opportunity to breathe.

As for the hunting king, Qin Qi does not believe that he will personally take shots at this time.

The injury caused by the Black King to him is not so easy to recover. If he dares to come out and move, in case, he may be exploited.

Now, during the war, the rise of the heroes, although the school is swaying, but it is not yet time to be unscrupulous.

Of course, Qin Qi can't delay for too long, and must return as soon as possible. Otherwise, the emperor's kingdom is not without the possibility of being broken.

Regardless of this, Qin Qi is flying fast, and the boundaries of the human race are passing by. There are plagues everywhere, and the war is like a prairie. It is even burning to the territory of the beast.

Among the human races, there is no connection with the beasts. Many contractual cooperations in the dark are gradually exposed, and even the existence of the beasts and the Terran forces.

I am afraid that this will continue, and the entire vicious animal group will join the war. It is only a matter of time.

But now, the borders of the beasts are basically calm, Qin Qi straight into the line, in addition to the opening of the stars, no one can detect his arrival.

"The front is the leader of the fierce beast!" Qin Qi looked at the map, he is close to this area that has been a constant dispute since ancient times.

Sure enough, not yet close, I have already smelled the **** smell, and the intense and fierce atmosphere.

It’s a shame that the fierce beasts are struggling. Here, the average person can’t afford this kind of suffocation.

The scale of the fierce beasts is huge, and it is worthy of a star-studded territory. The whole can be regarded as a basin, which is much lower than the periphery.

This is not a natural molding, but a long-lasting war, and the land has collapsed.

However, there are five sacred mountains, but it has been a long time, and it has not hurt any points. It has always stood in the collar of fierce beasts.

These sacred mountains are the areas where the tomb of the sacred beast is located.

Standing on the edge of the fierce beasts, you can see these spectacular sacred mountains, each of which is full of weather and emits the power of terror.

However, three of them are somewhat different, the atmosphere is already very stable, and even the form of a vicious beast is revealed.

Dragon shape.

Tiger shape.

The other one is the shape of a bird.

However, this bird seems to be somewhat different from other beasts, but to be specific, it cannot be said.

Not to mention these three holy mountains, the remaining two are the roots of chaos.

One of them, in the form of a giant elephant, is very faint, and it has not been stabilized at all. I am afraid that it has just occupied a short time and has not yet fully established itself.

And the last one, there is no shadow of any beast, only the chaotic power fluctuations, I am afraid, no one has actually entered this place.

"Every sacred mountain, at least one beast of the starry level, can not be underestimated!" Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

The intelligence tentacles of the Wangwanglou are enough to penetrate into the fierce beasts. They know the horror of these holy mountains. After all, there are tombs of the sacred beasts, which are related to the strength of the blood of a family.

Even if the Beastmaster can't personally guard this place, the sentimental star is absolutely the strongest.

After all, this fierce beast dispute is huge. If you want to find someone, you will still have difficulty. When Qin Qi is in the moment, you can only sneak in and see if there is any clue.

In the battle of fierce beasts, not all places in this place are wars. On the contrary, this place attracts the strong beasts of the beasts, so many cities have emerged.

There are not a few beasts in the human form. Of course, there are also many beasts who disdain the human form and only show the human body. However, they will shrink accordingly.

So when you walk into these cities, Qin Qi always feels a little awkward, and can even see one person and one animal hooking his shoulders.

Of course, more is a big fight.

It is also the convenience of making a humanoid shape, so Qin Qi does not have to cover it too much. Even Qin Qi can feel that there are many people in this city.

Even the Terran opened the door to do business.

Obviously, for this, the beast is not ignorant, but does not care, has been used to this situation.

Qin Qi carefully perceives the surroundings and captures the useful information that may appear. With the power of different Kunlun, the efficiency does not need to worry. Soon, the whole city will be explored again.

Unfortunately, nothing was achieved.

Qin Qi has no choice but to go to the next city. It is a city close to the sacred mountain. Here, it is much more chaotic than before, and the Terran is correspondingly less.

Even the smell of blood can be smelled from time to time, but the true beast of the holy mountain returns to rest, and there is fierceness everywhere. "Upa, you have been beaten like this, is this sacred mountain fight now, is it so horrible?" In a wine cellar, an old man is giving a strong man a drink.

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