God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2080: Temporary tacit understanding

The white diamond and the dark diamond are also old acquaintances.

The deep and dark diamonds are mysterious, and they rarely appear in front of people. However, there are many intersections with the white diamonds. Once they have been together, they have gained a lot of success.

When the two became famous, they really attracted the attention of the world, and even the name of black and white.

However, because this "black" and the black king's number are repeated, it is quite taboo, so in the end most of them are called white and dark days, to demonstrate the power and potential of the two.

Nowadays, the success of the two people has been a success, and it deserves a lot of attention.

However, there are many intersections between the white diamond and the black royal palace. However, it often appears in the field of vision of the people. The deep and dark diamonds are often unknown. Therefore, the two white and dark titles have not been The person mentioned it.

Of course, if the outside world knows that both of them are crowned, it is certain that this title will be resounding again and far beyond the past.

The appearance of the white diamond is beyond the expectation of the dark drill.

And this kaleidoscope is in front, they want to kill Bailuo, it has become a lot more difficult.

However, this place is not suitable for white diamonds to play, so I really want to fight it, I am afraid it is still a deep drill.

After all, Jiang’s whispering is equivalent to breaking the back road of Bailuo, only to attack, and not afraid of them fleeing.

However, it is not just a white diamond.

After the white diamond, the three powerful breaths came almost at the same time, and the fierce beast coat burned like a flame, showing fierceness!

The three great orc stars are shining, and when they see the situation here, they can’t help but be shocked.

Unexpectedly, there have been so many people in advance, and they came in under their eyes.

At the moment, there is a tight heart, not dare to look down on the slightest, and the station is also close to some. I want to come to a tacit understanding and join hands.

This time, on top of this stone pillar platform, it formed a three-legged trend, and the deep and dark diamonds did not dare to move.

At this time, it is enough to know about the situation.

The final position of the gaze is undoubtedly Jiang whisper.

"The power of the sacred totem!" A green blood lion whispered, and the blood in the eyes was full of glory.

The other two beasts are also mad, showing a greedy color.

What is contained in the pillar of light is actually the power of the totem of the beast.

For the Orcs, the Tomb of the Holy Beast is sacred, and with it, it can have powerful blood potential, and even enhance the power of an entire ethnic group.

There is no doubt that whoever gets it will have the opportunity to become the first strongman of the Orc and the first group!

But the use of the orc totem of the sacred beast is limited to this, but it is an increase. If you want to make an analogy, it is a big array.

It plays a supporting role.

The tomb of the sacred beast cannot be turned into concrete power.

The role is also gradual, only a short period of time, although effective, but not too big.

The Orcs have also thought about guiding the power contained in the totem of the Holy Beast and absorbing it into the body, which must be directly powerful.

However, many attempts have ended in failure.

Can this be in front of us, isn’t it the power to absorb the totem of the beast?

The beasts are all breathing fast, and this kind of creation is no less than the direct arrival of the tomb of the Holy Beast.

After all, no one can confidently hold the Tomb of the Holy Beast.

"The human little girl, is it the only daughter of the Black King?" The ten wolves whispered.

This small world is the black king, and the power of the totem of the beast is captured without the outside world being aware of it.

At this moment, the river whispers who have inherited the will of the king of the black king can naturally receive this power.

It is no wonder that the Black King wants to engrave on this holy mountain, because only this sacred mountain is the most chaotic, and no one can master the totem of the sacred beast for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible to detect the passing of the totem power of the sacred beast.

I don't know if this is a black king who wants to be taller than the sky. He just wants to try something that can be done by others.

Still, he had a hunch that he had left this power for his own successors.

After all, for the black king who is already the strongest king, this power does not make any sense.

Anyway, this is a toon.

This is true for Jiang Guangyu.

This is true for provinces that have cultivated a similarity to the Black King.

For the orc strong, this is even more true!

"Can't let that little girl continue to learn this power!" Qingyan blood lion cold and cold.

They can't let humans get this power, and before that, they can all join hands.

The darkness of the eyelids sinks slightly, and the current situation has indeed brought a lot of trouble, but fortunately, it is not them.

In any case, it is the first priority to take Jiang Wenyu off first.

At this point, the deep and dark diamonds are consistent with the Orcs.

"Deeply knowing the sky, you can rest assured that although we seem to be antagonistic now, it is also a human race. If we really can't hold it, we will definitely hit these fierce beasts!"

"At the time, I will see you!" The white diamond smirked.

This is intended to let the beasts attack the mouse.

"There is no meaning to leave, I can easily overwhelm you even if you don't try your best!" The deep drill is indifferent.

“Really?” The white diamond narrowed his eyes and looked very serious.

The kaleidoscope reappeared, and this time, obviously stronger than before!

The darkness of the drill looks a little.

This white diamond is a star-studded glory, and there is no doubt that the power is enhanced, but this increase is much larger than expected.

Is the white diamond on the path of the void, has made more progress?

It seems that the kaleidoscope in front of you can provide an answer.

"Hands!" The dark diamonds are cold and cold, and there is no longer hesitation.

And the three great orc stars, all of them also shake the power, straight to Jiang whisper.

Bai Luoshen vacated and stood in the center of the kaleidoscope. Behind her, one by one appeared, emitting light, and making it more sacred and beautiful.

These words are called Luo Shenfu.

At the same time, it is also Bailuo's own diamond god!

According to legend, when Bailuo was born, the visions of the heavens and the earth were numerous, and even the world's great powers condensed on their own, and they became the name of Luo Shenfu. The name of Bailuo God came from it. It can be said that it is a name given by heaven and earth.

Such a scene, natural sensation of the outside world.

After growing up, Bailuo God also used the identity of the first beauty since ancient times to prove that she is indeed qualified to receive the preference of heaven and earth.

After Bai Luoshen made the diamond, this Luo Shen Fu became her diamond god.

The power of Luo Shenfu is very powerful, and there is no specific ability to increase, but what you want, what you want to improve.

At the same time, the more words that are condensed, the stronger it is. Until now, Bailuo Shen could not condense the whole story of Luo Shen.

But it is already strong enough.

Absorbing the power of the night locusts, and turning it into its own use, today's Bailuo God can already condense half of Luo Shenfu, which was not reached before. If not, she could not resist the darkness of their attack for so long.

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