God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2275: Prince of the Mona

"Go, look at the past", Xiaohua Shen channel, and Qin Qi went to the blood scabbard.

The blocks along the way are all unchanging blood pools, and the ground is dotted with numerous lines, connecting all the blood pools with the blood scabbard.

Qin Qi is close, the more shocked, the scabbard is not known, once the blade appears, what a terrible power to die.

"Someone!" At a certain moment, Qin Qi gave a low voice and felt the existence of other people.

The look of the little flower has not changed, she has long been aware of it, but for her, those are just bugs, and they don’t care.

It can be said that under the circumstances, in addition to Kai Qin Qi so that she is actively interested, the other are objects that do not need to care.

Even the beginning of the heavens and the like can be completely ignored.

Of course, the current florets injury has not healed, but it cannot be as it used to be. However, whoever makes this cage has no other natural world?

Xiaohua continued to move forward, Qin Qi was narrowing his eyes and was already in a state of war.

Xiaohua doesn't care, Qin Qi can't, after all, the strength of the other side, I am afraid it is the land!

Qin Qi has not officially handed over to the local strong, and must be cautious.

"Qin Qi, you are here!" The other side also noticed Qin Qi.

When I was cold, I looked at Qin Qi with a bad look.

Qin Qi is a toon.

Moreover, most of the masters present at the scene are coming to redeem their own children. Of course, there is no good feeling for Qin Qi. If they encounter, they will kill, there is nothing to hesitate.

Not to mention that it will become like this, but also because of Qin Qi, how much loss each family, who is willing to let go of Qin Qi?

"Mr. Mojing, the people of the Imperial City, come just right!" Qin Qi blinked.

This person is a prince of the Imperial City of the Middle Kingdom. The realm of the realm has reached the rank of the land, and the strength is terrible.

At that time, the dark chain appeared, and the old prince of the Imperial City died in a dead end, and they were lucky enough to survive, and they were not dying with serious injuries like the undead palace.

"Small hybrids, you dare to appear here, if not because of you, my imperial city will not lose so much, today, the king will kill you, pay homage to the old king uncle!"

They were also attracted by the change of the city that did not fall, but they did not expect to encounter Qin Qi.

In this cage, almost everyone wants Qin Qi to die, but dare to appear, is to want to seize the city's immortal?

I really don’t know how to live and die.

Thought that you can seek wealth in danger?

Now Mojing let Qin Qi understand that only the death can be found in the danger.

"Haha, Qin Qi, you little hybrid, you thought that you have offended my imperial city, can you still live?" A young man's face twisted and shouted.

His eyes glowed and he was very excited.

Qin Qi finally slammed into his hands. This time, he must have Qin Qisheng not to die, regret not to be the original.

This person is one of the peerless geniuses of the Imperial City.

He was originally photographed by Solomon's strongman, but then there was a big change. Solomon's strongman was strangled on the day. Instead, he was smashed.

After all, he is not important.

The reason why Solomon wanted to photograph him was just to attract more talented masters. As a sacrifice, since the purpose has been reached, then he is useless.

Only Solomon’s strong-minded person knew nothing about the plan. He was the object of being abandoned, eager to escape, but he did not care about the fuss.

Mo Yi sneered again and again, the mountains and rivers turn, this time, Qin Qi to fight with him?

There is no rule in this cage, and the strongest of the heavens has already done its best, and the land is undoubtedly a ceiling-like existence.

Here, no one can compete with the land.

And today's situation, who still cares about the plan of what is not dead, who is still thinking about Kunlun, can not live or not know, first kill Qin Qi and then.

"You are really a big life, but this is also good, let me hand you on the road." Qin Qi is indifferent, what is the slap in the face, for him now, even a fart is not.

"Hurricane, things are still mad now!" Mo Yi 丂 face twisted, shouted: "Tell you, the heavens masters here are all dead, the land is the heaven here!"

"Do you think that you can stand shoulder to shoulder with the land?"

"Still, this ugly thing around you is your helper?"

Such an ordinary woman has never seen it, nor does it know which country place to come to.

After all, there is no such thing in the world. Since this woman is good, it is not a master of heaven.

Nature is not enough.

"I..." Xiaohua’s eyes trembled. This kind of ants, she usually didn’t look at it. Now she dares to say that she is ugly.

Can't bear it.

Not to mention, she has an old grievance with the Imperial City, and which will make him alive at this moment?

"Hey, the predecessors don't want to be impulsive, I will come!" Qin Qi Qin Qi quickly stopped the small flowers.

Although the realm of Mohanyi is of no use to him, the other party is from the Imperial City, the force that forced Zhongzhou into the exile.

Qin Qi, of course, wants to tie them out!

"Oh, it’s really arrogant. I know that you have a **** killer in your hand. It is indeed the top sword spirit, but in your hands, it is simply a shame."

"Or, give her to the king, my imperial city has her own genius!" The Prince of Mojing snorted, no longer nonsense, directly to Qin Qi shot.

The land is respected, this is the strongest force in the realm. The existence of a state of respect, the power is naturally amazing, just the breath of the shock, it makes people heavy.

This is the pressure of the land.

The Prince of Mojing looked indifferent and dealt with Qin Qi. It really didn't need to pay too much attention. Before Qin Qi even showed how outstanding, it was quite equal to the land.

Can you take a hit?

Of course, Prince Mojing thinks that he has already paid attention to Qin Qi. The power of this attack has increased by a few points than he thought.

A blow is enough to make Qin Qi form a god, and the undead body of the half-hanger has no meaning at all.

Qin Qi’s eyes are set off. Of course, he can’t have any slack. The whole body has already been called up at this moment. In the face of the murder of Prince Mojing, he does not need to flash, and directly rushes.

His body, blood and turbulence, turned into an oven, running wildly, and the red body strength, pouring into the legs, followed by the ground is a shock, Qin Qi himself, has been rushed like a shell Go up.

Extreme speed! A punch in front, the prince of Mojing was directly crushed, can not stop Qin Qi even a moment, and in the reaction of the Prince of Mojing, Qin Qi is already in front of him.

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