This time, he is really not prepared to have reservations.

The animal face was fierce and brilliant, and countless electric lights came out, but did not blast to Qin Qi, but covered in Qu Zhongyao.

Immediately, the whole animal face was fierce and even integrated into the body of Qu Zhongyao.

Qu Zhongyao, people enter the shackles, the breath is soaring, and the strength is many times more than!

Soul fusion!

This is the doctrine of the orthodox law, what can be done.

Under the fusion of soul and martial arts, Qu Zhongyao is like a person changing. The **** in his hand seems to feel the change of Qu Zhongyao. Without urging, he also begins to explode.

"This kind of power, you have a counterfeit goods, pick it up!" Qu Zhongyao shouted.

This is his card, and it is also a symbol of the power of the Tao. He does not believe that such a force can not suppress Qin Qi.

He wants to use this orthodox way of the road to let Qin Qi kneel on the ground, and then kill and kill!

"Soul and Wu fusion!" Qin Qi hearted.

Can the law of the Taoist world directly use the soul-wu fusion?

This is indeed awesome.

Qin Qi also came to the outside world. As the strength is not enhanced, through continuous exploration, this has reached the level of ability to carry out the fusion of soul and Wu.

I believe that in the history of the entire Tianyuan world, no one has ever achieved this step in Qin Qi.

Of course, those who have already traveled to the border are excluded.

It can be said that Qin Qi has passed some incomplete laws, and by virtue of his own strength and understanding, he has achieved what the complete law can do.

However, there will still be differences.

Qu Zhongyao’s soul-wu fusion is obviously more perfect than Qin Qi’s, and the increase is even greater.

You must know that the martial arts of Qu Zhongyao is a fierce animal, not a human form. After the fusion of soul and martial arts, the effect that can be achieved should be much worse than the human form.

But now, the increase in Qu Zhongyao's gains clearly exceeds Qin Qi's soul-wu fusion.

It seems that Qin Qi has a long way to go before the excavation of the Wuhun power.

Of course, those are the things of the future. At this moment, Qin Qi will not lose to Qu Zhongyao.

Because his martial arts is more than one.

Moreover, it is possible to simultaneously carry out the soul-wu fusion of the three martial arts!

Even if Qu Zhongyao’s soul-wu fusion is more perfect, Qin Qi’s three enemies are one. Can he still lose to him?

The breath of Qu Zhongyao reached its apex. The thunder and light roared and turned into a giant hammer, but it was like a huge beast, showing a terrible tooth.

This is the strongest blow of Qu Zhongyao.

"Beast!" Qu Zhongyao roared, and the powerful power suddenly poured down.

He is confident that such a force, Qin Qi absolutely has no possibility of resisting.

And Qin Qi, in the face of this blow, three figures appear behind him, that is his martial arts!

"Multiple martial arts!" The old man flashed, and Qin Qi was able to use multiple martial arts, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

However, the multiple martial arts can not be regarded as rare, but they are all humanoid, which is the key to the amazing. Unfortunately, if it is able to carry out the soul-wu fusion, the human form Wuhun is a big bargain.

The old man spit out a breath, he intends to shoot, at least to keep Qin Qi's life and say.

In his view, Qin Qi, who is unable to carry out the fusion of soul and martial arts, is absolutely unable to compete with the current Qu Zhongyao.

Only the next moment, even a strong man like him, could not help but show a horrified expression.

Even the king of the knife, etc., is not the case.

Because only he knows how incredible this is!

The three martial arts behind Qin Qi are the king of the king, the **** of Titan and the dark dragon ride. The three martial arts are added, and the soul and martial arts are merged. The breath of Qin Qi is instantly skyrocketing.

Hand-held Kunlun, a sword sky market!

The powerful and incomparably power rushed into the madness and raged. If the king was not here, the island had already vanished.

The last blow, whether it is Qin Qi or Qu Zhongyao, is extremely powerful and can make the diamonds of Xingsha seriously.

This is already the same as the existence of his series.

Xing Yaozhen is difficult to calm, God did not think that Qin Qi has already reached this step, and began to approach the apex of the star.

The kings did not show much expression, but they were not calm in their hearts.

Qin Qi’s growth is too fast.

In addition, with Qu Zhongyao in front, how can they not find the similarities between the two methods used?

Even the soul and war fusion is the same.

It seems that Tianyuan World seems to have a lot to do with the Tao.

One more thing, the king of the gods swept the world, naturally noticed the change of the look of the messenger of the world. His surprise was obviously beyond the average person.

Obviously, the power that Qin Qi shows, and some deep meanings, are not understood by the kings.

I am afraid I can only know when I enter the world.

The old man is really shocked.

He can be sure that Qin Qi's use is absolutely only a broken way of the Tao. It seems that it is similar to the practice of a group of Terrans received by the Taoist circles in previous years.

Qin Qi, is it from the same world as those people?

No, this is not important for the time being. What is important is that Qin Qi has successfully carried out the soul-wu fusion with this incomplete law!

This is a bit too scary.

How can the old man not know how to do this step, how difficult it is, even in the Taoist world, not many people can do it in the same era.

And these people, as long as they give time, have the possibility to win the respect of heaven.

Even if it is only a certain possibility, it is enough to explain the problem.

Qin Qi is not just that.

He actually carried out the soul-wu fusion of the three martial arts at the same time.

In the Taoist world, let alone the same era, even if you look at the whole history, few people can do this.

Who is this?

I have mastered the power of Kunlun and can do such amazing things.

Even if the old man is strong, he does not dare to ignore it.

He was worried that he was worried about the means by which Qin Qi was left behind. One is not good, and his life is probably to be explained.

The heart is flustered, and the old man still manages what kind of temperament, directly shot, and all the power of chaos is suppressed, revealing Qin Qi and Qu Zhongyao.

Qin Qi stood, holding the sword, Jianfeng arrived at the neck of Qu Zhongyao.

And Qu Zhongyao is kneeling on the ground!

He is self-satisfied and incomparable. It is far from being the outside world. These inferior people can match each other. Even if they want anything, they can get anything. That Bailuo God, he wants, he must get it.

He does not care about the ideas of these inferior people.

But now, I am lying on the ground.

Moreover, I can't stand up, I can only keep squatting.

How humiliating, this makes him crazy.

"How dare you do this, how dare you!" Qu Zhongyao snarled, his face was distorted.

"How, dissatisfied, I am facing you with a sword, then use your cockroach!" Qin Qi's other hand, holding the **** of Qu Zhongyao.

The result of this war was unexpected.

The high is on, the singer's Qu Zhongyao, this guy from the Taoist world who is more noble than anyone, at this moment, actually squatted on the ground.

Although no one has anything to say, it must be admitted that this is really incomparable, sweeping away the haze before. At the same time, many people have also expressed confidence in this trip to the road.

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