God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2115: Middle circle

Judging from the performance of Zhou Qing, it is clear that the power of Kunlun is known, and after Qin Qi searches for the soul, he also understands it.

In the realm of the Tao, there is indeed the power of Kunlun, and some people can use it.

Those people were called Kunlun disciples.

"At that time, the reason why the Taoist messenger did not take the shot, but quickly took Qu Qu Yao away, is it because of this?" The mystery of Qin Qi's heart was finally solved.

The road is the world formed after the Kunlun flight, and it seems to be supported by this.

Qin Qi has mastered more intelligence and is of great significance for acting within the chaos.

On the other hand, Bai Luoshen and others have already ended the battle. They have already realized that it is meaningless to continue fighting again.

So, naturally, you don't have to keep your hands and kill them all.

How much is also the material to light the stars, and then small is also meat, Qin Qi naturally will not be polite, personally fill the knife.

However, for the first star that lights up the king's order, it is nowhere in sight.

Qin Qi shook his head and let everyone clean up the spoils. At the same time, he also recovered his injuries and improved his status.

The battle just was not easy, even Bai Luoshen was injured.

But I believe that once again, they will win more beautifully.

In this process, Qin Qi also generally informed everyone about the information, and everyone's face is obviously not good-looking.

If you borrow from Tianquan Star, you need to think about it!

"But no matter what, you must first enter the middle circle of Tianquan Xingfu, and then familiarize yourself with the situation here." Zhao Weidao.

Although there are other passages leading to the Tao in the chaotic collar, those places are too dangerous to travel.

Qin Qi nodded. "I think so too. At least you don't know enough about chaos. If there is an accident, you can't act together. It will be very dangerous."

"First look at the situation, it is not good, but also to prepare for other roads." Bailuo Shinto.

Although they have time limits, it is better to sharpen their knives than to have a headless brain.

Seeing that everyone has no opinions, Qin Qi did not say anything more. He still has another mind in his heart. He wants to use the power of the Tianquan Stars to enhance the strength of Bailuo.

This is difficult to achieve in a short time in the outer world, but chaos, but there is such an opportunity!

However, Yu Lin and He Xian are fierce beasts, and they do not intend to act together. Qin Qi did not mention it.

When the people recovered almost, Qin Qi only spoke again. "Pity, do you want to change back to the way you used to be, you are like this now, too eye-catching!"

Bai Luoshen heard the words, the invisible micro-drum of the gang was really amazing, but it made Qin Qi even more bitter.

Such a woman, everywhere is a bomb, I am afraid that even when the Tianquan Star Master agreed to go to the Tao, once I saw Bailuo, I am afraid that I will change my mind.

"Okay!" Bailuo nodded and promised to regain the feeling of pity before.

Feeling, the world is instantly dimmed.

"You..." Qin Qi pointed to Tang Sinuo, and then swept away on the bones of the bones, the white diamonds, etc. "You all have to become ugly and save trouble!"

Tang Sinuo naturally did, and the white diamonds smiled, but it was very cooperative, and the bones of the bones, after a cold cry, did not refuse.

However, such camouflage has a limited effect. Once you encounter a real strong person, you can still see it at a glance.

Only Bailuo God can truly become a person, and it is difficult to detect the authenticity.

"I want to say, you have to change quickly, in case there is a female strongman who has seen you!" Jiang whispered and grinned.

Whether it is Zhang Wang or Zhao Wei, they are all handsome and unique, and they may indeed be the object of favor for some female powerhouses.

In this world, the strong is respected, but not only men compete for women, women are strong, and they can compete for men.

"Qin Qi will not be used, anyway, not handsome!" Jiang whispered again.

Qin Qi rolled his eyes and only wanted to take the goods out.

But in any case, after disguise, wearing a cloak, everyone prepared, and then got up and rushed to the middle circle of the Tianquan Star House.

Along the way, I also met some people, among them, who are more powerful than Zhou Qing, but Qin Qi has avoided them one by one, and there is no conflict.

Finally, half a day later, Qin Qi came to the middle circle of Tianquan Xingfu.

When you come here, you can clearly feel that the laws of the world have become rich and stable, and you can already see it as an independent world.

And the middle circle is no longer desolate, even if it is not lively, but it is not enough to see the stars fragments, even a little angry.

Everyone was prepared, the action was very natural, and it didn't look like an outsider, so not many people noticed them.

"This is a small city in the middle of the city, but the sparrow is small and small. Through this, you can almost understand the general situation of the chaos." Qin Qi introduced.

Yucheng is a city that he specially selected. It is not big, and it is said that the city owner was killed recently. There is no Huangjing master sitting in the town, which is relatively safe.

Everyone looked around for a week and had to say that such a city is really a bit strange.

The building should be incomparably luxurious, and the high-rise buildings are full of streets.

But the styles are different, and outside the luxury, the overall environment is still biased towards the desolate, the two pictures blend together, there is a sense of incompatibility.

In addition, among the cities, there are not only human races, but also strong people of all races, and even many of them. Qin Qilian’s name cannot be called, nor does it know which world he comes from.

After Qin Qi and others walked around the street, they were familiar with the state of chaos, and then they sat down in a restaurant.

No matter which world, where you drink, you can always find the most news!

The luxury of the restaurant and the messy environment give the experience a terrible word, but the chaotic leader is happy.

In the restaurant, the voices are full of people, and there are shouts everywhere. Even some people are directly beaten by others because of their voices.

And around, no one dissuaded, they are all squatting.

However, it is also seen from the side that the building is so extraordinary that it can withstand such fierce battles. It seems that it is not all superficial.

And the winner, haha ​​laughed, did not hide the winner's posture, and then simply pulled a woman around, and staged the live spring palace on the spot to celebrate the victory.

In this regard, everyone is not strange, and the emulation is even more.

"It's really confusing." Tang Sinuo's face was not good-looking, and he reached out and grabbed Jiang's eyes.

"This kind of irregular place, what happens is not strange." Zhao Wei smiled faintly, but did not care.

Immediately, he pointed to someone else at the table and said: "The content of their conversation seems to be a bit useful."

Qin Qi nodded, can not help but look at Zhao Wei, this person is definitely a material that can be made, whether it is potential or heart, is good.

If you are rude, if Jiang Genyu and Tang Sinuo do not get the will of the king, Zhao Wei may not fall behind them.

I believe that as long as this person does not die, the development in the future will never be bad.

“Jincheng City is seriously ill?” Bailuo faintly heard several key words.

"Well, it is said that suddenly the condition is aggravated, it is estimated that it is almost impossible, otherwise it will not temporarily release a reward, seeking medical treatment in the whole chaos!" Qin Qidao.

He noticed those people before Zhao Wei reminded him, and he felt stronger, and he had already heard it.

Jincheng is the big city in the middle circle of Tianquan Xingfu. The scale is not comparable to this city.

The information of the seriously ill of Jincheng City is also present in Zhou Qing’s memory, which can be compared.

"But this thing is not good for us to use it?" The white diamond played with the wine glass in his hand.

From the point of view of the reward, if it is possible to save the Jincheng city owner, then the Jincheng city owner guarantees that they will not enter the border.

The master of the big city in the middle circle is one of the core powerhouses of the Tianquan Star House. This is still something that can be done.

But that must also be able to cure the Jincheng City Lord.

If you can't do it...

Listening to those people who said that there are already outsiders who want to seize the opportunity to try and try to get into the realm of the front line. The result is not successful.

The result is that the blood sacrifice is smashed. Qin Qi was knocking on the table, and the light shone. He whispered: "I don't know how many diseases are in the end. Is it really dead?"

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