God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2090: Waiting for a big event

It is a pity that although the strength of the entire emperor's kingdom has improved significantly, only the red lotus and the green radish have entered the list of the wars of the Hengshatan.

And the ranking of green radish is not high.

However, the two people's ranking calculation mode is different. Green radish belongs to the list of individual strongmen, not the comrades' list, but this is enough to show that the strong bred by this war is far beyond imagination!

Although the green radish did not really make a full shot, the record is not so beautiful, but it is not comparable to Honglian's unparalleled top in the battlefield!

The hero of the world, still can not be underestimated.

Speaking back to the battlefield, the emperor's kingdom began a full counterattack after the first victory of the Red War, and the fierceness exceeded the expectations of the academic school.

Almost Lien Chan is a success.

However, the school's response was also tough enough. After the initial surprise, the army was stabilized and began to work with the emperor.

And there are a number of warriors who are famous for the battle, and they have come from other battlefields. It is obviously to suppress the rebound of the emperor country.

Of course, in order to cope with the existence of Qin Qi, there is also a star glory to come forward.

In the face of such a number and quality of the military array, the emperor country was quickly blocked, but it can still support.

Fortunately, these are not unexpected things. It is obviously impossible for the academic school to make the emperor country grow bigger again. It is even possible to upgrade the emperor country to the main battlefield!

At that time, the pressure on the emperor's kingdom will be even greater.

In the end, it is not easy for a country to fight against the last faction.

But just wait for a big deal.

At that time, everything will change.

Sure enough, after ten days, Dajie came, but it was not the emperor's kingdom, but the black palace.

The territory of the Black Royal Palace has been eroded to the extreme. The original kingdom of the vast and infinite kings has become a starry glory. The gap is huge and it is amazing.

However, in such a territory that is only a little larger than the emperor, there has been a terrible war that has been extremely rare since the war.

The Black King Palace, the Jedi counterattack, with almost all the strength, the sword refers to the academic school.

Zhang Wang and Jiang Qingyu jointly shot, Wei can shake the nine 霄, directly penetrated the frontal battlefield of the school, a star glory, but also died under the thunder of Jiang whisper.

A big defeat.

Even if you look forward to crazy shooting, it is not a failure of the academic school. After all, the price that Zhang Wang pays is not small.

But this time, it was really defeated. The counterattack of the Black Palace was completely unexpected. It was even intended to discard the black kingdom.

burn one's boats!

A battle, earth-shattering.

I have long been accustomed to the decline of the Black King Palace, and the contempt in my heart has been swept away. They finally remembered that this is the foundation left by the generation of the strongest king!

Why go to Xiaoshi?

All the troops facing the Black Palace, no matter which side they came from, began to slowly withdraw. The world has a river whisper, then the black palace, even if it is still a fragrant scent, but wants to swallow it, but also Measure the consequences.

The father died in battle, and the solitary woman took the place to fight, almost letting the outside world lose its voice. All the rising stars, before being listed on the list, seemed to be somewhat eclipsed at the moment.

This is the only daughter of Black King.

Perhaps, it is the queen of the future!

In this battle, Jiang Qingyu ranked first in the list of individual powerhouses, and has unparalleled persuasion. People of the same generation can only hope to sigh.

However, the world is afraid that there is no second Jiang whisper, after all, this is at the expense of the death of a generation of kings.

The school was frustrated by the main battlefield of the Black King Palace, and it continued to withdraw its strength. However, the Black Palace did not stop and began to regain its homeland.

In the face of two stars, one of them can still use the existence of the will of the king. The pressure of the academic school is huge, and they can only choose to draw their troops to the main battlefield.

After all, the size of God's kingdom is not much different from today's Black Palace, but the number of strong, the elite of the legion can not be the same.

The Black King Palace, but the family giant, is the same level of opponents as the Academy.

In this way, on the battlefield of the emperor's kingdom, how can the academic school resist?

Counterattack begins!

The pattern of the whole world has begun to change. The black palace, which has been showing for a long time, has changed from a knife and a squid to a knife-bearing person. Under the leadership of Jiang Qingyu, the king’s temperament has been regained.

The counterattack of the emperor's kingdom is to make the school worse.

Although the war is still the winner until now, the loss is not too small. The lack of the two great stars makes it difficult to supplement the top-level combat power.

Although the war has accelerated the promotion of the strong, many people are already on the verge of crowning.

But still a sigh of relief.

The strength of the academic school seems to be reversed from this moment.

The school sent a retreat, and the other two sectarian forces also got a little bit up. The North and South sects were not a family, they were even enemies, and they all wanted to annex each other.

In the past, I even relied on the Black King Palace to reconcile.

Now that the Black King Palace has swept away, it has risen strongly, and the situation of the North and South sects is a bit embarrassing. They don't want to help the school.

Watching their dog bite the dog is the best choice.

It is only now that the territory of some black royal palaces has been penetrated. Will the two major sects who have successfully bordered each other maintain such a tacit understanding?

I am afraid that the king of the sword and the king of the sword are themselves, and there is little confidence.

After all, they have been the enemy since the establishment of the sect.

The grudges are almost forever, and they are already ingrained. Whenever there is a chance, they will never be able to hold hands.

Therefore, the taboos of the Black Palace are not as good as the defense of each other.

Taking this opportunity, the Fire Palace is naturally relieved, but inside the court, it is also clouded. Although there is no accurate news, I am afraid that the life of the King of Fire is almost empty.

And if the king of fire dies, then it will be a big change for the pattern of the whole world.

In this way, the war continued, but after the river whispered directly in the middle of the war, the mad battles began to steadily with the continual recovery of the territory.

It seems that it is the same, and the battlefields everywhere are the same. Although the border riots cannot be stopped, the competition for the territory is much less.

Everyone seems to be waiting.

Waiting for a big event like the death of the Black King and the strong rise of the river.

These are all major events that can directly change the pattern of war.

The next big thing seems not far away.

The king of fire is already coming to the end of life.

Although there is no accurate information from Hengsha Tower, there are similar voices in the courts of the great kings.

That is the death of the king of fire.

He seems to have gambled once.

He wants to change his life to the sky, and he will seek a longer life for the years. Unfortunately, time is ruthless, and he has failed, which has accelerated his death. But core secrets have another way of saying it.

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