God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2291: Subsequent impact

On the other hand, the two people from Qin Qi are now thousands of kilometers away.

The former cage was still here, but after contact with the exile land, it began to gradually become desolate, and the aura gradually disappeared.

After all, although the cage is large, it is not the size of the fingernails compared to the unintentional exile.

It is estimated that it will not take long for everything to be assimilated by the exiles and become a desolate place in ruins.

At this moment, there are not many people in the cage, and stay here, there is no hope, so even if the outside is dangerous, you must go out and try to survive.

Of course, some people are waiting here, and I look forward to sending it back again.

It’s a pity that it’s just a luxury.

Inside the cage, the city that is not falling still stands tall, so huge that it seems to be able to separate the heavens and the earth.

The majesty of the past has been completely re-emerged.

At the moment, inside the city that does not fall, countless blood pools are slowly running, compressing power, and do not know when it will end.

However, the changes have emerged. Several of the blood pools have gradually changed in shape. Inside the circular building, honeycombs are formed in a hollow shape. It looks like the core of the dark subordinates!

Double compression!

The blood pool and the dark core, no matter which one, have extremely terrible compression ability, and even the core of the dark subordinates, in terms of structure, I am afraid that it can not be compared with the blood pool.

However, the changes that occur in these pools of blood are not exactly the same as those of the dark core. They are improved, but they are still faintly aware of the existence of some dark particles.

It seems that only dark particles can completely release the compression of this core structure.

In any case, these two different compression methods are combined, and if there is no rejection, it will be extremely terrible.

Now it seems that everything is working properly, but there is not much blood pool transformed, and there are no more than one hundred.

In addition, there is no other change in the city that does not fall. The only difference is that it should be immortal.

It has no real shape, but a symbolic style. At this moment, a new rune appears, entwined with immortal care.

It is still in the process of reintegration, but it has not regained its perfection, but it does not need a primer.

The rest, only the blood pool needs to provide energy continuously.

It seems that only when the immortal protection is completely completed, the blood scabbard will be activated.


Exile outside the land.

During this time, it was not calm.

After Qin Qi was sent away, the whole road was shocked. Countless forces couldn’t help but pay attention and guess what happened.

However, apart from the fact that several giants have mastered some real points, others are generally just random guesses.

However, what happened later made everyone have a lot of eyebrows about the behind-the-scenes of this matter.

After the disappearance of the city without disappearing, a peak of the Shenfeng Temple directly burst and turned into pieces, completely becoming a ruin.

Then, a research institute in Solomon was annihilated overnight, and then the strongman who arrived there saw only a bottomless pit.

These two things, no matter which one, can be called a big deal.

For the Temple of God and Solomon, the loss is absolutely huge.

But somehow, the two giants were silent and silent, and did not react to this incident, let alone revenge.

After all, the people who do these two things have no intention of concealing their identity. It is from the undead palace!

The three giants, such a naked collision, although it seems to be unrelenting Heavenly Palace unilateral, but linked to the disappearance of the previous city, but both sides have shots.

Undead heaven is more like revenge.

In this age of general peace, this kind of thing has not happened for a long time, and I don’t know what it will be like.

But just after everyone waited for the Undead Heaven to have further action, it was again unexpected.

The Undead Palace did not continue to shoot at the Temple of the Gods or Solomon.

Undead Tianzun this time, but it is really offended, although the revenge of the undead Heaven Palace is also awkward, but it is not enough to be offended by Tianzun.

Everyone knows that the undead sacred summons the geniuses of the heavens and the world, but it is of great use, otherwise it is not necessary to lay down this game in person.

It is now disturbed and even exploited, causing changes in the layout beyond control.

This is absolutely unwilling to see for the undead.

And today, the doubts of the people finally have a result.

The Temple of the Gods announced the opening of the peak of the gods, and Solomon said that the castle of Angels will be opened.

These two places are the secrets of the two giants. They are very important and will not be open in the past.

It seems that it should be a compromise to the undead palace.

After all, they don't want to fight with the undead Heavenly Palace, which is not good for anyone.

However, the opening of the two secrets is not just for those who are called. In the realm, all forces can choose to enter the strong under the heavens.

In time, the road is boiling.

These two forbidden places have been circulated for a long time, and there are countless creations in them. Whoever does not want to go in and explore is perhaps a chance to fly.

Open today, no one wants to miss anyone who is qualified.

Sure enough, on the day when the two secrets were open, the strong people from all over the borders constantly poured into the dense land to find their own chances.

There are even people from all over the world who come from other worlds in the universe.

Since more than a year ago, after the undead saga summoned the heavens and geniuses into the realm, the influence of the sects was even greater. Some worlds that did not know the existence of the sects of the world knew that there was such a top in the universe. The martial arts holy place.

And such a world, how can it not attract people, so almost as long as the ability to travel the universe, those who are strong, will come to the road.

Although chaos has learned to brush a large part, there are also many, and successfully set foot on the road.

These people missed the Eight Gods of Undead, but now they have new opportunities to quickly catch up with the opportunity.

The two secrets are constantly attracting people from all over the world, but it is not known how many people will come out in the end.

The two secrets have countless creations, but no one has said that these two places are safe.

On the contrary, it is extremely dangerous!

Undead Heaven Palace, Houshan.

The fog was as usual, rising, but this time, it was the end of the bathing of the female disciples, Yan Yanyan, went down the mountain. In the depths of this building, under the ladder leading to the higher place, in the Tianziyuan, Shengqian is standing in the pool.

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