God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2078: Behind the four words

Behind the four characters of Houshan, there is another Qiankun, but it was really unknown before. I am afraid that the Black King left the means here from the beginning.

Now that the Black King is dead, his power is also faint, and he can no longer cover up everything.

Qin Qi is hidden in the shadows, watching many fierce beasts in full force shot, bombarding the four letterings, and now, the four words have been vain and will soon be erased.


A crisp sound.

The four-character carving began to crack, and there was a gap. At the same time, a powerful force radiated from those gaps.

"There is a mystery, go in and see!" A tiger's beast strong beast screamed, fierce flashes through the light, and directly into it.

Those gaps, deep into the back cliffs, there are space laws on the top, presumably one of them is a small world.

The existence of the diamond level can already use the power of the void. Now that there has been a gap, it is not difficult to enter it.

"Or I am advanced!" A giant elephant roared, and the spirits of the body swayed, and the power was arrogant, and it was covered with a fierce beast.

They are all vying for the totem of the sacred beasts all the year round. Each fierce, the strength of this savage beast is much stronger than the average beast.

And the giant elephant has the horrible realm of five-star diamond I. At this moment, the other beasts can't help but retreat. The power is indeed boundless. It seems that no one can stop it.

"Hey, a little elephant, don't blame the power of my Terran king!" But it was a cold scream, and a shadow appeared before the giant elephant.

Then the hand was lightly lifted, and the void around the giant elephant suddenly swayed. The next moment, the giant elephant disappeared without a trace.

Then, there was a whistling sound that shook the world, it was from the giant elephant.

Listening to this voice, the giant elephant has already left this holy mountain far away!

Was it sent away?

Such a powerful space ability, this woman, is the white diamond of the Terran!

The beasts of the beasts have changed a lot, and even a few stars above the cliff top have quickly cast their eyes, powerful and powerful pressures, and they are coming.

Even if it is a white diamond, the space ability is the best diamond, but when it comes to the sacred mountain of the Orc, it is also the sheep into the tiger!

"Hey, what are you arrogant, thinking that I am afraid that you will not be?"

Come on, it is indeed a white diamond.

Extremely beautiful, it seems to be cold, but at the same time it is extremely tempting.

She has only a few pieces of cloth on her body, which can hide the intimate parts, and all of them are pure white, but the large pieces of bare skin are completely contrary to purity.

The white diamond is here, it is a fierce beast, and it is also hot.

However, this diamond can never give people the opportunity to be close, seemingly unrestrained clothing, but it is difficult to cover the cold in the eyes.

The strong man who died in her hands has not counted for so many years.

However, although the white diamond is strong, it is only a five-star diamond I. It is dependent on the space ability, and it should not compete with the three stars of the orc.


The white diamond looks indifferent, and the body is full of breath, which gradually enlarges the eyes.

On top of her head, a crown condenses and stars surround it.

It turned out to be a star!

She is also crowned successfully.

"Xing Yao 冕!" The three major orc crowns are all changes.

The realm of Xing Yaozhen, coupled with the horrible space ability, the strength of this white diamond, I am afraid far beyond imagination.

However, here is the site of the beastly beast, but there is no white diamond to scatter wild!

The white diamond itself knows this too well. Of course, she will not be stupid enough to be stunned with the three orc stars. I saw that the void around her began to stack and isolate everything.

"This is her diamond god, kaleidoscope!"

An orc star screams and whispers, this area has been shrouded in white diamonds, as if there are countless grotesque worlds.

This kind of power is hard to break through.

However, it will not stop Star Xingyi completely.

The stars above the summit were shaken, and they abandoned the totem of the sacred beast and launched an attack on the white diamond.

Anyway, even if anyone takes this opportunity to occupy the tomb of the sacred beast, when they return, they can naturally overturn it. On the contrary, the mystery after these four words may be of great use to them.

Maybe, enough for them to set the mountain!

Powerful and unparalleled power, the moment of impact, the three major orc stars, directly put on the fierce beast, the breath, breaking through the nine, is the kaleidoscope, and began to twist and shake.

The void can't carry these forces.

However, the white diamond did not have the intention of a big war. She opened the kaleidoscope, but she was fighting for her time. At this moment, she has entered the small world after the four characters.

The kaleidoscope did not have the dominance of the white diamond, and was quickly smashed by the three stars, and the three strong men did not hesitate and rushed directly into the gap.

However, these three are also enough. At the same time, they directly shake the power and disturb the space law there. If there is no star power, I am afraid that it will take a long time to get in.

The many orc strong people gathered here are all looking like a face, but they are helpless.

In the end, the roaring again and again, all began to impact the summit!

The three stars have already left, then they will have the possibility to win. Even if they finally sit in the unstable position, as long as they have mastered the totem of the sacred beast, the benefits will not be less.

However, it is difficult to act on the whole blood.

Not to mention this, Qin Qiyi's chaos, has sneaked into the small world, with his star-studded strength, naturally will not be blocked.

On the contrary, Qin Qi is also black in the end, and added a fire, I am afraid that the follow-up is that Xing Yao wants to come in, it will be difficult.

"This is the small world built by the Black King after the four words?" Qin Qi entered the small world, and could not help but admire.

The laws of this world have been very stable, and even do not lose to the world of flowers. It can be seen that the power of the Black King is indeed powerful and unmatched.

It’s also embarrassing to be so depraved.

He wants to be taller than the sky. Although he is halfway through the road, his will still exists and will continue.

This world rule is very high, but the scale is not large, but it is very special. The foot is the top of a stone pillar, and around the stone pillar, it is the void that cannot see the bottom.

Qin Qi tried it and found that he could not float. If he fell, he would not know where to go.

The means of the Black King, do not underestimate, the starry glory in front of him, really nothing.

Qin Qi’s heart is vigilant, looking at the surroundings, except for the hollow of the bottomless bottom, it is a stone pillar, and at the center, it is a huge stone pillar, and a light pillar descends from the sky and falls on the stone pillar. . The other beasts of the orc have gone to the stone pillar.

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