God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2086: Detach

The outside world has gathered a large number of fierce beasts, and even some of the stars that have already occupied the holy mountain.

They stand outside the cracks of the small world and are ready to break through.

If the setting under the Qin Qibu is indeed quite a lot, they are probably already in.

But now, it doesn't make sense to go in, and they don't have the possibility to go in.

Qin Qi joined forces and directly detonated the small world. The incomparable power of the violent explosion broke out, and the whole holy mountain began to shake.

Although it is impossible to collapse, it also blows up a huge gap.

This is the sacred mountain of the Orc, which is sturdy and incomparable. It can be seen how powerful this small world built by the Black King is.

Before this explosion, Qin Qi and the white diamond built a void passage, and rushed directly to the sky, not giving anyone a chance to catch up.

"Be bold!"

However, at the same time of the explosion, the star Yao from the tiger family suddenly screamed, and the tiger claws could tear the world, and they even covered them.

At such a moment, it is even scary to be able to issue such an attack.

This tiger star is shining, the strength is far stronger than the previous Qingyan blood lion, etc., the realm is afraid that it is very close to the peak of the stars, if the stars corresponding to Qin Qi, I am afraid it is the level of five stars.

However, even if it is so strong, it is not an attack that Qin Qi and others left at the same time.

In the end there is a reaction time.

This time is enough for Qin Qi to avoid the attack smoothly.

However, it was indeed affected, and almost fell out of the void.

Inevitably intercepted in the territory of the beast, Qin Qi can only force a stronger outbreak, fight to be countered, and also flee at full speed.

And this attack failed, the tiger star screams a few screams, and ultimately can only give up.

As long as Qin Qi has a trace of stay and is hindered by its attack, then it has the confidence to pursue, but Qin Qi is going to be injured at full speed.

Then there is no chance.

Of course, there is another big event in front of it.

The small world built by the Black King exploded, and the strong beasts died and wounded. The most important thing is that the Tiger Stars did not feel the breath of any young Yankee.

They may have died inside.

In this way, the battle for this holy mountain will once again fall into the eyes of the tiger.

Previously, this sacred mountain had a star-studded battle, and these realms were also qualified enough, so the tribes who had already occupied the holy mountain were not ready to shoot.

This is the result of three checks and balances, and is also a powerful means of keeping the Orcs.

But now the starry glory of the battle is dead, the totem of the beast, naturally can not be empty.

It seems that there is no need for the influence of the Terran. The Orcs themselves will be chaotic. Perhaps, at the same time, the two tombs of the Holy Beast will appear.

This is the first big thing!

Qin Qi, they quickly left, in addition to the strong shot of the Tigers, and did not be blocked by others, it was a relief.

It seems that the king of the Orc family is concerned about other things, otherwise they will not let them leave.

"You take her to the black palace first. In a few days, it is enough to make the battle situation change. I must rush to the emperor's kingdom." Qin Qi Shen sighed and handed Jiang Ganyu to Bailuo.

From the small world, Qin Qi’s communication jade has returned to normal, and countless news has been pouring in. It’s all battle reports, and it looks very urgent.

"Okay, you are careful too." Bailuo nodded and left Jiang’s whisper.

"Nothing, I am busy, I am going home." The white diamond shrugged.

This time, she is considered to be a three-point intentional seven-point unintentional, but the final result is like this, and the rest of the things, she does not want to blend.

There is no huge force in the white diamond. There is only one old castle behind it. This three-point land, even if it is a war in a different world, will not be implicated.

After all, the strength of the white diamond can be good, not to mention that she is already a star, but it is worthy of the world.

"Don't, since they all intervene, good people do the whole thing, is it better to go with me?" Qin Qidao, such a powerful boost, naturally can not let go.

This kaleidoscope is extremely easy to use. In the black king world, it is naturally suppressed, but it is still very effective.

In this outside world, is it more anti-day?

"Hey, you want to be beautiful, why do I fight for you?" The white diamond raised his eyebrows.

"On the basis of our deep understanding of friendship, you are right, lonely and beautiful?" Qin Qi laughed.

The white diamond looked awkward, and the dawn suddenly turned like the autumn water. The frosty smile of the past was full of spring.

I saw her smile a little, stepped forward, and there was a fragrant wind. The biting bite, slightly breathing and screaming: "Mighty brother, is this the loneliness of preparing to dismiss my sister?"

"Cough!" Qin Qi coughed, could not help but step back.

It’s okay to stick to the mouth, and Qin Qi, who is really good, can’t.

"What do you retreat, there are Tang Sinuo's young and beautiful little girl, can't you see your sister's age?" The white diamond snapped.

Since you know a certain age, don't call yourself a sister.

Moreover, although the traces of the years are not visible on the white diamonds, the mature charm is not comparable to the young girls of Don Sinno.

Of course, these are momentary judgments, Qin Qi can only be defeated.

"That is all helpless, don't say it next time." Qin Qizheng.

"Cut, the colorless heart is not the color of the guy, it seems that the sister's loneliness you can't solve it!" The white diamond smiled and showed its charm.

"Oh no, it is estimated that you are jealous of you. It is estimated that you don't even have a color heart." The white diamond is quite resentful. "In front of Bailuo, anyone is completely blank!"

While sighing, the white diamond has gradually drifted away, and the void rises and falls under her feet, carrying her away.

Her understanding of the Void Avenue is deeper.

Qin Qi sighed, and the white diamond had his own ideas, but he would not be easily pulled by him.

However, Qin Qi did not hold much hope, as long as he rises after his rise, the white diamond is biased towards the emperor country.

At the moment, Qin Qi did not delay, and quickly returned to the emperor's kingdom. At the same time, he also consulted many war reports in detail.

At first, the battle reports were all great, especially after the college lost the Ghost Valley drill. The frontline soldiers were frustrated and could not continue to use the soldiers in the Black Palace.

The emperor country took this opportunity and continued to attack and once again captured many territories.

However, in the past two days, there have been some changes, the school lost the diamond valley, but there are two major stars and allies support, and the emperor country, but only Qin Qi.

After Qin Qi left, it was almost like the school lost the ghost valley.

Recognizing this point, the academic school will shift its focus to the emperor's kingdom, and about one-tenth of the troops will be transferred to the army. And Qin Qi is not there, how can the power of the infinite expansion of the emperor's country in this short period of time resist the elite of others?

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