God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2282: Dark subordination

"Shilin?" Qin Qi nodded and looked at the four wild.

Although the air is thin, there is no obstacle, you can see the far distance, but still can not see what Shilin, only the endless desolate scene.

"The mountain over there is more ups and downs, let's go there first." The little flower pointed at one direction.

This is exactly the heart of Qin Qi.

However, the two did not dare to fly in the sky blatantly, but converge on the air, marching rapidly on the ground, while controlling the power, and did not make any sound.

This has an effect on speed, but it is safer.

In the face of Diablo subordination, even if it is a small flower, it is not willing to relax too much.

All the way to fly, Qin Qi saw a lot of dark subordinate bones, all scattered, but as time went by, what they saw gradually increased.

Even later, Qin Qi was able to see the relatively complete whole section of bone, retaining some of the luster, which should have been left in the last few hundred years.

"It seems that it is into the activity-intensive areas of these guys, be careful." Xiaohua Shen Shen, the color has already appeared a lot of dignified color.

Qin Qi nodded and looked at the surroundings with great care.

Although this area is still desolate, there are some special smells floating in the air. Although it is very light and undetectable, it is still difficult to escape the perception of Qin Qi and Xiaohua.

These odors are gradually becoming rich, perhaps, this is the taste of those dark subordinates.

"This is a complete skeleton!" Qin Qi and Xiaohua quietly turned over a hill and found a pair of cheekbones lying in front, looking very complete.

From this sacrum, we can see the general form of dark subordinates. It is not much different from what Qin Qi saw at the beginning. The exoskeleton of each place is very similar.

However, in terms of size, it is a small circle.

"Don't die for more than ten years," Xiaohuadao, reaching out and gently pressing on the tibia, you can hear the sound of "squeaky".

Until a slight crack appeared, the small flower just closed.

"Amazing defense!" Xiaohua frowned, she just shot, there is no fireworks, but in fact she has used a lot of power.

As far as defense is concerned, this dark subordination has transcended almost all of the land, but it is not the level of the heavenly respect, it should be between the two.

For small flowers, it is still an ant.

But the ghost knows how many such dark subordinates there are in this exile, and there must be a higher existence, which is the little flower that has always been wary.

Qin Qi also kneeled down on the side of the cheekbones, like a small flower, trying to defeat the dark skeleton of the exoskeleton.

The bones I encountered before were too scattered, and it has been a long time. It is difficult to calculate the original defensive power. In front of this, it is not too different from the living dark subordinates. You can understand it first.

Qin Qi puts his hand on the shield-shaped armor on the chest of this dark subordinate. It should be the strongest position of the dark subordinates, and can represent the defense of the dark subordinates to the utmost extent.

"Oh, it's really hard!" Qin Qi looked slightly, and the power in his hands continued to increase.

Then, his body's blood rises and rises, the oven opens, and the red blood is burning like a flame, pushing the force of the flesh.

The Kunlun to the dragon, the dragon road chain squeaking, the physical strength is almost used to the extreme.

But even so, it is still impossible to break the dark vestibular sternum.

The ancestor king, Dante Lord!

The combination of the two martial arts, Qin Qi's physical strength has once again increased, and the dark subordinates of the bones, also began to "squeak" sound.

A very fine crack in the road began to appear slowly.

"It seems that if you encounter these dark genus, you will be very hard," Xiaohua said on the side. In her cognition, these are the dark genus.

In Qin Qi's view, these are only subordinates of the dark genus.

I only hope that there is no darkness in this exile.

Qin Qi and Yi Kunlun discussed for a moment, and said: "According to the defense of this skeleton, all my strengths are open, and I should barely be able to compete."

Xiaohua is a bit of an accident. In her opinion, Qin Qi can't even achieve a counterbalance.

After all, the true darkness is subordinate, not only the defense is amazing, but their power is even more difficult.

"Let's see it again," Qin Qi smiled and then closed the shin.

He has tried to devour this bone, but it has not been successful. He Kunlun said that the system does not have the ability to devour this bone.

This should be related to the fact that dark subordinates do not belong to this world lineage.

However, even if it is impossible to swallow, it is okay for Yi Kunlun to analyze the entire skeleton and to derive the weakness of the dark subordinates.

This is very important for the current Qin Qi.

After all, if you choose to break the defense to defeat the opponent, then Qin Qi's existing strength will be very cramped.

After finishing the sacrum, Qin Qi and Xiaohua continued to move forward, and the landscape in front also showed a big change, and the relatively taller hills came one after another.

Although there is no vegetation on it, it is all rammed earth, but it looks like it has a bit of a nest.

"There are traces of activity", Xiaohuadao.

In this environment, there are traces of activity, which means that in recent days, there have been things here.

After all, in the climate of exile, the general traces can only be kept for a few days.

"Little guys don't worry too much, my sister will help you to fight," Xiaohuahe smiled.

I don't know how she started to call her sister, but Qin Qi didn't care, but looked at the system interface.

Different Kunlun has given the analysis after the deduction.

In the system interface, there are dark subordinate morphological simulations, and even from the shape of the exoskeleton and the degree of wear and tear everywhere, the dark subordinates can attack the possible attack methods.

I have to say that the different Kunlun is still a vast magic, absolutely the existence of a bug level.

"Was the weakness actually in this kind of place?" Qin Qi Emei, according to the deduction of the different Kunlun, the dark subordination does have a weakness, just behind the back shoulder bone.

Here is an energy core of dark subordination, which is the weakness of defense.

However, it is usually covered with layers of thin and thin bones. According to the calculation, these bones should be opened only when the dark subordinates launch some kind of attack.

Speaking a bit like the hard wings on the back of the beetle, it will unfold when flying.

However, the timing should be short-lived. It is not easy to grasp it in actual combat.

"Come on!" Suddenly, Xiaohua snorted and looked very dignified.

She is not afraid of this dark subordination, but she does not allow any care.

"How much?" Qin Qi instantly entered the battle state.

"Good luck, only one, do you want to try?" Xiaohuadao. "For safety reasons, lead to the outside to kill!" Qin Qi Shen channel.

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