God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2120: 鸠占鹊巢

And until the return of consciousness, the Jincheng city owner may not be spared, but it is absolutely certain that Qin Qi will kill!

"It's really a little bit of a meaning, fortunately, there is a sword!" Qin Qi's figure suddenly shattered, and then another figure appeared, Jianguang, has already kneel down.

Seventy-two roads?

The main character of Jincheng City has widened his eyes. The sword of Qin Qi is the last sword of his triumphant exercises, but even stronger than his!

This is, the complete sword can only explode power, so complete, so powerful!

But how is it possible!

Jincheng City Lord can not accept, but this sword, he does not accept and accept.

The dream is completely broken.

Qin Qi violently coughed up a blood, his body suddenly weakened, could not help but back out.

Jincheng City Lord, the breath has stabilized, and it seems that it has begun to improve.

"With exhaustion, I successfully suppressed the poison in the main body of the city!" Ji Tan stunned and couldn't help but nod.

It seems that this woman really wants to use the city owner to enter the realm. Otherwise, it will not be done to this extent.

However, it still cannot be cured.

Perhaps, really should consider taking poison to attack?

"Ji Tan!" Jincheng City, the main opening, the voice is hoarse.

But being able to speak is already a good start, and Ji Tan is overjoyed.

"The city owner, you finally woke up!" Ji Tan quickly squatted in front of the jade couch, cried in surprise.

Jincheng City Master looked at Ji Tan and nodded slightly. Then he looked at Qin Qi, who fell to the ground. He said: "Schedule the girl to rest, remember, take good care of the students, there must be no mistakes!"

"Old slaves understand!" Ji Tan sang.

"Okay, let's go back," Jincheng City owner waved.

Ji Tan got up and respectfully retired and took Qin Qi together.

The main illness of Jincheng City has slowed down, and the mind has also recovered from the Qingming. After that, it needs to be rehabilitated and rely on its own strength to suppress the toxins again before they can proceed to the next step.

After Ji Tan left, the Jincheng City owner sat on the jade couch, and his body circulated and was adjusting.

Only who knows, at this moment, he is nothing but an empty shell.

It was a false soul built by the Dark Wizard and the Different Kunlun after Qin Qi killed the soul.

The soul coat of the Lord of Jincheng is draped, but the essence is already a pile of data input by different Kunlun.

As for Qin Qi, nature is innocent, just do it.

After all, Qin Qi succeeded in killing the city of Jincheng. His realm has already reached the level of the strongest king, that is, Huang Jingchu.

On behalf of the imprint of the yellow environment, a star has been completely lit up.

Just different from the past, this star is smaller than the previous one, and it is in the middle position above the imprint, not the left side.

Only one star?

When Qin Qi moved on the line, he saw a faintly visible outline, which was slightly lit up, but it was actually invisible.

This is a bigger star.

Ten times bigger than the previous star!

Qin Qi's eyes couldn't help but shake a few times.

Well, it seems that it is very difficult to light up the next star, and it will not kill the yellow environment. Can it be completely lit?

Don't want this.

After all, no matter what, Qin Qi has come to the level of the strongest king, then his strength has been substantially increased in essence.

Finally, I don't have to continue to hold my hands.

Entering this realm, Qin Qi finally has the capital to compete with the stars.

After all, this realm seems to be only one step away from the star, but the gap is much larger than imagined.

This time, if it wasn't for Jincheng City, he was seriously ill, and it was already the end of the strong, Qin Qi did not have any chance to defeat him.

Moreover, it relied on dreams and more violent toxins to drag Jincheng City Lord into the worst situation.

Otherwise, Qin Qi finally put the Ghost Valley Plate, the Kaleidoscope, the Luoshen Fu and the Night Shadow at the same time, fearing that they would also lie to the Jincheng City Lord.

Fortunately, everything went well, Qin Qi used all means, and finally got the head of this bloody.

As Ji Tan walked into an elegant courtyard, Qin Qi meditated silently, but in consciousness, he began to communicate with the different Kunlun.

At the moment of killing the city of Jincheng, the Dark Wizard completed the search for his memory, and the different Kunlun used the horror power to take over the Jincheng city owner without revealing any flaws.

Even Ji Tan, did not realize that Jincheng City Lord has actually changed a person.

Then, the next step is to continue the Qin Qi plan.

With this trick, entering the Tao is naturally the first, but before that, it is necessary to seek more benefits for their own people.

When I searched Zhou Qing's memory before, Qin Qi learned about the many different things in this chaotic collar, and one of them is the Star Pool!

This is the unique pool of chaos, and nowhere else in the universe can be found.

And the effect is even more amazing.

The most remarkable thing is to help people improve their realm and consolidate their cultivation!

The star pool can gather the star power scattered in the chaotic collar. The star power, the source is the big star that has been broken and broken. It is a must.

Soak it, not to enter the yellow environment, but definitely close!

Therefore, the Star Pool is also one of the reasons for attracting people from all over the world.

However, the construction of the Star Pool is extremely difficult. Except for the Seven Stars, there are not many, and even within the Star House, it is not everywhere.

There are only three in the middle circle of the Tianquan Star House, and Jincheng has one of them.

One of the purposes of Qin Qi’s trip is this star pool.

He wants to make the power of this star pool help the Bailuo God to become stronger!

This matter will soon be able to be arranged, and everything can be done by different Kunlun. Qin Qi does not have to worry about it.

Of course, he can't be idle.

In the memory of Jincheng City Lord, there are a lot of important information that needs to be mastered, and different Kunlunluns are listed one by one for Qin Qi to read.

In addition, the treasure house in Jincheng, Qin Qi also needs to take care of it, the second star is even more difficult, step by step, there is always a moment of lighting!

"Ayna Nairo?" Qin Qi quickly browsed some important information, and finally, fixed on one of them.

Different Kunlun has been sorted out, and the related content appears, but not much.

"In the north of the Tianquan Star, is there a big star without the Lord?" Qin Qi blinked his eyes, where there was a trace of the so-called "Ayna Nairo".

"This is the power of Buddhism?" Qin Qi frowned.

In fact, regarding this Ayna Nairo, the Jincheng City Master has very little information, and Qin Qi will notice and focus on it, just because it is Buddhism.

Buddhism, and Qin Qi source can be more than a little bit.

However, since entering the outside world, he has never been exposed to Buddhism.

This time, the powerful people of the heavens and the world gathered together, and among the Buddha world, there will be those who come.

Even inside the Taoist world, there is a Buddhist temple.

It’s just that there is nothing.

Only when I saw Buddhism, a shadow that flashed through my heart was the indelible mark of Qin Qi’s heart.

Thinking of her, I couldn’t help but feel a little heartache.

Qin Qi sighed. This time, will she see her? Qin Qi shook his head. Now, he has no time to manage what Ayna Nathura, just the Buddha who appeared, but not enough to let him give up the things at hand.

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