God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2269: Ordinary woman

This is a very ordinary woman, but the state is very bad, the front chest is almost blasted, you can see the broken bone inside.

Such an injury is not too heavy, and the feeling of giving people may fall down at any time, and it is difficult to stand up.

However, she actually sealed the Scorpio.

Qin Qi stood still and took a deep breath.

This woman he knows.

It was the woman that Mu Zhou brought over at the time, which should come from the group.

She was so hurt.

That Mu Zhou, is there anything wrong?

When Qin Qi stepped forward, he did not hide himself. For the group of Mu Zhou, Qin Qi still intended to give trust.

However, Mu Zhou feels very good, it is worth paying, and the friendship between Ye Shenyu and Qi Qi can also make Qin Qi impossible to turn a blind eye. If it can, of course, it is necessary to help.

Moreover, Tianzhu is still in the hands of the other party. Qin Qi will not let Tianzhu escape, and must be in the palm of his hand.

"Oh, you are coming, look at this girl's look, have you been caught?" The ordinary woman saw Qin Qi, hehe smiled.

She obviously felt the breath of Qin Qi in the scorpio.

And Tianzhu saw Qin Qi, a few sighs from the bottom of his eyes, so it seems that this escape ended in failure.

It’s just the woman in front of me. This kind of injury seems even heavier than her, but she still easily suppresses her.

Moreover, the preferences are too elusive.

Qin Qi did not deny, but asked: "Predecessors, are you okay?"

Ordinary women heard the words, without words: "I look like this, is it like nothing?"


See Qin Qi, the ordinary woman is hand-picked through the sky, and the other hand is very skilled to reach into the collar of the Scorpio.

Or mention a "feel good".

Qin Qi's eyes are shaking, this woman, special preference.

Scorpio is a bite, but it is not too excited. After all, this thing will not let her fall.

"This chick is developing well. Do you want to try it?" The ordinary woman looked at Qin Qi and smiled.

This kind of injury, and so leisurely, but also laughed, Qin Qi is also admire.

"I will forget it, the seniors enjoy themselves." Qin Qidao.

"You are a man like this. It's really boring. If you change it for me, don't put this chick on the bed and madly output it. Otherwise, isn't it a white-haired girl?" The ordinary woman shook her head and said something. It is to let Qin Qi feel dizzy.

This one is a bit overdone.

Qin Qi’s mouth twitched a bit. Instead of asking for it, he asked: “Predecessors, you have this problem with no problem, let me help you.”

The ordinary woman looks calm and said: "There is of course a problem with this injury. Haven't you found out that the horror of this injury?"

Wen Yan, Qin Qi Emei, the perception is more detailed, the pupil is slightly contracted.

The injury is heavy, and there is still a horrible breath on the wound. It feels similar to that of Scorpio, but it is more pronounced than Scorpio.

Then, the injury left by the dark chain!

The woman in front of me is a heavenly environment?

Was attacked by the black chain autonomously?

But the power of the chain, Qin Qi sees it with his own eyes, even if it comes from Shi Bingmu, the undead palace, with strong inheritance and undead body, it is still an instant death.

Together with the Scorpio, it has been affected, and it is hard to save lives.

It’s really surprising that this ordinary woman looks like she has survived.

If this woman is really a natural world, then it can only be a strong natural environment, and it is impossible to kill her easily by the dark chain.

Absolutely in the sky.

No, at least it is a heavenly scene!

"This power comes from the dark chain, it is indeed horrible, the subsequent images are difficult to eliminate, and will remain in the flesh and blood." Qin Qi frowned, this is really difficult.

His ability does not necessarily help the other party.

However, the ordinary woman turned her eyes and said nothing: "What intelligence is you, the most terrifying is obviously not this."

Qin Qi heard the words, the heart is a glimpse, is there a worse situation, he has not yet discovered?

And if so, then the strength of this woman in front of her is not even more difficult to imagine!

"There are still some problems, the seniors can tell me, I will do everything I can to help you," Qin Qi solemnly said.

"My chest is gone", the ordinary woman sighs in the sky.

Scorpio followed with a sigh of relief, apparently the strength of the woman’s hand suddenly aggravated, making her somewhat uncomfortable.

Qin Qi, the corner of his mouth is constantly pulling, almost thinking that he has got it wrong.

"I am the baby, it is the best in the world!"

"There is no such thing as a pair, you said how can I bear it?" The ordinary woman said that hate, the unfortunate nature is natural, can not help but sigh a few times.

Qin Qi, already stunned, is a fool.

What special thing is this.

I am sick!

Besides, even if the mentality of the disease is normal, when you are in trouble, you will drag your chin. One of the four beautiful people in the world, Shen Weihua, said that Qin Qi can believe that you grow up like this, and that you are so embarrassed to say such a large string. Adjectives come?

"What do you mean by this look?" The ordinary woman raised her eyebrows and had a dangerous taste.

"Cough, this, okay, it is not a big deal," Qin Qi said.

"Kid, you are still too young, the old lady's face can be destroyed, the chest can not be paralyzed, this spirit, you can understand?" Ordinary woman shouted.

Qin Qi heart in the belly, your face, ruined that it is characteristic, naturally no big deal.

"Predecessors, I don't want you to say, I heard people say a word, why the chest is not flat to the world, the seniors can learn from it." Qin Qidao, moved the theory of green radish.

Ordinary women heard the words, but they sneered at them and smiled: "The person who said this, is it flat?"


"Returning 10,000 steps, is this aging mother, is it that his mother's recess is gone, isn't the bone inside the broken meat seen?" the ordinary woman called.


Qin Qi did not speak, and if he continued, the ghost knew what topic he would talk about.

Although watching the face of the sky is gradually reddening, it is not bad to breathe from time to time, but it is not a problem to consume.

This ordinary woman looks good, but the injury is absolutely heavy and must be healed.

"Forget it, don't say it, this chick is still for you, hurry to the old lady, don't be cheaper at the time." The ordinary woman seems to be interested in talking about it. After all, Qin Qi can't understand her pain.

At the moment, she threw the Scorpio to Qin Qi, which is worthy of the series of adjectives. Qin Qi can not help but look a little more.

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