God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2284: Killer

The strength of the subordinates of darkness is undoubtedly powerful. Through actual combat, Qin Qi has learned more about the power of dark subordination.

The model built by the different Kunlun Mountains against the dark subordinates has gradually improved.

"Starting to grasp the situation gradually, just looking at it, I really don't know which side is the natural warrior."

She has a certain understanding of the subordinates of darkness, whether it is the body structure or various unique organs such as compound eyes, which are naturally born for fighting, above humans and heterogeneous.

Not only that, the subordinates of the darkness are also keenly scared by the sense of battle, and the fighting instinct is almost enchanting, so even the battle skills that are devastating can not be compared to their natural fighting techniques.

However, Qin Qi is obviously enough to rival the dark subordinates.

Even after getting used to the power of dark subordinates, he began to gradually suppress opponents in combat skills.

But still a little worse.

Xiaohua knows that Qin Qi can follow the dark subordinates, and with the sixth heavy undead body, he can even consume this dark subordination.

But this is not the way.

"It is also blaming the power of these ghosts to escape the rogue, and it is too resistant to our strength." The flower shook his head.

The power of the dark subordinates, the dark particles, is very special, and can suppress almost all the forces of the heavens and the heavens.

Fortunately, Qin Qi has the power of Kunlun, and it seems that it will not be suppressed too much.

However, the dependence of the dark subordinates on all the forces of the heavens and the universe is still very difficult. In addition to the power of Kunlun and the pure physical power, Qin Qi’s ice, fire, etc. based on the spirit is very harmful. Limited.

It is indeed a near-rogue power.

"Why is such a group shrinking in such a place?" Xiaohua looked at the Qin Qi war dark subordinates, while thinking about it.

Such an almost natural enemy-like ethnic group, if it is to invade the heavens and the world, I am afraid that in addition to the open and unconstrained boundaries, there are several mysterious places in the universe that can continue to survive.

In other worlds, it is impossible to stop these dark subordinates.

But now, even in the Taoist world, not many people know the existence of dark subordinates, even if they are many gods, their understanding is limited.

"I want to come now, the formation of the exile land, is not to let these things can not set foot in our world?" Xiaohua thought.

It is not without this possibility, otherwise it will not be able to explain some of the current situation.

However, how the exile land was formed, no one knows, Xiaohua just flashed this idea. After all, this does not help the status quo.

On the contrary, the big man behind him, laying these handwritings, is finally going to deal with these hidden dangers?

Xiaohua thought, suddenly a look, looked at Qin Qi's eyes slightly stunned.

The dark subordinates have not been able to kill Qin Qi. It has finally been somewhat intolerable. Behind it, the layers of bones are open and closed, and it is faintly visible in it, and numerous honeycomb-like holes appear.

These holes began to appear as a red mang, and the inner wall of the cavity began to illuminate in a circle, and in the dark red, it was an extreme darkness, constantly trembled.

It is the core of the subordinates of darkness. It is concentrating on its own power. The power fluctuations are too strong. Even if there is no movement, the surrounding voids are beginning to collapse.

"Good strength!" The floret of the floret wrinkled, and one hand was already on the chest, ready to shoot.

Qin Qi faces the power of dark subordinates, and the perception of energy fluctuations in his body is naturally clear. Knowing the next attack will be terrible.

This compression ratio of power is too amazing. Even if the darkness is subordinate to oneself, it cannot be digested internally. It can only open the bones behind it and release the pressure.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it must first collapse.

"Mom, this ghost thing can use the power beyond its limits, this is too buggy!" Qin Qi bite his teeth, could not help but swear.

This attack, Qin Qi can not pick up, but he does not intend to stop, he wants to see how the dark subordinates can be strong.

Qin Qi's body shape, moving back in an instant, while several streams of light flew into the distance, made a mark.

However, a pressure suddenly approached, almost at the same time Qin Qi retreated, came to him.

So fast!

The speed of the dark subordinates became even faster at this moment. It whispered, the sound waves vibrate in the wild, and the concentration of power in the body finally reached its limit.

Qin Qi fled quickly, frozen for thousands of miles, the whole space was frozen, and the hail of the two halves rose from the darkness and suddenly closed.

Hail funeral!

But in the next moment, the ice flakes flew, the hail blasted directly, and the surrounding ice was also torn apart by a claw.

Numerous snow and ice flutter, dark subordinates like black lightning, once again rushed to Qin Qi.

This time, Qin Qi can see that there is a black black light on his body that continually beats and gathers on the right claw. Finally, it turns into a black ring.

Above the dark ring, one rune flashes, and the darkness of the silk, like an arc, converges toward the center of the ring.

Then, a black light suddenly shot.

Qin Qi’s hole slammed up and the heart almost stopped beating. At this moment, everything around it disappeared, and only the black light came.

The fatal danger instantly enveloped the whole body. Qin Qi's scalp seemed to be blasted. At such a critical moment, the blood flow in the body was more turbulent. The pupils contracted again and again, and the heart's pulsation was turned on again, just like a gong.

Qin Qi was a spirit, and his body suddenly disappeared in the same place. When it reappeared, it has already reached a great distance.

Qin Qi has already arranged the shadow sword, just to guard against this situation.

It’s just that it’s really dangerous. The oppression of the other’s attack is too alarming. If it’s not a critical moment, Qin Qi’s body instinct is boiling, and indeed it’s impossible to avoid it.

Of course, you don't have to worry about dying.

With a small flower guard, there is no risk of death.

But less than a last resort, Qin Qi does not want to shoot a small flower, after all, only by relying on one's own desperate, can become stronger.

Qin Qi teleported out, but did not relax his vigilance, because the danger of lingering in his heart did not disappear.

"I haven't avoided it yet!" Qin Qi's hole shrinks again. Just now that light, even if he moved away, he couldn't avoid it, or he caught up.

Damn, isn't the character of the Hunting King not endless?

Qin Qi had less time to think about it, and he could only teleport again, and it was continuous, and it was teleported in six directions.

However, this piece of void is still collapsed, and it is faintly visible to see the black light flashing, completely keeping up with Qin Qi's footsteps.

Also teleport! Qin Qi flashed a thought in his heart, but his vision suddenly darkened and was covered by a shadow.

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