God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 4055: Waste utilization

Not added?

The opening is the undead palace of the five treasures of heaven and earth, so I gave up like this?

No one thought of it.

Even if everyone knows, Jin Qinsheng is not worth the price, but I don’t think that the undead temple will give up. After all, this is not just for Jin Qinsheng.

The expression of Jin Qinsheng instantly solidified, and the pride that had just risen was instantly broken up.

Zongmen, even so he gave up?

He is Jin Qinsheng, one of the strongest representatives of the younger generation of the undead Tiangong. He is the future of Zongmen.

How can Zongmen be able, how can he give up?

"Stone elder, what are you doing, why not increase the price, is it that I Jin Qinsheng, is not worth more investment in the Zongmen!" Jin Qinsheng face ugly, shouted loudly.

Shi Bingmu's look is indifferent. He wants to answer. If it is only Jin Qinsheng's own words, it is indeed not worth more investment from Zongmen.

However, these are not important. Since Scorpio made a decision, he did it, and there is no need to continue to entangle in this matter.

"Jin Qinsheng, you should not fail", Shi Bingmu's answer is simple but also ruthless.

Jin Qinsheng heard the words, and his body trembled. The pupils contracted a few times. Immediately, he looked at Shi Bingmu and looked at the people around him. "I know, Scorpio, you must be right!"

"It must be you, except for you, Zongmen cannot give me up!"

"Are you afraid? I am afraid that I will replace your position!" Jin Qinsheng screamed, and he knew that it must have come.

Those who are not dead in the Heavenly Palace, in the eyes of others, are exactly the same, but they use the secret technique of the undead palace and are unwilling to reveal their identity.

I just didn't expect that Jin Qinsheng himself would smash one of his mouths.

It was said that the people present were all shocked. I didn’t expect Tianzhu to come over.

This woman, although young, is already known as the world of shocks, but the youngest generation of the undead heavenly palace is the strongest.

Moreover, the status is extremely high.

Generally speaking, for the younger generation, the Zongmen will give great resources, but they will not give corresponding powers, but the Scorpio is different.

She may be the entire Taoist, the most powerful young man, and thus it is obvious that the Undead Heaven Palace attaches importance to it.

It may be second only to the one who is still covered by snow.

However, Scorpio personally arrived here, isn't it worried about accidents? Jin Qinsheng gave up this kind of giving up, but it is impossible to give up the Scorpio.

If you don't die, you will soon be dead, and you will be able to take up the undead palace. Only God.

Jin Qinsheng yelled and could not admit that he would be abandoned by Zongmen.

However, no one responded to him.

On the other hand, the representative of Shenfeng Temple was annoyed. I really wanted to slap my own thoughts. How did he directly add three treasures of heaven and earth?

It’s still too young, and the quote from the beginning of the undead temple was shocked, thinking that there will be a dead future.

As a result, he is wishful thinking.

Eight treasures of heaven and earth, I was bleeding in my heart. If I didn’t really have a face, I would regret it. I really don’t want to give money.

"The people who are not dead in the palace, you really don't understand, this is Tianjin Qinsheng, it is your future pillar, and it is very likely to hold up the entire undead palace in the future!"

"So such a peerless genius, destined to achieve the heavenly people, do you have the heart to give up?" Qin Qi shouted, for Jin Qinsheng uneven.

Jin Qinsheng’s expression was very hesitant. He didn’t know what kind of look would be better. How could he think of it, and finally, Qin Qi was helping him to speak?

If you don’t know that Qin Qi is just to get more, he is afraid to be moved to cry now.

"What's more, the Temple of the Gods does not give face, so that the people who want you to die in the Heavenly Palace, you really let it go, and you will not die in the palace, what more face can you say?"

"Don't you really be afraid of the Temple of the Gods?" Qin Qi continued to scream, it can be said that it was exhausted.

The people who died in the Temple of Heaven heard the words, but their faces were not good-looking, but the Scorpio was still expressionless, as if they had never heard of it.

Obviously, no matter what Qin Qi said, she will not increase the price.

Qin Qi was finally helpless, but the eight treasures of heaven and earth are almost the same. Since the radicals will not die, they can only give up.

"Tian Qinsheng, you said that you are so bad, how to abandon it, you will be abandoned, and you can have a long snack!" Qin Qi took a shot of Jin Qinsheng's shoulder and sighed.

Jin Qinsheng resisted anger, all this is not caused by Qin Qi?

After accepting the things of Shenfeng Temple, Qin Qi also gave Jin Qinsheng very simply to them, but the people of Shenfeng did not leave, obviously interested in the next auction.

This is the mid-range imperial city, and the battle with Solomon!

Mo Yi is stronger than Jin Qin, and it is unlikely that he will give up the imperial city just like the undead temple.

This must be a battle!

"Everyone wants to know, the finale is about to be staged, but since it is the last carnival, the rules are going to change." Qin Qi stood on the stage, and laughed.

“The list listed before, each material has a quantity after it, and if the quantity is enough, even the materials in the list cannot be used to participate in the auction”, Qin Qidao.

"Greed!" Lin Ying bite his teeth.

However, Qin Qi can understand this, even if it is a treasure of heaven and earth, if it is not used, it does not make sense.

Is it just that Qin Qi is so confident that he can forge a one-time forging success? ,

Of course, these are all off topic, and the royal king of the Imperial City and the king of Solomon did not raise any objections, then there is no problem.

The motorcycle was directly lost.

This treatment is completely different from the previous ones.

For Zhang Junlin, Qin Qi also had the heart to let Lin Ying put them on women's clothing, and Jin Qinsheng, let him walk out.

But the difference between the two is directly lost by Qin Qi on the ground, it is like a piece of garbage.

The Imperial City, which forced Zhongzhou into the exile, is a **** enemy. How could Qin Qi be polite with them?

Mo Yi fell to the ground and looked very miserable. When he saw such a motorcycle, everyone would understand that Qin Qi did not cure the motorcycle and did not let him recover.

This is what it was like in the hands of Qin Qi before, but it is pale!

"This is a motorcycle, everyone is familiar with the waste in the waste, I don't understand, how is Solomon willing to pay for this waste?" "It's me, it's a waste of a stone." However, due to the environmental protection spirit of waste utilization, I decided to auction him and let him play the final light and heat. Qin Qi said lightly.

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