God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2103: Go to the border

Everyone knows this, but they have not refused, and they have traveled to Hengsha Tower.

After all, the entire world of the Wang-class Void Treasure Ship is only owned by Hengsha Tower. It is the monopoly building that specializes in the treasure ship business, and there is no such thing as a void ship.

So everyone is happy to accept that no one wants to waste time in the lonely universe.

After all, if you want to reach the Tao, you need to cross the innocent universe, even for the coroner, it is not a very simple matter.

After all, this distance is too far.

If the world pedigree is likened to a mountain, then the road is above the mountain, and the outer world is halfway up the mountain.

The distance between the Tao and the outside world is greater than the distance between the outer world and the bottom world.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

What's important is that if you want to go to the border, there is no gate at all, and everyone must cross the universe.

This has a taste of pilgrimage.

It is a pity that there is some dissatisfaction in the heart, but the road is so powerful, not convinced.

Moreover, this is not dead.

It is not the Tao, but the chaotic collar, that arrives across the endless universe.

It is a chaotic area outside the road, which can be called a moat of a city.

And this chaotic collar will be the first difficulty for the strong.

Chaotic collars are extremely dangerous, but they are also full of opportunities. Some people have been greatly promoted in it. At this point, they have a certain influence.

And some people, if they are too bad luck, will never be able to walk out of chaos, die in it, and have no bones.

Even the strongest king has a precedent for death, so there must be no contempt.

This time, the king-class treasure ship of Hengsha Tower is to transport the coerced strongmen of the outer world to the chaotic collar, and the road after that will be the strong ones to go.

Qin Qi naturally also went to Hengsha Tower.

This is a place of wonderland, where the illusion of cultivation transcends any place in the outer world, and as you look far away, you can see a stone tower standing on a hill.

Looking at the ordinary, but with great dissimilarity, is the core of Hengsha Tower.

This place has never experienced war. Since its establishment, it has never stopped accumulating. It is no wonder that the king of the sand can be born.

As well as the Diamond of the Stars, there is the greatest possibility of adding Wang Hao.

If it is in the past, Qin Qi really wants to think about it, and what kind of relationship it should maintain with Hengsha Tower, whether it should be included in one of the opponents.

But now you don't need to think about it anymore.

The king-class void ship has been waiting at the landing, and several of the strongest kings have already rested in their VIP rooms, preparing for the chaos.

The conditions of the Xingyao are also good. They also have extremely expensive rooms. The cultivation equipment inside is the top of the world. It is also embarrassing.

Since everyone has to leave, Hengsha Tower is also generous once and all facilities are open to everyone.

This has a good effect on adjusting the state of everyone and keeping the breath at the top.

When Qin Qi came, Tang Sinuo was already there. They were gathering in a partial hall inside the treasure ship. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the beautiful scenery of Hengsha Tower.

"You are coming!" Seeing Qin Qi appear, Bailuo God greeted him.

"It should be almost there!" Qin Qi went up.

"Almost all arrived, and will soon start." Tang Sinai smiled.

"Hey, what's the situation, how do you walk to make it look like this, no strength?" Jiang whispered in a suspicious look at Qin Qi, could not help but ask.

With the realm of Qin Qi, it should not be like this.

In the past three days, did the unreasonable sturdy people do what was secretly made, causing Qin Qi to be injured?

But now Qin Qi, there are some opponents in the Xing Yaozhen, only the Diamond of the Stars can fight.

It’s hard to be done, is the king shot out of the air?

Everyone has a flash of thought in their hearts, and the more they think, the more horrible they are.

Qin Qi saw this and quickly cut off their cranky thoughts.

"In this case, how can the sturdy ones be interested in shooting?" Qin Qi shook his head.

"What happened to you?" Jiang whispered.

"Cough, nothing, just did not sleep for a night." Qin Qi coughed twice, some awkward.

"No, I haven't slept in half a year, and I'm not so exaggerated!" Jiang whispered naturally.

However, Zhang Wang and so on, but they heard the meaning of Qin Qi, could not help but laugh and laugh, revealing a look I understand.

Bailuo God also realized this meaning. He couldn’t help but look at Qin Qi. It was really radiant, and the whole banquet hall was lit up.

And Tang Sinuo, in the end is not a girl, and after thinking of something, the cheeks suddenly red, and did not go to see Qin Qi.

As for the white diamond, it is a crazy smile, pointing to Qin Qi to refer to his room.

Only Jiang whispered, did not understand, a strong inquiry.

Qin Qi is helpless, but naturally it is impossible to say it.

When he left, he didn't know when he would see you again. How could Green Luo let him go?

The two had no husband and wife before, but now that they have already smashed the window paper, what is the hustle and bustle of the green radish?

Qin Qizhen did not get out of bed one night and one night.

This led to his vain look.

In fact, Qin Qi does not want to be so temperate.

It’s just that the green singer can help her to cope more quickly. How does Qin Qi refuse?

Moreover, in the process of doing things, the green radish constantly switches back and forth between the normal form and the tree-like form. Two completely different styles are really what Qin Qi can't stop.

How can he hold back the temptation, every time he follows the meaning of the green radish, and then he is constantly reincarnation between the defeat and the gun.

It was a painful and happy day and night.

Jiang Lanyu failed to ask the answer, but he could only give up, and after everyone chatted, he began to get to the point.

Chaos is incomparably dangerous, but it lacks intelligence, so it is best to act together when it is time to make everyone safely enter the realm.

A few people in the field are naturally trustworthy, but if they can, they should pull some allies.

Or, walking with the king is a solution.

Of course, there are risks, so it depends on the situation.

Most of the rest of the courageous people are thinking about this matter. When the strongmen of all the worlds gather in chaos, if they say that they will live in peace, then it is a joke, and must be prepared.

In the process, all the strong people finally arrived.

This king-class vanity ship did not waste a little time, and it immediately started and disappeared in place.

The next moment, it has crossed the extraterrestrial starry sky and truly entered the universe outside the world barrier.

This is the second time Qin Qi has contacted the universe.

Last time, he looked at the middle field and went away in the hands of the emperor.

That destination is the road.

Now, after a few years, he has finally embarked on a journey to the border!

Therefore people.


Are you guys okay. I Qin Qi, come!

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