God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2128: Going to the Capricorn

Jiang Hua’s heart flashed a thought, and he understood that the “bomb” that Qin Qi directly exploded before was not only a bomb, but also contained coordinates for transmission.

At the moment, Qin Qi has already transmitted the past.

Such a means is extraordinary. However, the door leading to the Tao has been closed by Jianghua. How can it be returned?

Jiang Hua is cold and cold. He is the person who guards the Taoist Temple. He has some connection with the Taoist Temple and can return instantly and forcibly descend inside the palace.

Qin Qi, just looking for a dead end.

At most, it is to delay the death.

But in the next moment, Jiang Hua’s heart flashed another thought, and his face suddenly changed.

Qin Qi can send back to the Star Palace.

So, can it be transferred outside the inner circle?


Qin Qi fled to the side at the beginning, just to tilt the defensive center of the inner circle to this side, and by the way attracted the stars who guarded Xiongguan.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua's face is already gloomy enough to drip out water.

And when he returned to the Star Palace, Qin Qi really disappeared.

"Ah!" Jianghua's face was distorted and madly picked up.

And all of you will react, and when you forcibly descend on the Xiongguan, you will not be able to stop Qin Qi. There is still room for fluctuations in the void. That is the direction in which Qin Qi left.

"Catch, turn over the entire chaotic collar, but also to find her to the seat!" Jiang Hua roared wildly.

He rushed directly into the nearest transmission array and went to Jincheng.

He knows that Qin Qi has fled to Jincheng.

Jianghua rushed to kill, and the rest of the stars, the heart is also angered.

However, they did not follow the chase in the first place, but looked at the Taoist Temple, and there was a worry in their eyes.

The toxins that have been further spread by Jianghua have been thoroughly diffused. It can be seen that where the poisonous mist passes, the flowers and trees are all withered, that is, the mud and stones, even the air, are beginning to show signs of poisoning.

Very poisonous!

This is a terrible poison.

"The thief has been locked, can't escape, you follow Jianghua to kill, be sure to take it back, even if you can't, you must see her body!" The star that is all hidden under the starlight will open The voice, like a knife and axe, squats in the heart of the person.

The rest of the stars will leave, and the remaining star guards will be with the big star, releasing countless stars and wrapping the poisonous fog.

Never let such terrible toxins spread out.

Otherwise, under the yellow environment, I am afraid that no one can stay alive.

"Adult, do you want to ask the star master?" A star will be screaming, watching the raging mist of poison, can not help but worry.

Although they temporarily contained the spread of toxins, they really knew that the poison was so powerful when they were in contact with the toxin.

This toxin is actually absorbing their star spirit!

In other words, this poison has the ability to improve independently.

This is a bit amazing. If you continue, even if they are, they will not be able to suppress this poison.

"The star master is retreating and practicing, this small matter, why bother to disturb his old man, let the mage come over, to suppose the battle of the light, temporarily suppress it!" The big star will drink low.

At the moment, someone has taken the lead.

Of course, even then, the big star will be inevitably worried, he does not know whether this poison can be resolved.

And if not, as time goes by, this poison may become a "bomb" that will explode at any time!

As for Qin Qi, he is not too concerned.

In such a dereliction of duty, Jianghua bears the brunt of it, and the punishment should be directed at him. Daxing will not be responsible for this.

And he also believes that Qin Qi can't escape.

Not to mention Jiang Hua, among the few stars who have caught up, there is a high-margin existence, second only to him, it is impossible to stop Qin Qi.

In particular, within the scope of the Tianquan Star House.

Qin Qi did not know that the poison left by him even made the big star difficult. After all, he did not know much about the toxins in the main body of Jincheng City.

Just eager to throw it out, as a means of life.

And if he knew that the toxin was so terrible, and even had the possibility of growing up, perhaps it would be a little bit of a use.

But now obviously there is no need to consider this.

After he sent it back to Jincheng, he once again transmitted it and went directly to the outer circle of Tianquanxing.

Farther away, Qin Qike did not have a shadow sword, and he could only leave quickly.

But even if she escaped so far at such a fast speed, Qin Qi still haunted the dangerous feeling.

I am afraid that the pursuit is still going on. He has not got rid of those people.

"You can only escape to the danger zone, otherwise you will be terrible." Qin Qi whispered in his heart, quickly moving away from the Tianquan Star and flew to the desolate area.

Qin Qi has never seen the Tianquan Star House, and knows that once hostile, it is impossible to easily get rid of the other side's pursuit.

I am afraid that he is now locked.

For the present, it is to enter the danger zone and let them give up their own pursuit. Otherwise, with the power of Tianquan Xingfu, Qin Qi has no possibility of victory.

Not to mention that there is another sword hanging on top of Qin Qi, that is the time limit set by Tianzun!

"Come on, just go to the Capricorn, and you can also see, the situation of Ayna Nahlu!" Qin Qi's figure, constantly flashing in the void, at a certain moment, suddenly changed direction.

He flew to the depths of the chaos, a real desolate area, and there were not many people in the area, but the scope of the stars.

Capricorn, like the Big Dipper, is a complete star.

And the power of a big star, look at the power of the major stars, you can see one or two, absolutely unbeatable.

Anyone who wants to make a difference in chaos and master a big star can be said to be the basis of everything.

Although there are more than seven stars in chaos, the rest of the stars are not as peaceful as the Big Dipper. They can be used relatively easily, and even the rules of the world.

Since this endless years, after the Big Dipper, only two or three big stars have been occupied, and the degree of prosperity has not caught up with the Big Dipper.

However, there are also odd numbers.

Among the chaos, the most terrible and dangerous is the North Star, and it is also the biggest star of chaos. In the past years, no one ever thought about getting there.

Because it can't be done at all.

Even if you are a star owner, it is difficult to set foot on the inner circle of the Polaris.

But now, the North Star has the Lord. It is said that 100,000 years ago, someone came to the chaotic collar and walked into the Polaris.

Since then, Polaris has had its owner.

Unfortunately, there are few more information on the outside world, and it is impossible to confirm that this is true!

Aside from this, if there are still big stars still not occupied today, there is only one reason, it is too dangerous.

The Capricorn is one of them.

Although the Capricorn is not as many as the North Star, but within its scope, even the outer ring, there is a very violent magnetic storm, the deeper, the more terrible this storm.

Especially in the inner ring, the magnetic storm is turned into a meta-magnetic capricorn, which is even more terrifying.

So far, only the strongest players in the Huangjing are able to set foot on the inner circle of the Capricorn, while other strong ones may not be able to stand the terrible magnetic storm in the middle circle.

"Want to go to the Capricorn, so as to retreat from this seat? Hey, delusion!" Jiang Hua noticed the direction of Qin Qi's escape, and suddenly snorted.

When Qin Qi was in the inner circle of the Tianquan Star, he was already marked with a starlight mark, and he could not hide his whereabouts. Therefore, Jianghua could pursue Qin Qi.

He will not let Qin Qi enter the Capricorn.

Even if Qin Qi escaped into the Capricorn, it would only accelerate the death of Qin Qi. Within the magnetic storm, Qin Qi’s advantage will only be smaller!

However, Jianghua did not notice that the breath of his body was gradually attenuating.

Like the old Jincheng city owner, the speed of weakening is faster, but hard to detect. Toxins, paralyzed his nerves.

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